
Do you like the person you've become?


Under The Weight Of Living Christina Lee, 31, Virginia.

For some reason my brain refuses to believe Tom and Morpheus are the same people. Literally put a random photo of Tom next to one of him as Morpheus and my brain legit goes “nope that’s two different people”. Wtf brain?!

An amendment: the only thing my brain will put together is the nose dimple. Idk why that’s important to add here.


@ihavewrittenyoudown​ Maybe I can convince your brain with this:

He´s been training for over a decade to become Morpheus... 😁

Okay this one was very convincing. I think this is the first time I’ve seen a photo of Tom from somewhere else and could recognize it as the same person as Morpheus 😅


For some reason my brain refuses to believe Tom and Morpheus are the same people. Literally put a random photo of Tom next to one of him as Morpheus and my brain legit goes “nope that’s two different people”. Wtf brain?!

An amendment: the only thing my brain will put together is the nose dimple. Idk why that’s important to add here.


"I will guide you into the Dreaming"

sIR, with utmost respect, but the only way that voice is guiding me rn is to a wank


Dream's body in episode 1 >>



He lost *3 stone* essentially *42 pounds*.

He ate in a *four hour window* for intermittent fasting.

He worked out before and during the shooting of the show for *at least three hours* sometimes starting at 4AM and then going to 12+ hour long shoots.

Because he wanted to match the image of Morpheus in the comic when he escapes. He wasn’t asked to do it. He *chose* to do it and I just -

Well I hate that he felt like he needed to do that but also the fact that he chose to in order to better match the source material just makes me die.


The Book Thief | Dream of the Endless/Morpheus x Reader

Summary: After the repercussions of Desire's machinations, Morpheus has yet to face another disturbance in his realm— a thief, stealing books from his library. So what will happen when the King of Dreams catches the book thief? Will he banish them from his realm or will they form an unlikely bond because of books?

Word count: 1.7k+

Morpheus noticed that Lucienne is deeply distressed these days, but still won’t tell him the root of her problems so, he decided to take matters into his own hands and inspect the royal library. As he starts to examine the shelves, he suddenly noticed that there are several missing books in the classics, romance, and fantasy sections – which of course, bothered him because the shelves are always complete and in order. He continued wandering in the royal library and to his surprise, he also saw Lucienne checking the shelves with a list in her hands.

“What are you doing Lucienne?” he inquired. And he observed that his librarian cringed when he asked her.

“M-my lord,” Lucienne replied, hiding the paper behind her back. He stared at her, waiting for her to tell him what is going on with the royal library. There’s something wrong, and he knows it, but Lucienne won’t tell him anything.

“I know that you are busy with other matters my lord…” Lucienne trailed. “But there has been a little disturbance in the library,” she told him, finally giving in.

“And what would that be?” Morpheus asked her, clearly disturbed. It has just been a week since the fiasco in his realm, thanks to Desire, so hearing that there has been a disturbance happening again distressed him.

“The books, sir. Some of them are missing,” Lucienne explained. “I do not know when it started, but as I checked the library’s catalogue, I noticed that some of them are gone,” she continued.

“I tried looking for them, thinking that they’re just probably misplaced. But they’re not and I noticed that there are just more books missing in the various sections of our library,” Lucienne sadly told him.

Morpheus was perplexed by the situation. Who would even dare to steal from the royal library? More so, from his palace and realm?

“Do you have any idea why the books are missing?” Morpheus inquired. After being imprisoned for a hundred years and then going back again to his realm, Morpheus started to value and listen to Lucienne’s input and advice. And even though not always, at least he’s trying to.

“No, sir. But I believe someone is entering the realm without us noticing it,” Lucienne told him.

Morpheus hummed in agreement and started to ponder where should he start looking for the suspicious occurrence that is happening in his realm.

“I shall check on it, Lucienne. In the meantime would you mind taking care of things while I work?”

“With pleasure, sir,” she replied, smiling softly at him.


It has been a week since the incident happened, but Morpheus still cannot figure out who or what could even be the reason why the books are going missing. As he flips through the records of the dreamers to see if there had been a clue or an appearance of the missing books, he suddenly saw a figure going toward the royal library. This alerted him since he was sure that it was not Lucienne, and especially not something he created. He silently followed the figure and noticed that it was going towards the romance section of the library. He followed them discreetly, and then abruptly stopped when he saw them halt in front of the shelf and start putting back the books which were missing.

"So, this is the thief who has been stealing books in my library," he spoke coldly.

“What in the actual fuck—” you replied, clearly shocked, causing you to drop some of the books you were holding in your chest because of your surprise. You whipped your head aggressively to look for the source of the voice, and to your surprise, you see a man before you.

“Who are you?” you mumbled in a puzzled manner. You have never met this man ever since you started visiting the library and tonight is the first time you saw him. He was kind of tall, somewhat looking like a human but not entirely because of his mysteriously magical and strange countenance. He is pale, cold, and clothed in all black, and he is staring at you intensely. 

“I am the King of Dreams and Ruler of the Nightmare Realm, and this is my domain,” he drawled. Even his voice sounds so cold and strange— very fitting to the place you have been visiting for months now.

“Uhm, greetings?” you awkwardly replied. 

“Who are you?” This man certainly has an intense, piercing stare and it is starting to creep you out.

“I’m Y/N, uhm, of the Earth,” you replied. The man in black started going towards you in an agonizingly slow motion, his gaze unfaltering. You gripped the books in your hands so tight and started looking down because you could not meet his stare. He suddenly stopped just in front of you, his hands behind his back. He was so near you that his chest is almost touching your body.

“You are not a dream, nor you are a nightmare,” he concluded. “You’re a mortal and yet you have the guts to steal from my library,” he continued.

Steal? From his library? His accusations are way too absurd, so you decided to meet his gaze bravely. First of all, you just borrowed them and you're returning them right now. Second, there has been no owner in this library since you visited it. And third, he is being so annoying. 

"Your library?" you replied questioningly. "And me stealing? I suggest you stop accusing me of something I did not do since I am returning the books right now," you scoffed at him as you waved the book in your other hand to his face. 

“You dare... You dare to question my authority in my own realm?” he replied icily. That sentence alone sent shivers to your spine, so you decided to step back to get away from him. He seems to sense what you were doing so he just moved forward to close the distance. You tried walking backward to create more space, but suddenly you felt a wall, that seemed to magically appear, behind your back. There is no space for you to run now since the two of you were sandwiched between bookshelves and there’s a damned wall behind you. 

The man in black is now towering over you, hands still behind his back, and his cold stare regarding you from beneath a wild mess of dark hair. He told you earlier ago that he was the King of Dreams. You have read about his existence in novels and fiction, but you never believed that he existed. But with this encounter, you are starting to believe that he is real, and he has definitely a talent for intimidating people.

“Wait, wait…” you scrambled to your feet, gripping the books in your arms even tighter. “I am not questioning anything,” you clarified.

His head slants slightly, still staring at you coldly. Right, he is a king. “Uh, my lord,” you lamely added.

“I am just merely borrowing the books and I have no intention of keeping them myself. As you can see, I am returning them back to the library,” you carefully explained.

“How did you enter my palace?” he replied.

“I do not know, really. Uhm, I just slept and then I dreamt about this place and that’s it,” you immediately answered. “And then I saw your library, by the way, it was wonderful. How did you even collect all those books? Oh, and the rare hardcovers! They are so beautiful! I cannot believe you even have some of the unpublished books of my favorite authors how did you do that?” you rambled at him.

His impassive bearing didn’t even flinch or soften. And his eyes— so cold, ancient, and sad, you concluded distantly as you tried to stare back at him, are still staring at you intently as if he can see right through your soul. 

“I am sorry for rambling. But, believe me, I just slept, dreamt, and entered here. I do not have bad intentions or plans on stealing anything from you I just want to read the books,” you mumbled awkwardly. “And I am sorry for borrowing them without your permission,” you softly added.

“Do not lie to me, book thief,” he replied steadily. “You have been stealing books and entering my palace without me even noticing it. Leave now or I will have you removed,” he continued. He did not even raise his voice or show any expression. He is terrifyingly serene— like a calm ocean whose waves will definitely drown you if angered. 

“Borrowing,” you corrected him. “I was just borrowing the books and I am not lying!” you exclaimed at him.

“Do you take me for a fool? Return the books now and leave. Do not make me banish you,” he told you, still expressionless, serene, and terrifying. 

“I swear I just want to read the books,” you retort weakly as he starts to walk away from you. 

“Can I have a question before I go?” you hopefully asked. He paused mid-turn, not speaking. He did not answer you, but you took this opportunity to ask him a question. If he wants you to leave, then you will gladly comply. But he must answer the question that has been boggling your mind first before he kicks you out of his palace. 

“Do you hate me?” you asked him, hopeful of an answer. “If you are truly the Lord of Dreams, then why… why did you plagued me with nightmares?” you continued, your voice almost breaking as you tried your best not to cry.  

His stoic countenance flinched for a brief second, his pale stare snapping at you as he looked back. 

“This dream is over,” he told you, instead of answering your question. In a brief second, you are sent back to the waking world, your chest heaving as you gasp for air. You tried to sit upright in your bed to calm yourself and breathe properly. Your gaze went in the direction of your phone that is ringing loudly and you begrudgingly turned the alarm off.

Book thief?” you scoffed, as you get out of your bed and recount the events that happened last night. “Then I shall call you an asshole,” you told to yourself. After that encounter, you are convinced that the King of Dreams and Ruler of Nightmare Realm definitely hates you and that you hated him too.

A/N: Here's another Morpheus fic that no one asked for! Part 2 is coming soon. Also, requests are open so you could send some of your requests and I will try my best to write them. For now, enjoy this fic, hope you like it!


Okay I’ve redownloaded tumblr for the first time in two years because of the sandman and I just have to say.

Im seeing so much “Morpheus is a soft and giving lover” head canon going around and I agree,


You can’t try to tell me he’s not also hella Dominate and kinky.


So I was watching this recording of The Horror and The Wild/Marbles because Marbles is my favourite and decided to just draw everyone because I liked the blue-ish/orange-ish colour scheme.

Now, I don’t know who most of these people are (only found credits for the album, not this video) but I love them dearly for setting up in the wintry woods to bring us amazing music. They all look like they’re freezing

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