
I’m going to be splitting a table at APE THIS WEEKEND with pepper-tea, right next to @thousandskies! This is my last official* con of the year, and I will have pretty much the same stuff as I had at Yaoi-con, as well as some leftover plushies and pillowcases~

APE is at a new location this year, out on a pier I guess?? Which will be interesting… And damp apparently…. I’ve caught pretty bad con crud from the last two cons I’ve been to so plz wash your hands if you plan to touch me, I don’t want a third illness a week after I got over the last one thankssssss see youuuu thererrrrererer

*I’m probably still doing Snafucon in Reno because my sister is pretty much forcing me to come but I’m not sure if I’m going to bring a lot of merch or go for the whole time so we’ll see. I’ll put up more updates about that closer to the date.


I'm sharing a table with reapersun at APE this weekend! I'll have most of the same things I had at Anime Expo.

Hope to see you there!

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