
All about Tay Swift

@justalltaylorswift / justalltaylorswift.tumblr.com

Mexico bitches. Nerdy Swiftie who loves Videogames, series and Taylor Swift. Curly Hair af.

Men are so fuckin weak dude I swear. Women are out there grindin like nothing’s wrong while bleeding out of their vaginas 7 days a month, cramps so bad we can barely function, pushing a human out of our hoohas, taking pills that fuck with our horomones just so you can hit it raw and you have the damn nerve to judge the size of our hips that have birthed the civilizations of the world like they were made to be admired by you? No. Next time you get flicked in the balls I don’t wanna hear u talk about how it’s so much harder being a man. Damn. Shout out to women. Don’t let men tell you shit.

Anonymous asked:

I've been to mexico and is a really ugly and dirty country, would never spend my money again on visiting such a horrible place.

Oh really? 

Yes our country is so ugly 

Can’t even imagine why would someone wanted to visit

Like we don’t have any interesting things

Or any history… 

Our cities are small and nothing compared to other countries

And nature hated Mexico so we don’t have anything beautiful…

How could someone ever wanted to see the uglies towns ever? 

Our oceans are horrible also you know? 

Horrible sights and places everywhere… 

By all means, don’t come again, ever… 


Never come back.


Dear Eliza fans

After Eliza and Lindsey joking about Eliza kissing girls at WonderCon, I just wanted to ask you all this; please don’t question Eliza or any other actor on their sexual preference or sexual history.

Anonymous asked:

The 1OO took pieces of me. This fandom brought me back to life in 23 days. I may never tell anyone who knows me outside Tumblr that I had a small part to play in this revolution. But my heart will know that we fought, that we fought well. -KM

Anonymous asked:

I just made myself sad. I realized that Clexa never actually hugged. Like they kissed they made love, but they never hugged like not from happiness, not for comfort. Like Lexa looks like amazing hugger and Clarke deserve good embrace.

wanna hear a secret. they totally hugged. you cant convince me they didnt. i can see it all in my head.

like, clarke getting out of bed first. she’s naked still and not bothering to cover herself up because she knows lexa’s staring and she definitely likes that. first she just sits up and stretches and then she starts picking up her clothes that they tossed aside. lexa’s a smiley mess of heart eyes and longing and already missing her. once clarke gets her pants on lexa starts getting up too cause its really happening now, she’s really leaving and lexa’s not just gonna lay in bed all day. she’s gonna get dressed and walk her to the door and maybe go with her to wherever they’ve prepared a horse for her and octavia. so they get dressed, and then they’re standing back where they were when clarke kissed her and clarke does kiss her again; softer this time. its gentle and its a “do it while we still can” kiss and a “i want to say i love you but i cant” kiss. and lexa has every intention of staying by her side until she cant anymore but when she walks her to the door, clarke puts a hand over her chest and says “i should find octavia on my own” and lexa doesnt like it, but she gets it. nobody would understand. if clarke’s people knew about them, they’d judge her just as lexa’s people judge her choices because of her affections for clarke.

so lexa, consistently selfless as she is, just says “go. save your people.” and clarke gives her the Classic Clarke Heart Eyes and says in her soft, reflective ‘dont we deserve better than that’ voice “what if one day we’re on opposite sides of the same war?”

and its occurred to her too, so lexa wraps her in a tight hug. clarke clings to her while lexa buries her head in clarke’s neck. they both savor every second, every feeling, every thought associated with the moment because it could very well be their last. and before lexa pulls back, she says “not us”. and clarke knows what she means. the commander of death and the commander of the 12 clans might be on opposite sides of a war again one day, but clarke and lexa never will be.

like im sorry you cant tell me that DIDNT HAPPEN


being in a public restroom and hearing someone shitting really loud

being in a public restroom

being in a public


people adding things 2 my posts

your posts

ur blog



you thinking that comment was necessary


wen u zoom in


I love this post



It just keeps getting better

overused captions

Tumblr’s new layout


the internet

this is the only long ass post i’m ever going to reblog


shoutout to everyone who doesn’t have any friends. to ppl who don’t have people in their life who make them feel loved and supported, who has no one to remind them that they are cared for, to check up on them, to remind them to take care. shoutout to the people who feel they have ‘friends’ but doesn’t feel connected to them and feels lonely and misunderstood with them. shoutout to ppl who have a romantic partner but doesn’t have any friends. to the people in unhealthy friendships which are proving difficult to get out of. shoutout to the ppl who have online friends but feels that people consider these friendships less worthy. to the people whose parents/carers never seem to understand how they find it difficult to make friends, have friends and maintain friendships. to the people whose mental health/physical health results in friendships seeming almost impossible. to the people who have been damaged by previous friendships and find it difficult to get close to anyone and trust them. to the people who want to have friends but also know it just couldn’t happen at the moment. your worth is not validated by the amount of friends you have. having no friends means u are just as important as someone who has lots. you are not alone in ur situation. u can be ur own best friend. you can be strong just being you. u will not be without friends forever. you are loved.


Calling all Clexa, Eliza Taylor Fans and Alycia Debnam- Carey Fans

Our gorgeous duo has been nominated for The Best Couple On American Tv. They are currently in first place Just to be safe let’s keep on voting. 


Wait there is more. Alycia Debnam Carey has also been nominated for THE MOST GORGEOUS WOMEN. I mean look at her:

So our girl Alycia is in second place right now and I know that if we vote religiously we can get her to first place and be ahead by like ALOT. So here is the link: http://thebestpoll.com/the-most-beautiful-women-in-the-world/


So here are things to keep in mind.

  • You can vote every 24 hours
  • Save the links
  • Set an alarm or a reminder so you remember to vote.
  • Reblog this
  • Like it
  • Post the links on twitter, tumblr, instagram. Just spread the word.
  • Hashtag this anything that relates to these girls.
  • Spread the word.

Let’s do them proud guys

Why stop with zimbio? Spread this y'all ❤

How do people on Tumblr get friends?(๑•̌.•̑๑)ˀ̣ˀ̣
Am I just not Tumblr enough?
I see people on Tumblr having friends and being all cute and I'm here secretly jealous
And I'm like terrified of starting conversations so if you're lonely or something and want friends like moi just message me, unless we're both to shy... Then we have a problem...

WonderCon PSA to fans of The 100

Okay, fam.  This weekend is a big one for us.  The cast (and JRoth) will be at WonderCon.  I have a HUGE favor to ask to those who are going.  

Please, please, please for the love of all that is holy, PLEASE don’t turn this weekend into the Lexa show.  

Alycia is not a part of the panel.  

She isn’t even going to be there.  

Eliza, Bob, Lindsey, Richard, Devon, Chris, Isaiah, and Ian will be though.  Please ask questions about their characters and their storylines.  Please please please.  

Its my understanding that a lot of fans made the FTWD panel at PaleyFest about Alycia and Lexa.  Our fandom, as a whole (not just those who ship/shipped CL), is getting some flack for that and its embarrassing.  

By all means, hash it out with Jason, but don’t just hijack the panel.  I want to actually be able to watch and enjoy the videos of the panel later on and not cringe every 5 seconds and pause to deal with my secondhand embarrassment for others’ behaviors.  

I know I’m not the only one who feels this way.  

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