
Samael, Archangel of the Lord

@angelsamael / angelsamael.tumblr.com

Greetings. I am the archangel Samael. During a battle I was cast from my own universe, and I spend much of my time searching for a way back home. OOC: This is an indie ask/rp blog for reverse!verse angel Sam Winchester. Check the About page for more details. This blog is NSFW. Due to personal time constraints, I am accepting few new RPs. But don't be shy! Send me an ask if you're interested! Tracking #angelsamael

OOC: Hey there! I know it’s been quite a while, and I just wanted folks visiting this blog (assuming there are any of you left, hah) to know that this account isn’t dead. I’ve just had so much crazy going on in my life in the last year (good crazy and bad crazy) that I’ve been utterly unreliable on Tumblr in general. It doesn’t help that I’m living in the middle of nowhere and have a cruddy internet connection. I have a few scary things coming up in my life, and I might want to poke around and RP a little to try and keep my mind off said things. That being said, I know I am not the most reliable of RPers, so I apologize to all those I up and vanished on all those months ago.  I do still stalk some of my fav’s blogs, just to read your awesome stuff. Keep writing, everyone! And have fun!


[ @angelsamael Liked For Starter ]


“It’s been a long time brother.” Michael’s voice rang out as he stepped out to make himself known. Much had gone astray in his absence. Heaven had almost fallen, his brother’s and sister’s were turning on one another. And for the most part they had lost their faith. There was so much for the Archangel to catch up on and such little time to do so. 


He froze, the blood in his vessel tingling as he laid eyes upon his brother for the first time in years. Not since Samael had sided with humanity against Michael and Lucifer had he seen or spoken to his brother. How had he escaped the cage? And what manner of thing might his elder brother do now that he walked free? 

“Michael,” he breathed, guilt and worry mingling together in voice. “It has been a long time. I... You may find this difficult to believe, but I’ve missed you, brother.”

That much, at least, was true. He loved Michael, but feared what he might scheme for the world.


Loss of Control || Closed || @hunter-or-monster


Like a storm, she swept through the doorway to her room, turning and letting her back collapse onto the ajar door and slam it shut with a particularly loud thud.

Dammit, Liz, you’re acting like an angsty teenager, get your shit together…

She peeled herself from the door, letting out a heavy sigh as she ran her hands subconsciously through her hair.

Fuck this…I need a drink.

Liz snatched up her satchel from beside the bed and plopped down on top of the mattress, scavenging. Gotta have one damn bottle left, at least…come on…

Jackpot. She almost sighed in relief when her fingers wrapped around a glass neck, and she eagerly pulled it out, wasting no time popping it open and taking a swig.

Liz hadn’t realized how dry her throat was until the instant the liquid flooded it. And although it was lukewarm beer from some shitty corner store in Nowheresville, Kansas, never had something so refreshing graced her tongue.

For the next hour, she simply sat on the edge of her bed, legs dangling off the side, and thought about nothing as the downed the last few bottles she had.

And this was no strange occurrence, not for her. There was a reason she had a stash, there was a reason she never had conflicts with people. 

Other hunters drink to forget; Liz drinks to keep it all in.


Samael prayed for a solid hour, seeking wisdom and guidance in this precarious situation. He opened his eyes, his mind slowly readjusting to the world around him. The room sat as empty as before, devoid of Liz, who still hid in her room.

He unclasped his hands, his gaze falling heavy on the floor, then trailing up to the door which separated them. He still had no idea what to do, but he knew there could be no wisdom in the two of them mulling over this mess alone.

He rose to his feet and approached the door, went to knock, and halted. She wouldn’t open the door for him anyway, he surmised, not with her habit of heavy drinking. So he took a moment to feel, to sense the situation in the room, and deciding he wouldn’t inadvertently intrude upon anything private, he waved a hand and the door creaked open.

“Forgive me for not knocking,” he said. “I was not entirely certain you hadn’t drank yourself into unconsciousness already.”

A lie, and they both knew it, but Samael just wanted an ‘in’. He wanted some sort of companionable moment with Liz that didn’t involve shouting or arguing.

He moved across the room, saying nothing, and sat down beside her on the bed. Not knowing what else to do, he grabbed a half-empty bottle of alcohol, and took a sloppy gulp of it. Perhaps, if she would not listen to him, she’d allow him to drink with her in silence. 

He’d never had alcohol before, and was quite certain he never wanted any ever again (it tasted like dumpster swill, he thought with a grimace). But still, he took another deep drink, his eyes going distant. He wondered for a moment if he could actually get drunk this way. He was partially cut off from Heaven while performing his earthly duties, after all.

Allow me to drink with you, he prayed, hoping for a moment of peace. He didn’t know what else to do.


The Fledgling || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

Gadreel blinked then laughed at how cute the archangel is when he’s excited and he simply rubbed his mate’s back and abdomen. Really he was about to mention that Samael needed rest and food first, when the archangel had ended up coming to that conclusion on his own

He couldn’t help but smile at the grumble from Samael’s stomach and he kissed Samael on the cheek before he says softly, “I’ll be right back” and with a light flap of his wings, disappears for a brief moment, only to reappear seconds later with the whole  pot on a tray and he snags Samael’s bowl and refills it before offering it to his mate.

“Remember, my lovely Samael. You will have plenty of time to research, but you simply need to rest and keep from being hungry at the moment. If you must have research done I can always go and get the books for you my love.”


Samael stared at the pot of soup, his eyebrows climbing. “I am unsure I need quite so much, but thank you.” He took the proffered bowl, and began to sip at the steaming broth. Gadreel had a true talent with cooking. Perhaps Samael would ask him where he acquired such a skill, but another time.

“I do not wish to be cooped up while you fetch things for me,” he grumbled, the sour thought causing him to wrinkle his nose. “Why don’t we go to the Archives together? We may research this ancient occurrence hand-in-hand, and learn as we go along.” 

Samael finished his bowl, and set it aside, forcing his nerves to calm enough for him to recline in the bed once more. Even as tired as he felt, he could not remain still. A child. Who could have ever thought it?

He took Gadreel’s hands in his own. “We shall be the ones to name the new life. We must.. I do not know any names beyond those of the angels who already exist. We must... look into names, yes.” He paused. “And I wonder what this new angel shall have dominion over?”

Samael knew he should sleep, but the nervous excitement proved too much.

( @gadreelxangelofeden​ ) 


The Long Battle || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

“No…no don’t do that,” Gadreel says as he puts a gentle hand to Samael’s cheek and just snuggles up to him even more.

“Don’t you dare blame yourself for any of what happened this year. I know that it could not be helped, Samael. so please, do not blame yourself, blame those archangels that came through…but not yourself.” He says softly as he snuggles Samael even more.

“And I know you will not leave like that again, it was a given from the moment you walked through the door. I could see it on your face,” He says softly as he wraps his arms around Samael even more securely, smiling softly at the kisses and returning them happily.

“I promise you. I am happy you are here and I do not harbor any ill will towards you whatsoever,” He says as he takes in a deep breath and snuggles the archangel, “Now please sleep. You need it.”


Samael did not quite know what to say. He knew what his beloved said to be true, and yet, it did not ease the sting of knowing he’d left Gadreel all alone, no matter the reason.

He reclined in the bed once more, wrapping arms around the other angel, dragging him close. They were together now, and that was all that mattered.

“I am glad you are happy,” Samael murmured against his hair. “I would do anything to keep your heart light and joyful.” He paused. “I look forward to my first lesson in tending to the Earth tomorrow.”

The need for sleep once more tugged at him, and so he shut his eyes, allowing slumber to carry him away.

“Angel of….ah right. I keep forgetting. good to see you’re feeling better at least,” Gabriel says softly as he rubs Dean’s wrists and slowly stands up and stumbles over to the other archangel, the wards draining him more than he thought, Gabriel quickly grabbing onto the other’s arm to steady himself.

“Right…come on,” He says as he shakes Dean’s head and moves away from Samael to stand on his own, Gabriel knowing that Dean prefers to be upright on his own without help and would never forgive him for leaning on a Sam lookalike unless he was really desperate….though if they didn’t get out of here in the next minute, Gabriel would have to lean on Samael..

“This way,” He says as he goes for the door and leaves the room then looks down the hallway, frowning and heading for the closest door, the archangel aware of two exits but…really not sure which one he was dragged in from but he had to give it a chance right?


Samael wanted to offer his brother help as they walked, but understood both Gabriel and Dean had their pride. Still, he remained nearby in the event the wards drained Gabriel completely. Pride or no, he wouldn’t allow either to remain in such a squalid place.

“We require an exit, and quickly” he urged, reaching for Gabriel’s and Dean’s shared arm, but thinking better of it. “I can withstand these wards, but I cannot see through all of them. Your attacker may already know we run free in his domain.”

Two doors loomed at the end of the hallway, and try as he might, he could not tell which led to safety. One undoubtedly did. Perhaps both did. And the wards confused his vision just enough he could not recall the way he’d entered.

“I do not suppose you remember the way, do you?” he asked, sheepish. “I am afraid to report I do not.”

He glanced between the doors, made his best guess, and opened it.

( @theforgottentrickster​ )


Home || Closed || @guardianhealer


The hunter world buzzed about with cautious excitement. The news had spread far and wide of how a pair of brothers had trapped Michael and Lucifer within a cage—the cage—and now the impending End of the World had been adverted. 

Father, it seemed, had spoken on the matter himself, resurrecting the angel Dean, and restoring the Novak brothers to life after the whole affair had ended. And Samael himself felt all his lost strength return, his window into Heaven’s power once more open. 

As the hunters rejoiced, Samael tried, but failed, to smile along with them. His long-lived family feud had ended with two of his own brothers forever trapped within Hell. And though the younger archangel had sided with humanity against his older brothers, he had never wanted it to end so miserably. Why couldn’t they have just listened? Why could no one understand no Paradise awaited them, but only bloodshed and misery?

So now, as the world continued to live on, Samael felt a burden of guilt. But he made his choice. He would stand again beside humanity if he had it to do again.

The startled chatter of the angels caught his attention, and he wondered—with no small amount of trepidation—if he should return to Heaven and assess the state of things. Heaven under Raphael’s rule was a question mark, one Samael could not predict. And would his brother even be pleased to see him? He had no idea.

He turned his head aside, and saw Dean consorting with Castiel, and decided to leave him be. Samael could weather this storm alone. Dean would return to Heaven whenever he chose. 

Samael stretched his wings and flew, searching for his older brother in the mass of angels in Heaven. 

“Hello, brother,” he said. “I’ve returned home.”



bel took the laptop and smiled turning it back on. “Thank you i really owe you.” he said and blushed embarrassed about his action.

“I didn’t know you’re grace could fix laptops that’s amazing what else can you do?” he asked curiously


“I can resurrect the dead, call back lower angels from oblivion, and travel through time and between universes. Is it so strange to think I could repair an electronic device?”

He sank down onto the couch beside Bel, his eyes furrowing at the strange device. “However, I must admit, I do not know how to use it. What manner of thing do you do with this... laptop?”

The strange device had his curiosity now, especially if it could inspire such outrage.


Loss of Control || Closed || @hunter-or-monster

Liz wasn’t paying much attention, still sighing in exasperation at his apparent stupidity. All Liz had known since she was little was justice, and there’s not a single fucking thing just about Samael being responsible for her screw-ups. Not to mention she wasn’t a fucking child, she didn’t need anyone holding her fucking hand while she crossed the street! Didn’t he see how wrong it all was? Since when am I a fucking charge?

But plates clanging and sirens wailing was soon replaced with white noise and a droll heart rate monitor as he stood, like she was in the shadow of a pharaoh.

’…valuable, talented, and above all…’

She couldn’t look at him, simply keeping her gaze forward, which ended up being right around his waistline. But she wasn't watching him, she was filling her head with something–anything–besides…


Fuck. Fuck. This wasn’t happening, this was too much, a fucking angel? Telling her…?

When Samael sat back down beside her, the soothing words were nothing above the roar of static she clouding her mind.

“Bullshit…” Liz murmured, barely audible and so absentminded that she had almost cut him off at the end of his sentence.

She heaved herself up off the couch, and it was all so suddenly loud.

With a near growl, she swiped her arm down and caught the bottle of whiskey on the table by its neck, not even looking back at him.

Bullshit!” Liz finally shouted, making a rapid beeline for the adjacent room.


Samael watched her retreat, his eyes falling on the shattered whiskey bottle on the floor. With a sigh, he waved a hand and cleaned up the mess, wondering if he should try to follow her, or stay put.

What was he to do? He had accepted the assignment from Heaven to watch over a hunter of ‘great importance,’ but his brothers had not informed him of the difficultly his new job would give him. He had taken on the role with relish in the beginning. After all, he had the most experience working with humans... Though, in all fairness, it had been a few thousand years since his last charge.

And he didn’t blame Liz, not in the least. She didn’t try his patience, only the situation. It seemed every action or inaction, every spoken word or moment of silence, everything he did or did not do, only made matters between them worse. Tonight, he had turned his head for a scant few hours, and she’d gone hunting alone. And now, a woman had died, and Liz seemed to drown in shame. If he had remained in control of the situation himself, he could have prevented it.

With a deep sigh, he sank down onto the floor, resting on his knees, his eyes sliding shut. He would pray to his Father, then. Pray for guidance, pray for Liz, pray for himself so he might have the wisdom to put things to rights. 

He clasped his hands, and fell into a deep state of prayer.


The Long Battle || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

“I tried calling out to you as well,” Gadreel says softly before he shivered when Samael vaguely mentioned Gadreel’s time in the cells of Heaven in his previous universe and he ducked his head.

“To be honest it…it felt very much like that…but I…I had the Earth and the garden that I could nurture,” He whispers as he presses closer, his eyes closing as silent tears fell as he remembered his time in the cells and remembered how much worse it was this time around because he was free…and he had a mate…and how he couldn’t help Samael, not with his wings as broken and shredded as they were…

“I…I would be happy to teach you how to tend to the Earth,” He says softly, wiping at his eyes a bit before he took in a deep breath and snuggled him as close as he could, quietly hoping that Samael would not remember his words as in hindsight he realized Samael would only beat himself up over it, and that is the opposite of what Gadreel wanted.


Even though the haze of sleep dragged heavily upon him, Samael felt wetness against his cheek, and blinked opened his eyes enough to realize Gadreel had shed tears. He could not drift off into restful slumber, not knowing his mate felt such distress.

“Forgive me,” Samael murmured, sitting up, drawing Gadreel up against him. “I did not mean to remind you of your past miseries.” He pressed his face against Gadreel’s hair, and kissed his temple. “I cannot possibly know what you’ve gone through, what terrors and troubles have plagued you this last year. If they reminded you of your time imprisoned, then I have twice over done you a disservice in my absence.” 

He continued to fight off the great need for sleep, as his mate needed him now. He rubbed Gadreel’s back, pressing soothing kisses to his hair and face. 

“I will not leave you like that again,” he promised, squeezing his shoulders. “I swear it upon my honor." He whispered soft reassurances to Gadreel, tiny promises of love and soothing comforts.


The Fledgling || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

“Seems we could create a fledgling after all,” Gadreel hums softly as he snuggles closer to Samael, keeping up the gentle rubs, “And it is very wonderful my love, to feel both our graces inside of you, creating a new life,” He says, his grace very alert and keeping tabs on the new child and his mate.

“My love, I just want you to be happy and I do not wish to get in the way of your duties or to keep you from the other angels who need you. That would be very selfish of me. Rightfully selfish but still selfish all the same…and I want everyone to know just how amazing you are…and as for when you are grouchy…I always know warm words, my love and hugs will calm you down,” He says softly as he snuggles right up to Samael some more.

“I still dont quite understand why you’d ever think yourself broken and incapable, but I am very glad I was able to help you overcome that and…my..my wounds from my formerly home universe…they are not as they were, they’ve healed my love. What were once fresh wounds are now…healed over faint scars thanks to you and your love and the warmth of this universe,,,but mostly from your love.”

That’s when Gadreel smiles and takes in a deep breath and wraps Samael in his warm emerald wings.

“What matters now is how much we love each other and how much we are going to love the little one that the universe has rewarded us with…and my love, I am happy to help you with whatever it is you wish to have…like…would you like some more soup to help your appetite and help you fall asleep?”


Samael leaned into his mate’s embrace, hiding his face in a tuft of verdant down. The first flutters of excitement had turned to elation, and he wrapped his arms around Gadreel and kissed him, overjoyed. 

“We are going to have a child,” he breathed. “You and I, we... We shall have a child!” 

Everything else became small in that moment. Samael’s mind raced with thoughts of research, of preparations, of potential rituals and rites that hadn’t been said in thousands of years. He bore a new fledgling within his True Self, something the universe had not seen in eons. 

“We must prepare,” he said, voice rushed, grabbing both of Gadreel’s arms with his own. “I must do research and consult the Archives of Heaven at once. I must ensure I do this properly, that I don’t do anything wrong—.”

His stomach growled, a sprawling noise in the otherwise still room. Samael laughed. Of course he could not run about, researching angelic reproduction, at least not yet. He still felt weak from the drain on his Grace.

“Tired as I am, I do not know how I shall ever sleep... but I suppose my vessel would enjoy more of your soup. Perhaps it would calm me enough to rest.”


Loss of Control || Closed || @hunter-or-monster



Liz’s brows furrowed, something bubbling in her and contrasting his boneless exhaustion. His complacency was not affecting her; hell, it was only driving her further the opposite direction.

But still, there hung a word in the air above her head, swaying like a chandelier, threatening to break its bond and shatter her with every swing.


She watched him, sighing and pouting and moaning, like he was crazy. And that’s what it had to be, right? Insanity. Insanity to think that any of what he was saying was true. Or, more importantly, just.

“Samael, I went alone because I’m a dumbass!” Liz barked. “It really can be that simple. I’m a prideful little shit and I deserved exactly what came to me.”

For some reason, her blood was boiling and it didn’t even seem wrong to admit such horrible things about herself. Not while Samael was feeling ten-fucking-times worse.

“And this whole ’charge’ thing? Total bullshit. You can’t be blamed for my screw-ups, I’m a fucking idiot, and you’re a damn angel! I mean…”

Something softened. The chandelier stood still; perhaps it, too, accepted complacency.

“I don’t…I just don’t get it. You don’t deserve that.”


“Being an angel makes no difference,” he huffed. “Angels can be just a foolish as humans.” 

He stood to his full height, looming over her. Even exhausted, he had no intention to allow her to continue saying such hurtful things about herself. “You are not, as you put it, a ‘fucking idiot.’ You are valuable, talented, and above all, cherished. Whether you believe it or not, your safety and peace of mind matter to me.” He sighed. “Please cease in saying such terrible things about yourself. They are not true.”

He sank back down into the seat, unsure of how to proceed. “What’s done is done,” he said, hoping to calm her. “The hunt is over. The mistakes now stand. And yes, as my charge, I am to blame when I do not keep a watchful eye upon you. I would have never allowed you to go into the hunt alone, and had I but paid more attention, we would not carry on this conversation now.” 

He paused. “If it comforts you at all, the girl’s soul now rests in Heaven, where she will feel no more pain.”


The Long Battle || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

Gadreel smiled at the wings as they got cleaner and cleaner and he continued to praise just how beautiful they are…and he was more than pleased with the end result an with his mate being a happy warm loving angel that felt renewed. cause really, all he wanted from this was for his mate to be happy.

So when Samael went to the bed, he chuckled softly and promptly laid down next to him and snuggled right up to his mate and wrapped his arms around him, “Of course I will rest with you. There is no need to give me pleading eyes for that. I will always come and rest with you.” Gadreel says with a soft hum. The angel just happy to have his mate back. 

He’d been so lonely this last year. Sure he’d had his garden but….he didn’t know any other angels well at all…and all the angels he had known well….were in another universe… and being without his mate had…well it had hurt and isolated him. He’d had to tend to the Earth to keep from losing himself in frustration and sadness at times, and to keep himself from remembering his many years in the cells….So to finally have Samael back? He wasn’t going to let the archangel leave his side.


Samael curled into his mate’s embrace, drawing close to the warmth and comfort Gadreel so freely offered. Oh, how he had missed this! How many times had he longed for the soothing presence of his beloved on so many battle weary nights?

“So many lonely, cold nights spent apart,” Samael breathed, his breath fanning out across Gadreel’s cheek. “When resting from the battle, I would often sit perfectly still, straining to call to you over angel radio. In my loneliness, I persisted, even though I knew you to be too far away to hear me. I never want to be so far from you again.”

He held Gadreel tighter, his broad hand rubbing soothing circles on his mate’s back. “It cannot have been easy on you, my love. Forgive me for the despair my absence must have caused you; for the loneliness and the anguish you must have felt.” He leaned forward to kiss him, a soft brush of lips in the darkness. “I feared you would feel as alone and forgotten as.... well.. during other, darker times in your life.”

He fell silent, his eyelids heavy. He snuggled closer to his mate, allowing his exhaustion to pull him closer to sleep. “Perhaps tomorrow you will give me a lesson on how to tend to the Earth?”


The Fledgling || Closed || @gadreelxangelofeden

Gadreel simply watched the whole emotional process his mate was going through, trying to keep from looking amused as Samael tried to figure out just how he had ended up with child and what the odds had been and…well when Samael asked if he was angry, Gadreel reached out with his hand and then with his grace across their bond, warm loving, happy grace and Gadreel’s vessel having a warm smile

“Tell me my love, do I look or feel angry? I am quite excited by this. I did not even think we had a chance of creating a new life and yet…here we are,” He says softly as he kisses Samael’s cheek and sits up and very gently rubs Samael’s abdomen and he leans against the archangel and his vessel that looked like the spitting image of Sam Winchester from his home dimension. He still had yet to find out just what the name of Samael’s vessel is…perhaps he’ll ask some other time…

“My love I think what you did to make this possible…was give love and warmth to a lost, injured, wounded and very upset angel who did not think himself worthy of anyone’s love.” Gadreel looked at Samael and smiled and kissed him again, “and you helped that very lost angel to start to see himself as you saw him…and I think perhaps we are being rewarded for our love towards each other and our progress from the angels we were to the angels we are now.”


Samael clasped Gadreel’s hand close, his heart beating rabbit-fast inside his vessel. 

“No, you feel... overjoyed,” the archangel answered. He leaned into Gadreel’s side, allowing his head to rest on his beloved’s shoulders, his eyes fluttering shut as he rubbed his abdomen. 

“I knew our love was an unusual instance, but I never imagined we could create a fledgling....” His voice trailed off, his eyes opening. “I would have need to consult the Archives of Heaven to be certain, but... another time.”

He lifted his head, meeting Gadreel’s gaze. “Oh, my dear Gadreel. You have given to me just as much as I have given to you. You are patient with me while I leave you alone as I tend to Heaven’s business. You never argue or have a cross word to say when I am grouchy. You offer your comfort and all your love to me, an archangel who once thought of himself as broken and incapable.” He took his mate’s hand in his own, and kissed the back of his knuckles. “I hope... I hope the wounds of your last universe do not ache as they once did; that you feel the love and kindness this universe has to offer you.”

He paused, staring down at his own midsection, where he could feel his own Grace--and by definition, Gadreel’s Grace, as well--dividing and swirling within him.

“And now the universe has given us both a child,” Samael breathed, feeling the first flutters of excitement in his veins. “Perhaps we are being rewarded.”

As tired as he felt, he turned a bright smile on his mate, leaning back into his side. 

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