
Wolf's Storage Box

@bentclaw / bentclaw.tumblr.com

Wolf's Tumblr. All sorts of things here.

been seeing homies get deep into "the terror" and making me want to rewatch SO i spent two hours in the dead of night reading the wiki/the subreddit/other linked articles and like. one of those articles was deadass fucked up

there was a woman who spoke inuktitut who was writing a book containing a lot of inuit oral histories, and in nunavut she was able to hear passed-down recollections of when survivors from the franklin expedition were passing through

and like. i can't imagine being an inuit family/group, knowing that europeans exist but having never seen them, seeing 8-9 shambling, blue-skinned, cold-to-the-touch out-of-their-minds white men come wandering by. they invited the men inside their igloos for warmth, for food, to be hospitable. the men refused to eat, refused to speak, and when trade was offered, clutched their possessions close and refused to entertain the idea of trade. this was, offputting, to say the least. the group set them up in their own igloo, with their own fire, and left three whole seals for them to eat. and then they fled cause what the FUCK get out of there. they came back in a few days to check on the strangers. the three seals were completely untouched, while all of the men had killed and eaten each other

i mean. fuck dude. there are obviously pretty dark angles to view the franklin expedition from– honestly can't think of a good angle, it's pure colonialism and british exceptionalism– but that specific interaction, that inuit group who were living lives as normal until a dozen fucking walking dead showed up and did cannibalism. no wonder that story got passed down, i'd be shitting my pants if i saw that

found the article! the detail i got wrong was that the inuit returned in a few months, not days, to retrieve some belongings left behind when they fled. creepy as fuck check it out


I can never get over how horrifying this must have been.

You're in your home, with your family, on a normal evening. A strange noise sounds from outside, and your grandfather goes outside to investigate.

He finds weak, shambling, sickly-looking men, pale and blistered and peeling from exposure, with bulging eyes and bony faces and strange sharp noses, livid red lips and yellowed teeth.

You've heard of strange-looking pdole who live far away, but you've never seen them yourself. Perhaps these are those people, perhaps they're something else entirely- you have no way of knowing.

They're frightening, but show all the signs of desperation, and so he brings them in, warms them up, offers them food.

They don't speak. They don't eat. They treat you with suspicion and fear. They carry weapons with them that they will not put down.

So, you do what you can. You offer them beds, places to sleep, several weeks worth of food, and clear out, let them recover, take your children somewhere safe.

Then, after some time, you return. Maybe to see if they've improved, with the food and shelter you've given them. Maybe to see if their delirium has worn off, or failing that, restock their supplies and work on guiding them home.

But they don't come out to greet you, when they hear your dogs arrive.

You can see from the yard that the food you provided is exactly where you left it, undisturbed.

You think perhaps they passed away, not long after you left. Maybe even that same night.

But when you enter, you don't find cold human bodies wrapped in icy blankets, curled up like unfortunate, ill-prepared travellers who fell asleep and never woke up. Not even naked figures caught unaware by hallucinations as you knew was possible, for too-cold people in the wild.

You find pieces.


Its fascinating that the way advertizing and apps work right now is simply how computer viruses, adware, spyware, and all manners of malware has ALWAYS worked. Growing up as a teen in the 2000s there used to be a program called Weatherbug that was pretty much considered unthinkable to ever have installed because of the way it knew your location and essentially EVERY adware, spyware, and antivirus software flagged it for removal immediately. It was considered best practice to never install anything. Never install toolbars, mever install anything without consulting a professional or unless you were ad advanced user. I was trained in Comptia A+ for the windows xp era and the best practice as a repair tech was to never allow the customer to install anything themselves if it could be helped.

And now just. Everything does this. Your fucking calculator wants your location data and business ghouls want it to ve illegal to use a simple adblocker because not advertizing to you hurts their feelings.

And now we have generative AI filling the internet witg slop that can have SEO and more ads slapped on top of it? Google is breaking on purpose so you make more searches?

The viruses have won, everything is malware and everything is a scam. To use commercial tech is to be voluntarily mugged


“Post 9/11 country sucks ass!” “Only female country singers are good!” I hope you die. I hope we both die.


my family: but WHY do you want to leave texas?

me internally: because it’s becoming fundamentally more dangerous for lgbt people, especially trans people, and people with uteri. the shit-awful governor that this hell state refuses to remove from office is monstrous to a degree only rivaled by that fucker in florida, and his combination of greed, malice, and incompetence has gotten people killed. while i do not resent those who lack the means to leave and respect those that are still willing to fight for a better future for the state they call home, i fucking hate this place and i DO have the opportunity to move somewhere else, thank god.

me, externally: the weather is nicer in minnesota.


if the idea of 'fat people are hot' makes you so agonizingly uncomfortable that you have to pop up with 'fetishization' or 'glorifying' or 'not everyone--' please consider that your discomfort with my fat body being hot is a You Problem and i am not interested


there’s such an unbelievable multitude of this type of (straight) woman who’s like “when he mentions a ‘she’ 😡🥺👀” “when he calls some girl his ‘friend’ 👀👀🔪” etc and this person is like a different species to me. this person is a space alien. this type of person makes me feel like amy adams in arrival

a man’s female friends are like a car’s warranty. a woman has vouched for this guy’s ability to be normal. you should be kissing her on the mouth for her service

You get it


sound off everyone what’s the worst texture. just in anything. for me it’s ground beef not even a question

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