
@lady-josie / lady-josie.tumblr.com

A blog about things I am interested in

marisa and asriel NEVER made a bad track. “oh asriel, what will happen to us? is this the end of everything?” amazing. “we should have married” showstopping. “i cant bear the thought of oblivion, asriel” immaculate. “i could understand your hating me, i’ve never hated you, but i could understand” heartbreaking. “call him now marisa, my love” beautiful.

yet none of them made it to season 3


Young Masriel au -> when Marisa finds out she's pregnant the only place she can think of to hide is her and Asriel's secret hideaway on Fair Isle. When Asriel finally finds her there he tries his best to calm her down.


Lie about whatever you want. Lie about the Oblation Board. The Magisterium. Lie about the girl. But do not lie about your ambition, your work… or who you truly are. You used to want to change the world. Then leave the Magisterium. Come with me, and we will change them all.


Chapter 16 of the Amber Spyglass is fucking wild

- Asriel threatening to gag Mrs Coulter, Mrs Coulter spitting at him, “untie me, or I’ll force you to gag me”. Iconic

- Lord Roke, “should we torture her?”, Mrs Coulter laughs at him and Asriel “couldn’t help enjoying her barefaced insincerity”. He knows full well she’s talking shit and he loves it

- “If she tempted you, you would not resist”. Asriel then wanting her elsewhere because he doesn’t trust her (or himself, let’s be real) but not being able to move her because of Lord Roke and Ogunwe. Amazing

- “Mrs Coulter looked at him with an expression of mild and virtuous concern. He was certain that no one else could see the glitter of sly triumph in the depths of her beautiful eyes”

- Asriel entering an abandoned world and building an army tho not declaring war on the Kingdom of Heaven but fully intending to fight them if they attack first

- Asriel being too excited (and cocky) and showing Marisa how to use the intention craft before she shoved him out and steals it. To which his response is to watch her go with “rueful admiration”

- and finally, Asriel absolutely anticipating her plan of spying on the Consistorial Court for him as she yeets away in the Intention Craft before laughing about it.

Asriel still loves this crazy bitch and nobody can tell me otherwise tbh, they’re both as wild as each other and they thrive off it


"Now that world, and every other universe, came about as a result of possibility. Take the example of tossing a coin: it can come down heads or tails, and we don't know before it lands which way it's going to fall. If it comes down heads, that means that the possibility of its coming down tails has collapsed. Until that moment the two possibilities were equal. "But on another world, it does come down tails. And when that happens, the two worlds split apart. I'm using the example of tossing a coin to make it clearer. In fact, these possibility collapses happen at the level of elementary particles, but they happen in just the same way: one moment several things are possible, the next moment only one happens, and the rest don't exist. Except that other worlds have sprung into being, on which they did happen. - Northern lights - P. Pullman

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