
Redshirt Knitting on Tumblr: wtf idek lol

@redshirtknitting / redshirtknitting.tumblr.com

Maybe you want my gaming blog: http://noquartersrequired.com

old ass ppl talk shit about my generation until they accidentally disable their wifi and cant figure out how to turn it back on

then im suddenly the mastermind of information & resources


when straight guys ask how lesbian sex works i feel really bad for their girlfriends because if you dont understand how to have sex with a girl in any way other than repeatedly putting your dick in her you are having some really bad sex

i want to reblog this 100 times but i’ll just do it once


When We Cuddle,

I hope you dont mind if I,

  • wrap my legs around yours
  • lay my head above your heart
  • run my hands through your hair
  • play footsie with you
  • put my hand on your tummy
  • play with your hands
  • give you fishy kisses
  • talk about my day
  • sing you a song
  • fall asleep in your arms
Anonymous asked:

your obsession with the exclusive pants is the cutest thing ever omg

im seriously trying to stop laughing im so sorry then i remember

I WAS GIGGLING AT THIS SHIT AT 3 AM LAST NIGHTlike imagine seriously a team of all the marketing people, CEO, game producers in a meeting discussing what sort of bonus content they can give to the players who pre-order the game. bonus mission, alright. then someone says “EXCLUSIVE PANTS TO INCREASE THEIR SPEED.” everyone agrees. noone says anything. noone thinks its funny as hell. not even the dude who photoshopped it on that banner with 72 pt font. EVERYONE THOUGHT IT WAS OKAY AND IM FUCKING LAIGJH GING A GaI N


Today is brought to you by the experience of waking up grimly certain that if the genders were reversed in the Zoe Quinn “scandal,” the headline would not be “dude trades sex for reviews,” but “lady trades sex for scoop.”

Anyone who thinks this story is about integrity and not punishing women for their presence is fucking delusional.


I think it says a lot that I, as a woman writer in the games industry, have been terrified of making public comments about the Zoe Quinn controversy these past two weeks, for fear of alienating readers, costing me future work, and attracting more harassment. But keeping silent about these things just means tacitly approving of the behavior that makes gaming so hostile to women in the first place.

Rachel is absolutely spot-on. Everything about this debacle is about punishing a woman for existing in the gamer community and not “being one of the guys” by denouncing other women. Game developers have tawdry affairs and screw-up their personal lives all the time, but it only ever seems to matter when it can be used to alienate outspoken women and send the message to all other women that they need to behave or they’ll get the same.

I’m tired of feeling afraid to speak out, and I’m ashamed that I haven’t called this out sooner.



Source For more posts like this, follow Ultrafacts


No, no, you have no idea. It actually IS the beginning of the whole so-called “kawaii culture”. And it started because girls started using mechanical pencils, which provided fine handwriting. After being banished (more precisely, during the 80s), this kind of writing started being used in products like magazines and make-up. And, during this time, icons we usually associate with the whole kawaii industry (like the characters from Sanrio) came to life too.

And what many people don’t realize is that this subculture was born as a way for young girls to express themselves in their own way. And it was also used as something against the adult life and the traditional culture, often seen as dull and boring and oppressive. By embracing cuteness, these young girls (and adult women, after a while) were showing non-conformation with the current standards.

So yep. Kawaii is important, and it all started with cute, simple handwritting a few hearts and cat faces in some girls’ school notebooks <3

it reminds me of how Japanese women invented hiragana, ‘women’s writing’. Japanese women make their own culture <3


I don’t go running because I want to be thin.

I go running because





going to

show up

and tell you


this is literally my favorite running post of all time. hands down.

of all the so-called inspirational posts about runing, this one makes me want to pick up running most.

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