
wait there’s a podcast for new girl?!


Omg you’ve been missing out!! It’s called Welcome to Our Show and is on Spotify and Apple Podcast


TOP ONE HUNDRED TV COMFORT CHARACTERS ↳ ninety-six » jessica day you don’t like my style, that’s fine, but i’m not gonna change who i am. so you’re just gonna have to deal with and respect it

Anonymous asked:

hi, steph does it matter to the quality of the gif if one colours first and then sharpens.

Hi sorry for the delay in answering this! No it doesn’t I actually always sharpen at the very end ☺️


Hi, I'm late to the party, but I just got what your name means. I was consciously aware of who Mario was and I knew what Ness's hyphenated names would be; I just didn't put them together. So, slow clap


Haha thank you! I snatched this username right up the minute that episode aired 😂 I’m a huge dog (and ness) lover so it was perfect!

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