
Things Freely Given

@thingsfreelygiven / thingsfreelygiven.tumblr.com

For things lovely and terrible that come to us free?

no offence but the achievements of people from privileged/wealthy families do not mean as much as the achievements of people from underprivileged backgrounds


I think a lot of people fundamentally misunderstand ecofascism as a movement. Its not eco activism with a fascist twist. Its fascism wearing the skin of the eco movement because they know people care about the environment and this is a ticket to getting their rhetoric into the mainstream.

The whole point is securing a homeland for their chosen race meaning they have resources for them and theirs. Not save the world, Not protect for the benefit of all. Not even preserve for the sake of the environment. Its all about resources and they will betray every eco tenet once they are no longer useful or get in the way.

People keep saying actions done in the name of ecofascism aren’t truly racist because its about the environment. Thats inherently false. They know they are being racist. They are just trying to dogwhistle it into common knowledge and its working. We need to stop that.

Bringing this back for all the buzz around eco fascism concerning coronavirus. If someone starts advocating the world would be better without humans, they really mean specific kinds of humans.


Adhd b like..... i have one activity on tuesday thats like an hour long but im gonna consider that a busy day so no I can’t make any other plans on that day

We call it being an introvert

It’s not, though.

Being an introvert, you might go “Okay, well this thing that takes an hour is about the limit of my Ability to People for the day. I won’t have the energy to do this other thing later without a break.”.

ADHD is “Well my appointment’s at 2pm, but I should probably plan to show up early just in case, and driving takes 15 minutes, so I should round that up to an hour, and I need at least 3 hours to get ready in case I get distracted, so I need to get up at 8, and I can do Nothing Else.

Bonus points if you manage to fuck over your sleep schedule the night before because you’re feeling anxious about getting to the thing on time.

(If that sounds exhausting, it really is.)

You hyper-correct because you’ve been late to so much shit, because Time Blindness is a big part of ADHD.


Everywhere is at least 15 minutes of travel time away. I need another 15 minutes of buffer in case of traffic. I should aim to be ready to go by 15 minutes before I plan to leave, and I’ll probably need like 15 minutes to get ready, so I have to be done Doing Anything by 15 minutes before THAT so I am Ready to get ready.....

Everything in my life functions on 15 minute intervals. Because less is “no time at all” and more is “plenty of time” and neither of those time frames actually mean anything to my focus or distractibility.


The goose (Go): a unit of measurement for the horribleness of a bird.

Common SI prefixes encompass the milligoose (mostly used for hummingbirds) and the centigoose (ranging from single-digit values for many songbirds, to hundreds of centigeese for some species of ducks). The use of larger prefixes – such as the kilogoose – is predominantly speculative, as species that would (presumably) warrant ratings of this magnitude are largely extinct.

Some popular derived units include the lorenz (Go/s, measuring horribleness over time) and the meir (Go/m^3, measuring horribleness by volume).


Victor Frankenstein: I’ve created life but I refuse to put any effort into helping that life develop. I won’t teach him, love him, or defend him even though I forced him into existence with a fully operational adult brain lol. Peace, bitch.

The Monster: Am Eloquent Baby

Boomers: He’S NOt thE ViCtIM, HE’s tHe MOnsTEr

An ironic parallel considering the idea of “tough love” parenting that plenty of boomers like to use. If they buy into the idea that their kids just have to toughen up and face the real world without guidance or emotional support, I’m sure it does scare them to read a story where someone who wasn’t given any support began to resent their creator and turn on them.

it’s like that post that’s like ‘knowledge is knowing that frankenstein is the doctor; wisdom is knowing that frankenstein is the monster’. like the whole point of the post is that frankenstein’s monster is a victim of viktor frankenstein’s own monstrosity.

mary shelley did not lose her virginity on her mother’s grave just for people to misunderstand her best known work over a century later.


Okay, everyone. I’m going to tell you my secret weapon when it comes to being stuck at home: books. They can pluck you right out of your bedroom and make you forget you’ve been looking at the same walls for weeks on end. 

But, you say, libraries are closed!

Well, that’s okay, because chances are your local library has an ebook and audiobook program. If you have a phone, tablet, kindle, or computer, you could be borrowing them for free, right from home! 

I know there are websites that have free classics and public domain books (like project gutenberg) but this will give you access to newer books. My favorite app is Libby. You can download it from the app store and search for your library. If they are connected, you just have to put in your library card info and BAM! Free books can be sent to your devices. 

If you are someone who struggles with remembering to return books, don’t worry, your book is automatically returned after the two week period. 

It is a great resource, especially right now. If your library isn’t in the Libby app, look on your library’s website. There are various apps that different counties use that work similarly. 


In case you’re wondering what it’s like to be in the ER right now for non Coronavirus symptoms, allow me to say on behalf of all the medical professionals in the US and indeed the entire world right now: STAY THE FUCK INSIDE AND ADHERE TO SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE TO HELP FLATTEN THE CURVE AND REDUCE THE SPREAD OF INFECTION.

I experienced my first ever “thunder clap” (x) headache this morning, the pain was so intense it took away my ability to think. I couldn’t move, speak or even scream. It subsided in under 5 minutes, but those were the longest 5 minutes of my life, and I’ve had root canals done without anesthesia. I’ve fractured my spine, gotten up and carried on walking.

We called the nurse helpline only for them to say they’d call us back. They never did. ETD ended up driving me to the ER, where we debated going inside. The administrator told us we would need to separate, he couldn’t come any further than the red line marked on the floor. I was escorted through empty corridors toward a space that used to be inhabited by seating cubicles used for IV lines (can you tell I’ve been here a lot?), that had been turned into prefabricated rooms. The nurse leading me through the corridors had a walkie-talkie strapped to his front. He kept up a running commentary of where we were at all times. I asked him if it was because I might be contagious, and he told me frankly, yes.

I was asked several times if I had flu like symptoms, did I have a cough, did I have a fever. I told them I did not. They didn’t seem to know what to do with me. I was seen first by a junior doctor, who for reasons of importance later on, I need you to know looked like young John Mulaney 

“She doesn’t have flu symptoms, what should I do?” he whispered to the nurse from behind the plastic curtain separating me from the rest of the world. 

“Well what symptoms does she have?”

Stroke. Possibly. Or a brain bleed. It was possible, with my history of neck injury. My blood pressure certainly implied something was wrong. A senior doctor was called in, who re-performed the neurological testing, which was all fine. They continued to panic over my blood pressure, however, right up until I said “if you let me lie down I’m sure it will normalize.”


“We think I have POTS, I’m seeing Dr X at this hospital.”

“Why isn’t that in your medical file?”

“She doesn’t want to label me with a disability because of how she thinks it will negatively impact my outlook on life.”

“…as opposed to actually having POTS?!”


Which was the first time I’ve ever actually heard a doctor say “What the fuck?” loudly and emphatically. In my head I nicknamed him Sassy Senior Doctor. It was evident he was standing on his last nerve and had stopped giving a shit about everything that wasn’t keeping people alive.

“What else is missing from your file?”

“Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.”

“Oh my god why are those missing?!”

“Ehlers Danlos is a new diagnosis from outside [Network] and my files are pending release. MCAS was because the allergist at this hospital told me it’s a made up disease.”

“No it isn’t!”

“Tell that to the allergist.”

I was allowed to lie down and my blood pressure normalized. They concluded I was not having a stroke. 

It was during this conversation that junior doctor, Dr. Young Not John Mulaney, came back into the room, and the Nurse, not missing a beat said “looks like we’ve got a zebra*, not a horse in the hospital.”

They were all wearing masks, but Dr. Young Not John Mulaney’s facial expression was clear. Outside the plastic curtain, Sassy Senior Doctor made a sound something like what I imagine an owl being given the Heimlich maneuver would sound like. 

“We’re trying to figure out what to do with you.” Dr. YNJM said. “You’re the only patient in here not for respiratory problems.” 

I was once again asked if I had any flu like symptoms, or if anyone in my family had. “My husband’s had bronchitis for six weeks.”

“That’s too long to have bronchitis,” said the Sassy Senior Doctor. “What did they give him for it?”


“Jesus H Christ. Is he staying home from work? What do you mean no? Is he an essential healthcare worker? No? Tell him to stay home. For his sake and yours. I don’t want to see you back in here with a collapsed lung…”

They consulted with a neurologist via tele-medicine, who said the excruciating burning sensation I described lancing through the side of my face, sounded like trigeminal neuralgia (x). “She needs to come see us. It might be TN, or it might be her neck pinched a nerve. EDS can be like that.”

“Can you take her right now?”

“Are you kidding?”

They could not take me right now. Apparently I will have to wait until we are not facing a global pandemic.

“Can you feel your hands?” Sassy Senior Doctor asked one more time. “Can you wiggle your toes? Can you grip my hands. Do you still not have any flu or flu like symptoms? No? Excellent, get the fuck out.”

The nurse assured me he meant it kindly, and I believed her. 

They prescribed me muscle relaxants I can’t take because of my EDS, but said it might help, in a pinch—no pun intended. 

“Stay home and stay safe” was the final parting advice I was given, and then they let the zebra out of the hospital.

*There is a common expression in the medical community: when you hear hoof beats, look for horses, not zebras, meaning that if a patient presents with X symptoms, they probably have the most likely diagnosis, which is Y. 

Unfortunately for chronic and genetic problems like Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, this means our health issues are often brushed off as mental health, life style choices, or sometimes maliciously as attention seeking. This has lead to the community adopting the Zebra as their mascot, because sometimes when you hear hoof beats, it’s worth looking for stripes.

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