


Welcome. I also have a youtube account under the same name, I reblog what i like and blog some of my own art.

I’m so mad because this worked

help me roger

Reblogging myself because… what was that? Five minutes?



………my friend has made me curious


help me roger

Update: after I reblogged this someone messaged me offering me tickets to the sold out Hausu screening with a Q&A and autograph session with the director

These never work for me, but here’s to trying.

  1. I don’t believe in these things
  2. But last time I reblogged one ten/fifteen minutes later I got a call offering me a job
  3. But I reblogged it because I was waiting on hearing back from the job. So there you go.
  4. Roger is cute.

Eh Roger is cute I might as well


That fish is so happy it makes me happy.

Cute fish and hey, I could do with something good



[ID: Drawing of Lup, an elven woman with curly hair, freckles and a slight build. She is smiling with one hand doing a peace sign. She is wearing jeans and a cropped red t-shirt that features the Mcdonald’s™ Logo. But the Mcdonald’s has been edited to read, “Mctiddies.”  end ID]

A continuation of this: post

Barry voice: That’s my wife


See this picture? This comes from a town in Canada where a 24 pack of water bottles is 104 dollars and formula milk for a baby is priced at 55 dollars a pack. What’s more, a pack of diapers is 95 dollars and one head of lettuce is 26 dollars. Inuit people are starving in a country known for it’s generosity.

If you don’t believe this is true, you can find more images like this here. This is the only grocery store these people have in their small towns, and many people are going hungry & elderly are dying faster.

You’ll send aid to foreign children that are starving, so why won’t you pay a little extra to feed the people in your own country who work hard & still can’t afford the prices for healthy food for their families?

Please have a heart and reblog this photo to raise awareness that even in our own countries people are starving, join the movement and show the government that we won’t sit by and watch people starve. 

If you think this will make your blog ugly you’re wrong. Children in a first world country are getting sick & starving, and nobody is even aware it’s happening. You can let people know by reblogging and showing you care. People I am close to, my friends and future in-laws are going through this. 

Love how little attention this post gets from my beach blog followers.

Ok I didn’t think this could possibly be for real, but I found a news source on the matter. This is insane.

As someone who lives in Canada, I can confirm this as being true :/ things are crazy expensive up North and our government (note Harper) is horrible at helping out with things and has actually faked getting involved before.

governments hate indigenous people, this is absolutely about anti-native racism. don’t forget that.

One of the biggest parts of this is that shipping freight is costly to get to Northern communities (Some places get 2 shipments a year for non-food supplies), the second is that in Canada there is a HUGE protest against allowing Inuit people to feed themselves in traditional ways (ie seal/whale hunting). I dont think people realize that the native people’s hunting is a literal drop in the bucket as far as the animal populations go, but make a huge difference within their communities where food is scarce and expensive. Canadians aren’t ignorant to the anti-native sentiments in the government, and people have taken it upon themselves to send groceries to families in Northern cities.  If anyone here is interested in getting involved, Helping Our Northern Neighbors has been operating since 2014 to ship donated goods. 


“Oh come on it can;t be that b-”



I wanted to see the plant from another POV but it’s literally the only photo publicly available right now. There is however, an anatomic drawing!

Congrats! It looks like an alien!!



“With no ability to photosynthesize, it gets its nutrition from fungi and its flowers release dust-like seeds to reproduce. It is currently considered a threatened species, but some examples grow in a protected park.”


[ tweet by Ruth H. Hopkins

As you celebrate thanksgiving, know that the Trump administration is taking away 321 acres of land from the Mashpee-Wampanoag, the tribe that helped the pilgrims survive and were present at the first thanksgiving. Tell legislators to support the Mashpee Reservation Reaffirmation Act. ]

For those who don’t live in Massachusetts, that is literally ALL THE LAND THEY HAVE! All of it. The state aims to make the entire ~3000 person tribe homeless.

If you want more information the tribe themselves have a website for you to look at! Please spread the word and reach out to your networks so people are feeling specifically asked to act upon this… it is incumbent upon all of us to stand up for our Mashpee-Wampanoag siblings at this time. We MUST be their allies. We MUST uplift their voices and support what their asks are. 

We owe all Indigenous peoples in this country so much more than this… but this is a start. 


thanksgiving is a holiday based on a falsified narrative full of white guilt and the erasure of history so what are some good native organizations to donate to this coming thursday

please also consider looking into funding native/tribal food sovereignty projects if you have food to donate or money to spare. friends, please add more if you know of them and have links to provide:

you can also buy food/gifts from indigenous sellers or donate to gofundme fundraisers made by indigenous people who need help getting groceries, paying medical bills, or paying rent. do something to help us and our communities.

try water projects too, like the navajo water project: https://www.navajowaterproject.org/

a lot of reservations are fucked over on water by illegal oil drilling, pipelines, or other breaches, like in the navajo rez’s case: contaminated by illegal uranium mining.

I would like to put my endorsement to the Sovereign Bodies Institute, home of the database of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. The database is trans-inclusive, the data protocols follow the desires of the families of MMIW, and this holiday season, they are collecting donations to buy gifts for the families, especially the children, of missing and murdered women. 

I’d like to add Feeding Nunavut, the cost of living in the isolated north for Inuit is up to and sometimes over 5x the prices the rest of Canada is used to.


thanksgiving is a holiday based on a falsified narrative full of white guilt and the erasure of history so what are some good native organizations to donate to this coming thursday

please also consider looking into funding native/tribal food sovereignty projects if you have food to donate or money to spare. friends, please add more if you know of them and have links to provide:

you can also buy food/gifts from indigenous sellers or donate to gofundme fundraisers made by indigenous people who need help getting groceries, paying medical bills, or paying rent. do something to help us and our communities.

try water projects too, like the navajo water project: https://www.navajowaterproject.org/

a lot of reservations are fucked over on water by illegal oil drilling, pipelines, or other breaches, like in the navajo rez’s case: contaminated by illegal uranium mining.

I would like to put my endorsement to the Sovereign Bodies Institute, home of the database of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women. The database is trans-inclusive, the data protocols follow the desires of the families of MMIW, and this holiday season, they are collecting donations to buy gifts for the families, especially the children, of missing and murdered women. 

I’d like to add Feeding Nunavut, the cost of living in the isolated north for Inuit is up to and sometimes over 5x the prices the rest of Canada is used to.


Posted this on twitter already but uhhh here we go again

PSA to Inktober Artists:

As of August 27th, 2020, it was revealed that Jake Parker (the creator of inktober) had plagiarized the work of black artist Alphonso Dunn in Parker’s upcoming book ‘Inktober All Year Long’.

2020 Inktober alternatives:


A few misconceptions about the Supreme Court that I want to clear up

  • The House of Representatives has nothing to do with the confirmation process. You need to call your Senators.
  • Call YOUR OWN Senators. If you don’t live in Kentucky, you’re not Mitch McConnell’s constituent and he doesn’t give a shit what you have to say. Calling your own senators will get you a lot farther.
  • Colorado, Arizona, Maine, Iowa, Georgia, and Montana all have Republican senators who are up for reelection this year in competitive races. If you’re from one of those states, get on the fucking phone.
  • I saw someone claim that the liberals lost the majority with Ginsberg’s death and I’m ???? The liberals lost the majority in the 70s and haven’t had it since (that’s part of how things got so bad). The issue is that if Trump appoints her replacement, we’ll have to convince two conservative justices to flip sides rather than just one. 

[ID: Screenshots of three tweets by Nathan Yaffe, @AtNathanYaffe on twitter

They read as follows:

“For people who feel unsafe about voting in person but now fear the USPS will be unable to deliver a “mail-in” ballot in a timely fashion.

There is a way around it:

1. Request a mail-in ballot.

2. Do not mail it.

3. Google your supervisor of elections to see where you can drop off your mail-in ballot. Its usually NOT THE POLLING PLACE. All states allow this!

Here is what you’re accomplishing by doing this:

1. Your ballot gets in on time no matter what happens to the USPS.

2. You don’t have to worry about standing in long lines and risking infection. You’re just stopping by to drop it off.”

end ID]

i’m certain that i’m not the only one who’s made a post about this information, but i wanted to share this anyways, for anyone who doesn’t know this!

ALSO— double check that you’re registered to vote!!!!!



This is not true for all states. In the state of Tennessee your ballot -must- be mailed to be counted. I was hoping to drop it off but looked up the rules just to make sure and sure enough:

“What is the deadline to return my ballot so it can be counted?

You must mail your ballot in time for your county election commission to receive it no later than the close of polls on Election Day.

Can I hand deliver my ballot to the election office?

No. You must return your ballot by mail (USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.).”

This could be true for your state as well. PLEASE look up your states Absentee Voting options, some states have made it easier bc of COVID but there are some that haven’t. I don’t want people to be disappointed if their vote doesn’t count because their state had ridiculous rules.


Hey, it’s my birthday in a few days and I have a bad tooth I need to get removed ASAP. It’s going to cost at least 800, possibly more, and I don’t have that sort of money right now - I would really appreciate a few dollars to help me afford it. Please feel free to leave a note with your favorite pokemon/animal/etc. I can’t promise I’ll draw it but I’ll definitely take it into consideration!

I can’t believe this happened, but I just cracked a completely separate tooth…

yeah bad update a pretty sizable piece of the tooth (again, not even the one I was raising funds to have removed…) came off, not sure how much it’s going to cost to have fixed because I haven’t been able to get ahold of a dentist yet

Yo this artist is amazing and has been struggling, but dental emergencies are no joke.

Anything you can give will help.


This is Sarah Grimké.

She was born to a rich plantation family in the American South during the time of slavery. She owned a slave, Hetty, a girl her parents gave her when she was a child. She was absolutely the sort of person whose racism you could justify as being ‘of her time’ and ‘just the way she was raised’.

And she cited the injustices she saw growing up on the plantation as the motivation for her becoming an abolitionist as an adult.

When she was a kid, she tried to give bible lessons to the slaves on her Dad’s plantation, and taught her own slave to read and write. As an adult, she and her sister campaigned for the end of slavery. When she found out that one of her brothers had raped one of his own slaves and gotten her pregnant three times, she welcomed her nephews into the family and paid for education for the two that wanted it.

This was a woman who was raised in a culture of slavery, looked around her as a child and said “hey, wait a minute, we’re all assholes!” and spent the rest of her life trying to put things right.

It absolutely was a choice.


Etsy is charging shop owners for people viewing their content

Every time someone so much as looks at my posting, I lose 25 cents. They even charge for shipping, even though I don't print their labels or use any shipping-related services besides my local USPS.

It's impossible to sell things for a reasonable price, because shop owners have to make up the hundreds of tiny expenses Etsy piles on for no god damn reason. A year ago when I uploaded something I only got charged for the upload and if someone bought the thing. Today I have seven screenshots' worth of expenses for two postings after only one day of having them up. Etsy is robbing people. They even took money from an order!

I sell my masks for $5 a piece. I also offer free shipping on orders $35 and up. This is my first free-shipping-order, meaning the customer spent $35 on my masks, and yet Etsy is only giving me $33.61. Why? I'm already being charged outrageously for daring to use their site, and they think they deserve my money just because I offered free shipping? That's literally theft.

See anything else weird about that screenshot? Yeah. They charged me ten times for posting one post. That "auto-renewal charge" they label it as wasn't even supposed to be charged to me until September.

Etsy is a scam and everyone who touches it is a victim

This is why I don’t sell on etsy.

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