
Right On, Frankenstein!

@every-captain / every-captain.tumblr.com

Queer Neurodivergent King - Anxiety Premium ✅️ | Illustrator

A few months back, I read about a study that found that people who were told to regularly think about things they’re grateful for reported significantly improved physical and mental well-being at the end of the study. So I started going for a walk every day before work and making myself come up with 5 things that I’m grateful for. And I know it sounds like the most cornball shit ever, but it has fundamentally changed my brain chemistry.

I was aware that I was becoming a little bit too much of a sarcastic little hater before I started this experiment. Now I am almost startled to catch myself saying shit like, “Wow, look at the flowers on that tree, I am so grateful I decided to walk this way,” unironically, completely unprompted, and outside of the specific time in the day when I do the gratitude practice. I’ve rewired my brain to look for things to be grateful for, and so I look around me more and find more of them, which makes me feel happier, which makes me find even more good things.

For the record, I’m not saying, “Only think positive thoughts! No bad vibes!” Toxic positivity is probably about as unhealthy as only thinking negative thoughts. Sometimes shit does just suck. I’m not telling you to be grateful for the bad things around you. Being a sarcastic little hater definitely has its place. But setting aside like 2 minutes per day to come up with 5 things you’re grateful for will genuinely improve your outlook. It doesn’t have to be big stuff—sometimes the best I can manage is simple shit like, “I’m grateful that zippers were invented,” but even that forces me to be in the present moment and deepens my appreciation of the world around me. Try it, even if you have to do it badly or sarcastically at first. Even if you only do it so that you can come back and tell me I’m wrong in 3 months. Set a daily alarm on your phone and give it a try.


Jamey, making eggs this morning for me while I'm too grumpy to function: Mmmm creamy runny yolks...perfect for sandwich... You're welcome. Me, notorious overcooker of eggs: No we're not eating that--

Jamey, already putting it on a plate: Mmmm....

Me: No I'm serious Jamey its gross, I dont want--

Jamey mopping yolk up with toast: Mmmmm


Jamey: You're gonna be ok, this is how you're supposed to eat a fried egg, dude.

Me: Dies from undercooked egg poisoning immediately


I don't really think skinny people have any sort of grasp on how bad fatphobia is and it's not for lack of trying on fat people's part, skinny people get very vicious when you challenge their privilege

Any space or movement that should focus on fat people inevitably gets refocused onto skinny people. Fat activists are treated like garbage especially when they're high profile. Skinny people hate us so much they'd rather we die then be in the same space with us. Then they gaslight us about all of it. Fat people: take up space, tell skinny people no, refuse to be the target of jokes, fight back.

Skinny people please rb this, try and show some solidarity with fat people


They should invent a boyfriend you can have sex with I think itd go big


Hey btw, here's a piece of life advice:

If you know what you'd have to do to solve a problem, but you just don't want to do it, your main problem isn't the problem itself. Your problem is figuring out how to get yourself to do the solution.

If your problem is not eating enough vegetables, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make vegetables stop being yucky". If your problem is not getting enough exercise, the problem you should be solving is "how do I make exercise stop sucking ass". You're not supposed to just be doing things that are awful and suck all the time forever, you're supposed to figure out how to make it stop being so awful all the time.

I used to hate wearing sunscreen because it's sticky and slimy and disgusting and it feels bad and it smells bad, so I neglected to wear it even if I needed to. Then I found one that isn't like that, and doesn't smell and feel gross. Problem solved.

There is no correct way to live that's just supposed to suck and feel bad all the time. You're allowed to figure out how to make it not suck so bad.

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