
I'm Back Baby

@cassirollchan / cassirollchan.tumblr.com

Cassi/Cassiroll || They/Them || DM of Chosen Ones || Please consider following my art blog @theartistcassiroll

if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:

if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.

instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.

Source: villainelle

the himalayan shortwing is a member of the old world flycatcher family found from the himalayas to southern china. males are a deep blue with pronounced white ‘eyebrows’, while females are a soft golden yellow-brown with present but less notable white eyebrows. they are shy, reclusive birds that are often found in dark, brushy habitat. they feed primarily on berries, larvae and small insects, seeds and sprouts.


my first girlfriend turned into the moon🌕

sokka finally joins my ATLA series! you can view the rest of my atla series below⬇️


the city where we live doesn't allow public barbecues so my brother fucking welded a grill to a handcart and now hosts "chill and grill sessions" where he sends all his friends his live location so they can hunt him down on their bikes with sausages in their backpacks while he carts it around evading the police like some sort of barbecue vigilante, grilling on the run. i have never been prouder of him


Found my 53yo very-much-not-online father in the kitchen today meticulously arranging cutlery on the countertop and i was like 'what are you doing' and he looked up at me with the world's most shit-eating grin and said "Your mother told me this is how you rick-roll the Youth" and i looked over and it was fucking. Loss.jpg.

i must stress that he's never seen the original comic. My mother simply showed him the shorthand symbol and he memorized it. As far as he is aware this is just a fucking hieroglyph that deals instant psychic damage to everyone under the age of 30

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