
We're all going to hell

@malekiht / malekiht.tumblr.com


when youre nonbinary but people dont realize youre nonbinary because you dont appeal to nonbinary standards and appeal to gender binary standards and people assume youre a certain gender and you accept it because you dont want to explain that youre nonbinary.

Toisen korkeakoulututkinnon suorittamisen syy on usein aiemman koulutusalan heikko työllisyystilanne, muistuttaa SYL:n puheenjohtaja Jari Järvenpää.

Tulevaisuuden työurat ovat hajanaisempia kuin aiemmat. Ei voi istua samassa yrityksessä aamunkoitosta iltahämärään, vaan joutuu mukautumaan muuttuvaan työtilanteeseen. Osa nykyisistä työtehtävistä tulee katoamaan ja syntyy uusia tehtäviä, joita ei osata vielä edes kuvitella. Tällainen muutos koulutuksessa ampuu jalkaan tulevaisuuden työvoimaa.


Systeemiä voi kusta vähän nilkkaan käymällä sekä lukion että amiksen, ja sitten korkeakoulun tai yliopiston. Jos kaikki käy erikseen nii siinä saa opintotukia suunnilleen kaheksan tai yheksän vuoden ajan. Lukiostakaan ei muuten kohta enää saa neljännellä vuodella tukia, sekin kannattaa ottaa huomioon kun pääsee yläasteelta


i’m going to be honest, i’m probably not the nicest at times but i never mean to hurt feelings unless provoked and i’m not mean without reason 


The more I learn about Satanism, the less horrendous it seems. Not even kidding.

That’s cause non-theistic Satanism is more about worshipping yourself and sorta treating others how you want to be treated etc

hail satan

satanism is actually really solid like the Fifth Satanic Rule of the Earth says not to make sexual advances unless you are given consent 

satan seems like a pretty nice guy

This week on “I didn’t know I was a Satanist”

Wait till you hear the Nine Satanic Sins

1. Stupidity

2. Pretentiousness

3. Solipsism

4. Self-deceit

5. Herd conformity

6. Lack of perspective

7. Forgetfulness of past orthodoxies

8. Counterproductive pride

9. Lack of aesthetics

That’s right. If you ain’t got no style, you be sinning.

*converts to Satanism*

it mentioned a rule above, but i havent seen the rest of the satanic rules posted here, so…

1: Do not give opinions or advice unless you are asked

2: Do not tell your troubles to others unless you are sure they want to hear them

3: When in another’s home, show them respect or else do not go there

4: If a guest in your home annoys you, treat them cruelly and without mercy

5: Do not make sexual advantages unless you are given the mating signal

6: Do not take which does not belong to you, unless it is a burden to the other person and they cry out to be relieved

7: Acknowledge the power of magic if you have employed it to successfully obtain your desires. If you deny the power of magic after having called upon it with success, you will loose all you have obtained.

8: Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

9: Do not harm young children.

10: Do not kill non-human animals unless you are attacked or for your food.

11: When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask them to stop. If they do not stop, destroy them.

Today in ‘Shit, lets be Satan.’

I’m a catholic christian but this made more sense than some of the stuff in the bible does!

I don’t usually post things like this on my blog but I thought it’d be important for people to know that:

Satanists DO NOT worship Satan. “Satan” is the latin root for “the one whom opposes”. The name was purposlly chosen to piss off Christians. Satanists are opposed to everything religious, which means that they do not believe in God, therefore, they do not believe in Satan either. The misconceptions of Satanism come from the movies where you see people sacrificing goats and all that stuff, but it is not true. I have read the Satanic Bible. I can assure you that they do not believe in anything religious.

Wait till my grandma hears I’m a satanist


cute first date ideas: investigating paranormal cases across the united states and uncovering a major government conspiracy to hide the truth about the existence of extraterrestrials


the signs having a crush

Aries: gets overly bashful when talking to him/her
Taurus: has many dreams of the two of them going out—but never tries to start anything
Gemini: ends up becoming bestfriends with the person
Cancer: very subtle about it and hardly brings it up
Leo: always tries to spend time with them
Virgo: constantly teasing their crush
Libra: always trying to deny their own feelings for the "crush"
Scorpio: too afraid to text them first
Sagittarius: talks about them constantly
Capricorn: listens to sappy love songs and tries to relate everything in them to oneself
Aquarius: always looking for the other person even when they know he/she isn't around
Pisces: makes cute little drawings on random pieces of paper of their two names combined

i think it’s so cute when games are like “sometimes stealth is the best option you don’t have to kill everything in the room” like bless ur heart game but everything in this room is goING TO DIE

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