


Australian \\ A spoonful of random things \\ With just a pinch of shipping.

I once went on a boat trip where one of these guys ended up flying INTO the boat. Smacked someone right in the side of the head too.

They smell really bad, FYI.

So, to get it back in the water...on the fly, with no internet let alone time to Google the safest possible technique if such a thing even existed, we figured the best way to make the landing feel most natural to it would be to, in fact, throw it like a paper airplane.

It was every bit as satisfying and goofy as it looks like it would be.


File under: even more blatant proof cis people can joke about trans people without it being at their expense

[I.D.: Tweet by gianmarco @/GianmarcoSoresi

Ran into someone from my high school who told me they had recently transitioned and I was over the moon bc I had forgotten their name./end I.D.]


Iroh knew that zuko was the blue spirit because one day when they were in the Earth Kingdom he saw the blue spirit wanted poster and thought “what kind of person would break into a fire nation prison to free the avatar wearing a theater mask of all…. I turn my back for one minute” 

Iroh: hahaha, what idiot would break the Avatar out while wearing a theater mask.
Iroh: wait
Iroh: that MY idiot
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