
This is my Design.

@grimminsanity / grimminsanity.tumblr.com

GRIMM l 27 l they/them l nbi

Thinking about Tarsus IV and how much that must have sculpted Jim into the person who knew every crew member by name, loved his crew like they were a kin of 500, never dared to put them through pain or stress even when it seemed impossible, and treated his power of command as a minute if not false aspect of his title. Because to command someone to do something is what his childhood was ripe of, but to lead and educate and strengthen a person was his wildest dream


i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point

you get it. you get the themes. i dont have time to do it justice. just look at it its on the ceiling


these exchanges and this fiddling about for the collective to appreciate in passing is, to me, true artistic spirit. I don't know what the past was truly like to live, but in my heart i know that humans have always been... like this


Further Americanisms that tell you to check on your American:

been better = in hell

doin’ alright = sad, needs hug

pretty great! = genuine actual baseline. Anything else ranks beneath this. Be Aware.

I’m here, ain’t I? = Defcon 5

Because someone asked, indications that an American is actually Having A Good Day include:

  • Awesome
  • Fantastic
  • Damn Good Day
  • Great Day to Be Alive
  • Dude You’re Never Gonna Believe This

“Living the dream” is a sign of SEVERE distress please get your American medical assistance immediately if they start saying that! It really means something like “this is the worst day of my life”

(I say this as an American who has Never been having a good time when I’ve said that)


From top to bottom:

魏无羡的三件遗物之一 · 因爱而生贪 The first of Wei Wuxian’s three remnants · greed born of love 魏无羡的三件遗物之二 · 因恨而生嗔 The second of Wei Wuxian’s three remnants · rage born of hatred 魏无羡的三件遗物之三 · 因痴而生对爱恨之执着 The third of Wei Wuxian’s three remnants · attachment to love & hatred born of delusion

Artist is 海焰金 qingshengqingsi @ lofter: 转载请标明作者和出处,不需要问授权。


150 meter aluminum sea serpent skeleton sculpture in Nantes, France. Artist Huang Yong Ping


Not only is this is extremely cool, but it also looks cool when viewed from Google Earth.

Just nibbling this beach, no big deal.

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