



note to my mom: telling me to love myself because i have a good shape doesn’t really work when you keep calling yourself fat and a slob and saying how you have to lose so much weight when we’re the same size

loving yourself will help me love myself, it’s a two-way street


What I learned from Fullmetal Alchemist

Good people do bad things:

Good and evil are subjective:

Sometimes those you trust the most will hurt you the worst:

Bad things happen to good people:

Even those you love can die:

 Life isn’t fair:

You can’t get something for nothing:

Don’t judge people by their outward appearance:

Don’t give up. Even when things are hard:

Don’t forget the people who helped you get where you are:

Hatred will destroy you:

People can change:

There are two sides to every story:

Even your enemies have feelings:

When the world is crashing down around you, it is okay to laugh:

… or cry:

Family comes in all shapes and sizes:

Big things come in small packages:

The truth is sometimes more frightening than you hoped:

Beauty can hide great strength:

Crying is not a weakness:

Expect the unexpected:

Sometimes you have to make a sacrifice in order to move forward:

Learn from your past. Don’t forget your mistakes:



I don’t understand how there’s no Black Widow movie. A little girl being taught to be a spy from childhood. Destroying her youth and innocence and learning to kill. Competing against 27 other girls to stay alive. Being pushed to the breaking point morally, physically, and emotionally. Seeing The Red Room forge her into a weapon. The beginning of her career - assassinating diplomats, manipulating prisoners of Russia, outsmarting SHIELD. Backstory to Drakov, Sal Paulo, the hospital fire, and Budapest. And then a rookie SHIELD agent has her in sight on his scopes. His finger is in the trigger, but he hesitates. She looks scared. She looks tired. She looks like a fighter. So, he brings her in, and takes her under his wing. From a child assassin to a Russian defector. And they could throw Bucky and Yelena in there, along with Clint and Fury, and maybe even a Peggy Carter/Dottie Underwood Red Room origin story.

Like, who heard that and went - ‘no, I’m gonna go with Spiderman for the third time, and this guy who can talk to ants’?!


au where the government incarcerate bucky in a high security secret facility and the avengers just conspire and break him out and when a government official comes to stark tower and is like ‘hey give barnes back’ tony is just like ‘he’s not here’ and the dude is all ‘he is sat right there’ and tony just goes ‘nah thats my cousin sergei’ and the government can’t do anything bc technically bucky barnes has been dead for 70 years and every year the facility gets a christmas card from the tower signed steve, tony, clint, natasha, bruce, thor and ‘cousin sergei’ and the card is just a picture of bucky with reindeer antlers on


i reblog this every fucking time


the science building in my university has PERIODIC TABLES

if two people sat at that table for a romantic dinner they would be carbon dating


I found this camera on the subway and look what was inside...

I would marry this man

guys we broke another post because this one’s not showing any notes


When I liked it, it flashed “0 notes”

It’s showing -1 notes



Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.


not worth the off chance

Wdf ffs. I wanna collect all the voodoo ever practiced in my ancestry line and throw it at the person who created this post.


I fucking hate this fucking post but still not taking any risks. Sorry, pals

Anonymous asked:

If you had a never ending supply of money and a bottomless bank account what are the first things you would buy?

My first instinct is to say:


But besides that…and paying off my bills and loved ones bills and charities I’ve always wanted to giver more to would be:

1. My dream home or apartment:

2. Make my private library dream come true

3. Dream wardrobe 


5. As previously said I would buy all the books I want


6. Oh and to travel the world with my family and friends

…don’t have a pic for this lol

7. Open up my very own bookstore

8. A bookworm tat just like this…but smaller lol and on my side maybe from my under arm to my hip


I’m gonna stop now cause I’m really just day dreaming about all of this now lol


Imagine This

Imagine that your partner has been hitting you. Yelling at you. You’ve been married for a few years, you’re both in your 30s, you have a little daughter, and everything you do seems to be wrong. You’ve been made fun of, mocked and belittled by your partner. 

But you need them, because you can’t take another failed relationship. You can’t be alone again, and they’ve got you convinced that all the beatings and scratches and scrapes are your fault.

You tell your friends and they laugh. No matter how many bruises or cuts you show them, it’s still your fault, so you hide them. You feel trapped, but you don’t feel like you can escape. You’re convinced that you’re just locking yourself in.

And you see online one day an article. Someone else went through what you have. They got the cuts, the bruises, the scratches. You see that here is hope and freedom from these beatings. The physical and emotional pain can go away, there is someone there to help!

So you write down a list of 10 abuse victim hotlines, for people being abused. And you call them one by one.

If you were a man:

6 of those hotlines would refuse to help because of your gender.

3 of those hotlines would refer you to or give you a number to a hotline dealing with people that abuse and are looking to stop.

1 of those hotlines would help.

Out of those 10, 2 of those would also laugh at you or say you deserved it.

If you were a woman:

10 of those hotlines would help.

Abuse is very scary, but what seems scarier to you; being abused, reaching out and getting the help you need, or being abused, reaching out and getting laughed and turned away over 60% of the time because of who you are?

Only 8% of men who call abuse hotlines find them ‘very helpful’ and get the assistance they need.

Wtf is this trash lol

how is this trash?

All they could say is “this is trash” because this study was written and published by a woman with a PhD and is comprehensive and heavily sourced.

Just to add some quotes found in the study from men who tried to seek help:

• They laughed at me and told me I must have done something to deserve it if it happened at all.

• They asked how much I weighed and how much she weighed and then hung up on me…I was told by this agency that I was full of BS.

• They accused me of trying to hide my “abuse” of her by claiming to be a victim, and they said that I was nothing more than a wimp.

• They didn’t really listen to what I said. They assumed that all abusers are men and said that I must accept that I was the abuser. They ridiculed me for not leaving my wife, ignoring the issues about what I would need to do to protect my six children and care for them.

And maybe the saddest one: They just laughed and hung up the phone.

Man can be abused too , this is not trash

My father had to suffer hell for years , and he ended up in hopsital too because of my mother . So don’t you dare to say that a man can’t suffer from abuse because that’s bullshit. It happens , it can happen to everyone . And the fact that people are not willing to help is just sick 

This is NOT trash.  Anyone can abuse.  Anyone can BE abused.  Abuse should NEVER be taken lightly.  Yes, there is definitely a problem in our society with sexism against women.  HOWEVER, this is one of the VERY REAL examples of sexism in our society against MEN.

Sexism should not be a thing.  Ever.  For anyone.  If you are a “feminist”, and truly believe in gender equality, then you will reblog this, because abused men need to be heard.


starting a girl gang of girls aggressively supporting other girls so reblog if you want in because if we get enough people we’re getting jackets



I have never hit reblog so fast in my LIFE.

dat sass in the last gif holy fuck


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