@nvmero / nvmero.tumblr.com

Nvmero is the work of Romain Leclerc, Graphic Designer
currently living in New Zealand.

Romain Leclerc New Zealand Sony A7S | Canon EOS 5D Mark III | iPhone 5s

Instagram now allows you to publish your photos in any ratio with its latest update. Is this update going to change the way you edit your photographs?

I’m not quite sure it’s going to change anything in my edits. Square is a very unnatural format for photography and was just a matter of better display on vertical screens and pushing Instagram’s identity. I got used to it and I anticipate it when I frame at the moment of the shot. After that update, it was funny to see that some of my pictures are somehow less strong in their original aspect ratio. That said I’m not complaining, it’s an awesome update (that should have been released way before in my opinion) and I’ll use it a lot.

Other than your photography, what other work do you produce?

I come from graphic design, and it was my main activity until not long ago. Two years ago, I started film making professionally, that is what I am mostly doing today. Photography started along with traveling, wouldn’t call myself a photographer though. 

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

The truth is a boring answer. I aim to still be biking, I’ll have 10 motorcycle builds in my garage and hopefully, I’ll have find this place where actually want to stay and live. For the moment I’m searching for it. I do long term travels with working visas, I’ll probably stumble upon my dream place anytime soon. I might end up being a winemaker at my father’s place, I don’t know.

Tumblr: nvmero Instagram: nvmero Facebook: nvmero Website: nvmero.com


After weeeeks being on the road, I finally managed to get my latest filmroll processed. There was this usual magic about finally discovering my shots after such a long wait but the excitment was short. Indeed, 80% of the filmroll is blurry due to my broken 50mm on my (father’s) Prakticar. The lens started playing a bit two years ago and I always found a way around but this time I guess it’s the real end.

Next are the few shots that are showable.

Lighthouse — Cape Pallisser, New Zealand.

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