
Eat My Asphalt

@libbyalixe / libbyalixe.tumblr.com

Asphalt eaters

I feel so stupid sometimes because I fantasize too much about the people I like; I invent stories with them, I imagine entire days with them and how nice the future will be with pictures and letters and other tender things that makes a lot of sense in my mind. then the reality turn to be so much different and meaner and maybe the reason why it’s so difficult for me to accept it and letting people go it’s because I just want my future to be happy. in all my stories and castles I build inside of my mind, sadness just does not exist


just in case you need to be reminded

  • dont check up on your ex partner
  • dont check up on your ex friend
  • dont do it
  • it is not productive
  • you are better than that

“you can’t be tired,” chortles a middle aged family friend, “you’re young!”

“really??” I exclaim. I had no idea. my exhaustion lifts off my shoulders, the bags under my eyes disappear. I no longer need sleep, due to my invigorating youth. I Am Free.

I read middle aged as Middle Aged and was expecting a plague reference.

“thou cannot have the black death,” the doctor scoffs behind his mask, “you are youthful!”

“marry??” I exclaim. I hadst no idea. the fever lifts, mine own strength returns, the blackness fades from mine own skin. I am in perfect health, due to mine own most wondrous youth. I Am Free.


people saying “me” really bugs me bc it’s like. appropriation of kin culture. I really don’t know how to explain it but saying you are someone without iding as them is really disrespectful to people who get bullied and targeted for being kin. you don’t have to go through the struggles of being kin but you get to make a joke about it. it’s not your fucking joke to make.

It’s so cool how this is the website I voluntarily use every single day of my life as my primary social media


God I just shared this video with Dad the other night and we kept giggling about it afterwards.


What makes this really funny is that water is free in Scotland, so buying bottled water there really is considered a complete joke


Imagine hating homeless people so much u find ways to make their lives shittier instead of providing them with the resources they need

and unfortunately this isn’t the first time people have did things against poor people…


“hostile architecture” is one of those things that sounds like it should be awesome from the name

and then you find out what it actually means and are filled with violent nausea

Destroying Hostile Architecture is an act of human decency

There was a bridge where i went to school, under which homeless people hung out a lot. Where I met this guy Bill. This guy who’d been fired from his job as an air traffic controller for testing positive for weed, whose wide had left him and taken everything. We sat there talking for like hours and he shared his vodka with me and offered me a smoke even though he had next to nothing.

And i come back to visit a year later and the motherfuckers have cemented fucking jagged rocks to all the support structures so nobody can sit on them i was fucking livid i hate this shit so much this man had the clothes on his back, a plastic bottle of booze, and a pack of cigarettes, and a place to rest. That’s it. That’s all he had and he still had the kindness and generosity to share what little he had with me, someone who didn’t need it at all

You know what come to think of it, i haven’t met a single homeless person who hasn’t at least offered me a cigarette or something when i’ve talked to them and you sons of bitches won’t even let them have a place to sit down for 5 fucking minutes

If you see this shit and you’re physically able, break it. Get rid of it. Put a mattress over those spikes between pillars

Anyone who thinks homeless people are a nuisance or an inconvenience should have every single thing that they own and hold dear removed from them for at least a year and see how they fucking like it!

like, instead of wasting money to build these horrific sharp anti-homeless crap, how about they donate it to shelters instead??? 

Like this is just to keep up ~aesthetics~ instead of putting human life first

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