

a more official post. as of now, it’s finals season & i am stressed out to the nines. i putting gray on a hiatus until about june 25 or earlier if i find the time / when the inspiration takes me. this also applies to @wrjt / @flamepath. i am floating on a reaper blog from overwatch so if that interests you, feel free to IM me for the url.
in any case -- i hope you guys are well !! take care of yourselves, lovelies <3


today’s my one year anniversary on this blog ! i’m actually surprised at how many of you have stayed with me seeing how i’ve literally been gone from this blog for six months straight at one point. & there are a surprisingly lot of you from when i used to be known as unliiimited ! man ! who remembers those days ?
god, it’s been such a wild ride. i’ve grown a lot as a writer & as a person during my time here. i’m extremely grateful for you guys. you’ve all fostered my love for graham cracker fluster & the various aus we’ve built together ! it makes me feel so warm & fuzzy when i see that you’re ?? genuinely interested in my ideas ( REMEMBER THE GODS AU & culturally diverse fairy tail ). you’re all such wonderful writers & people & honestly bless you little droplets of pure sunshine. 
thank-you. thank-you so much for what you’ve given me this past year & here’s to many more years in this amazing community !!
Anonymous asked:

mafia AU

- graham fullbuster, otherwise known as NOIR who’s fabled to be more wolf than man- ruthless in all that he does. cold, clean & efficient.- owes a life debt to erza in particular. reasons undisclosed & kept private- doesn’t talk. at all. signs on occasion, but only among close confidants & speaks in only nods & shakes of the head & other universal body language- actually deaf, but he’s extremely skilled at reading lips- probably takes the sniper position more often than not in raids & what not- hates wearing suits. always wears an unbuttoned blazer with a rumpled white shirt & old ratty slacks that have been with him for years- often mistaken for just another dumb henchman, but excels at thinking on his feet & adapting to any situation. a very creative person who’s dangerous even when backed into a corner with nothing on him but his fists - not a bad man, just does bad things. doesn’t do anything without a reason.

❝ I find myself alone when each day is through. ❞


THE WEARY SON looked at her. properly. his gaze took in the tired glaze to her eyes, the way she seemed less radiant than her usual. he could only GLIMPSE the sadness beneath her & all the unsaid things that one took home at the end of the day, when the sunny cheer & banter of their guild hall faded behind their steps.

sometimes it didn’t matter if they were only ALONE for a small parcel of time. what mattered was that they were alone.

             ❛     ━━━ it’s a fucking bitch of a feelin’, isn’t it ?     

sympathy coursed through him. he could not help her reach reconciliation, could not give her soul REST when he had hardly any answers. all he could offer was the comfort that he felt the same. that her feelings were not so SINGULAR as to isolate her completely.


Gracefully press hand against wall. " So you missed me? You know darkness your old FRIEND " [ winks @ and throws a penguin ]


LIKE A WRAITH, his lips twisted, curling tiers of smoke & sulphur as his eyes shined with acidic displeasure. no warmth passed through his bones, a blizzard churning fitfully underneath his skin. fangs, razor-sharp peaked out from beneath his lips.

              ❛     ━━━ not particularly.     

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