@elaadens / elaadens.tumblr.com

"It’s too bad she won’t live. But then again, who does?" support main △ renegade previously tevintter (semi-hiatus)

Opening portrait commissions!

90€ for a single character 100€ for two characters in the same piece

I’m opening four slots again, on a first come first serve basis!


  • headshots/busts only
  • two characters maximum in the same piece
  • simple background
  • elaborate clothing may get charged extra depending on complexity (parade armor, heavily detailed embroidery...)
  • you can message me here, by email (rory.chabrerie@gmail.com) or on discord (only if you know it)
  • payment is by Paypal only, an invoice will be sent to you after you’ve approved of the sketch

Full details, pricing and ToS are available here. Please keep in mind the prices listed are my regular ones (no emergency commission discount or special offer), which have been raised to account for the Paypal tax.

Thank you so much for your interest, and for your neverdending support 💙💜


i think to avoid carver/bethany using their own sibling’s first name in game they should’ve just had them accidentally call hawke the wrong thing each time with increasing levels of psychic damage

carver/bethany accidentally calling hawke “hawke”: just funny and makes sense for them to pick up from the others, you can imagine them scrunching up their noses at how weird it is

carver/bethany accidentally calling hawke “dad”: still kind of funny but with a considerable twinge especially depending on context

carver/bethany accidentally calling hawke bethany/carver: NOW we’re talking

Places in Mass Effect 2 - Illium Illium is a classic garden world, developed to serve as entrepot between the Terminus Systems and the Asari Republics. To abet this trade, the normally stringent customs laws of Council space on product safety, proscribed materials, and sapient trafficking are relaxed. Officially Illium is not an asari world; it is colonized and operated by asari corporate interests. This gives it the same legal latitude enjoyed by the human corporate research enclaves of Noveria. Illium is one of the youngest asari colonies settled during the 7th Expansion Wave. The first child born on the world is only now reaching her middle-age. The world is hot and massive; ground settlement is only possible at the higher polar latitudes. In more equatorial locations, the population is housed in arcology skyscrapers to escape the heat of the surface. Colony Founded: 1617 Population: 84.9 billion (surface), 80,300 (L4 and L5 stations) Capital: Nos Astra Orbital Distance: 1.3 AU Orbital Period: 1.5 Earth Years Radius: 7431 km Day Length: 25 Earth Hours Atmospheric Pressure: 1.15 Earth Atmospheres Surface Temperature: 63 Celsius Surface Gravity: 1.2 G

Fallout 76: your camp is always vulnerable! No where is safe in the wasteland! Remember that your camp is mobile and should be the barest necessities!

Me, in my aesthetic cabin in the woods with elaborate decorations: what

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