

@insanemagician / insanemagician.tumblr.com

I'm insane, and I believe in magic. Thus, my name. This, all in all, explains much about myself I believe. This, is a place for stories, but mainly, for ramblings. I am a hybrid creature, 1/2 bunny, 1/4 kitteh and 1/4 puppy I'm something you've never found before and, odds are, you'll end up loving me. But that's okay! That means, you'll have a loyal friend here :D

What is a Poem?

What is a Poem but a string of verses mashed together for a single purpose

To strike a nerve, puncture a vessel, leave you stark naked in front of the world

Some use rhyme Others imageries The best, a combination of both

Myself, I relay on metaphors, images forced together and into your head through the sheer strength of my words

And thus, I aim to explain, what a Poem is all about:

More than a verse, more than a rhyme, and even more than the images, flowing through your mind

A Poem is getting a knife, plunging it into your chest and ripping it open It’s baring your heart in the open, exposed and raw, … vulnerable

Because the best poetry is the one that makes you feel! That leaves your thoughts and feelings naked! That identifies us as humans!

Because it is these feelings which define us as humans, that just like a nerve, when tender and in display, Is at its weakest…

When we recognize our feelings — our thought process — our conscious desire do we leave ourselves open; a laugh, a word of hate or praise we invite others not to judge but to share with us, yet most of the time we are condemned for wishing to share, what we leave buried deep, within our chest

We cannot control others or our actions, we can barely control our bodies or our own feelings, we can’t even control our thoughts

Yet it is through poetry that we aim our best to give coherence to that which by nature has no coherence!

We aim for control when we give them a name! Yet control is nothing but our mind’s creation

And this is what best reflects a truest sense of a Poem

In its disarray we find our nature We find the truest sense of ourselves

We simply find the empathy to share with others the essence of our ‘humanness’

What is a Poem?

Happy Birthday to Me


Happy Pi Day Everyone!






Happy Pi Day everyone!


Happy Pi Day!  

Oh 3.14159265…, you’re irrational but we love you anyway.


HAPPY PI DAY from Peridot!

Posting this at exactly March 14 at 1:59 am for accuracy.


So I’m an animator, although one in dire need of practice. This was my demo, from a few years ago now.

This is Kika, and she’s an alien chef who came to earth because we happen to have the largest amount of DESSERTS in the galaxy.


A funny thing about hipsters is that some don’t realize they are hipsters, and those hipsters often make fun of other hipsters for being hipsters. This gives me constant paranoia that I too may be a hipster.

Kara: I got fired
Lena: You could be CEO of Lcorp ,I'm pretty sure the position is open, I'll check, yep it's open
Lena:oh and would you look at that the CEO's assistant is Lena Luthor ,wow that's me who would've guessed

Man of the moment Keanu Reeves has shown his generosity by giving away £50 million of his earnings from the Matrix sequels. The 38-year-old decided to hand over the money to the unsung heroes of the sci-fi blockbusters - the costume and special effects teams.



Confirmed.  He’s also dumped millions into cancer research.  I really do love Keanu Reeves a lot.

Keanu Reeves is like the nicest person. He still lives in an apartment/flat and he gives most of his money away to charities and people who need it. He even invites some paparazzi people to sit down and eat with him when he’s at a coffee shop or restaurant. He’s such a nice person.


When I was working on the UWS, one of my delivery guys accidentally backed his scooter into a parked car in front of the restaurant. I went out to help, since the driver didn’t speak much English, and it turned out the car belonged to Keanu Reeves. He helped us pick the scooter up, and when I asked if we could exchange insurance information (because the front of the car was pretty banged up), he kept telling us not to worry about it and put his hand on the driver’s shoulder and said “I just want to make sure you’re okay, man. Are you okay?” And he was so sincere about it and so kind that I decided in that moment I would always defend Keanu Reeves at all costs. He is an excellent man.

I need to be more like Keanu Reeves because I’m evil compared to him.

“Next few centuries”

Keanu dropping hints that he is an immortal.

i love keanu reeves

My wife and I were dining at Nobu’s in Honolulu and sitting across from us was Keanu or at least I thought it was. We kept talking about whether it was him or not and finally, I decided to throw some old school Bill & Ted at him.

I stood up and threw my arms up into the motion of an air guitar, my wife is begging me to sit back down, and I pointed at the guy who may be Keanu Reeves, and said, “Most Excellent.”

He stood up and did it back at me. Then we both had a moment and pointed at each other. I sent him another of whatever it was he was drinking. It was a cucumber sake martini. That was the end of it.

Or so I thought.

He left before we finished our meal. By the time we were done, dessert came that we didn’t order. We thought, “oh, must be compliments of the chef.” Then the bill never came. When we asked for it, our waitress said Keanu Reeves took care of it.

IT WAS REALLY HIM. And he left a note. It said, “thanks for the refresh. Keanu.”

When I finally saw him again years later, because of work. I brought it up. Then he air guitar and said, “most excellent. I remember. At Nobu’s. Thanks for the drink.” We chatted a bit and I got an autograph for my mum because she’s a huge Keanu fan. Then that was that.

What a moment.

An angel

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