
Dean Wingedchester

@deanwingedchester / deanwingedchester.tumblr.com

The Garrison Perch. Please make yourself comfortable. Ever just watch your ship confirmed live in 2020? What a time to be alive. Pandorana / New Zealand Mostly Supernatural fandom blog, but other fandoms and random posts featured too. Anime, Doctor Who, South Park, Undertale/Deltarune, Ace Attorney, Overwatch, Nintendo, Fullmetal Alchemist, literally like a gazillion fandoms don't even ask. Anti-hate blog, genuine fandom wank is not welcome here. This is a hate free zone. Proud supporter of Your Kink is Not My Kink, fiction is fiction do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't hurt anyone.

The devastating difference between how much time it takes to write something vs how fast people read it lol

you're falling in the trap!! it will be read by many people, many times, and it will live on in their memories. and maybe no single other human will match you in time spent dedicated to your story, but as a collective we will outlast you. acts of creation only grow when they are shared

This. Writing is not like dinner. It can be consumed many times


I don’t know which author needs to hear this right now but even if you never update your wip i would never regret reading it a time of joy is never wasted


put down the chat gpt. consume too much caffeine and nicotine and write a paper that you barely understand while you approach hallucination territory from too little sleep and too much raging. engage with academia in the way god intended


my dream as a fanfic writer is to write a story which people want to talk to me about and send asks about afterwards and discuss things the characters did and the symbolism and meanings behind certain lines and I'll be all "hehe thanks" but irl I'll be in literal tears because I wrote something that means something to someone

Please give me feedback! :)


I got an AO3 comment once which summarised said, 'I've been reading this fic for years and I keep coming back to it over and over because it's so amazing and I feel guilty that all this time I never commented, so this is me letting you know how much it's meant to me for so long.' And that was incredible, because five minutes before I didn't know that person existed and then they tell me that I've made such an impact on them.

It is never too late to leave a comment - the author will always be thrilled.



  • YEAR = November 6 (or closest date to it if unavailable) of that year
  • To make this bar chart race, all series titles in the Other Media Category on November 6 (or the closest date to it) of every year were copy-pasted from Wayback Machine to Google Sheets, rearranged according to number of fanworks, and manually filtered since not all podcasts were marked as such. Then I inputted all the top 10 data to Flourish to turn into a bar chart race.
  • Some web series like Critical Role and Dimensions 20 released audio-only versions of their works too, but I left them out since they were listed was a web series on ao3 and more known as one too. 
  • Similarly, radio shows which only had podcasts years after they started are not included. That means Cabin Pressure, which I accidentally added in the 2022 Top 20 ranking last week, is not included here because it was only rereleased as a podcast in 2019, and 90% of the fanworks it has now are from before 2019.
  • All nonfiction podcasts have also been excluded (Not that there were many), because with RPFs, it’s hard to tell if the fic in question is just based on the podcast or because of the things the person has done outside of it. 
  • The bar race starts on 2013 because there were no podcasts in the Other Media category before that year.
  • The first podcast fandom to post on Ao3 was We’re Alive on January 1, 2013, followed by The Thrilling Adventure Hour on January 27, 2013, and then Welcome to Night Vale at June 2013.
  • In 2014-2016, Sparks Nevada Marshal on Mars, a segment from The Thrilling Adventure Hour, was also in the top 10, but I didn’t included it since it’s not its own podcast.
  • TOTAL = the total fanworks of all the top 10 over the years, not the whole podcast fandom itself
  • Thanks for understanding and hopefully I didn’t miss anything! Apologies for any mistakes, I’m still a podcast noob.🙏
  • ETA: Locked fanworks aren’t included in the count because Wayback Machine can’t view those, only Ao3 users can.

They think that now that they've revealed that the Kaishin are cousins, it's a free pass to do more art together because no one will ship it.

(They have no idea that the fandom doesn't care about this anime's ridiculous canon)


This has been a PSA.


I’m trying not to reblog posts on this blog but I feel that this is important to post here.

on a related note:

And for the people asking “Well if you don’t support it irl then why would you like it in fiction?!” Because when it’s happening irl real people are suffering and dying and that’s horrible and I’d never want that. But when it’s fiction, when no real people are being hurt or killed, it’s interesting to explore the experience, the effects it may have, and to an extent experience the emotions involved without actually having to experience the horrible thing. You explore scary, dangerous things from a safe distance.


Because it’s how stories work.


Because it’s how stories work.


Imagine the need to put "not m27 compliant" on everything.

"Dear Father, before I post, I disavow any relation to the CANON. Forgive me for I have sinned mortally. I have fallen into apostasy and ruin on the altar of kaishin. I was an unknowing sinner, caught about on the seas of incest for thirty years, but now, with your divine revelation, I have seen the light!

"Now I only ship the holiest and purest of rivals to lovers, that of the unrelated queers, so their incestuous foreign seed shall not bear fruit.

"In the name of the monocle, bowtie, detective badge, and watch. Amen."


It's incredible how people have been protesting pants and skirts not having pockets but not a single peep is heard over the fact that skirts no longer have underskirts by default. Underskirts (or lining) was a thing when I was a child, no skirt would be made without lining, you didn't have to think and check if your whole ass is visible in a skirt because lining was a thing!!!! Now most skirts don't and it's simply because it's cheaper, fuck the fact that a customer doesn't want their panties shown in broad daylight, it saves a couple of cents on material.

okay so this has definitely breached containment and I want to point something out:

  • Yes slips are a thing but that's beyond the point. It's not just about skirts, it's the fact that garments have lost any quality they used to have and it's only getting worse.
  • Also, telling people to just buy a slip??? We don't tell women to buy a purse if she don't have pockets on her jeans?? Slips are an additional cost we should not be shouldering. They are often expensive, not size inclusive and unlike a lining that's made SPECIFICALLY for the skirt it's sewn onto, a slip might be too long or too short or just not look right.
  • as someone pointed out in the tags even coats and other garments have started to be sewn without lining and the purpose of lining is more than to hide your underwear.
  • The purpose of a lining is to add to the comfort of the wearer; preserve the shape of a garment or add body to it; and conceal construction details and raw edges of fabric, thus giving a finished appearance to the inside of the garment. A neatly applied lining usually adds to a garment quality.
  • I own a wool coat from an Austrian company that no longer exists (thanks thrifting), and it is in impeccable state. It has no tears, not one pulled thread and the shape still holds despite it being probably around 80 years old. Meanwhile another coat I had bought recently at a store already has a gaping hole where the stitches started unraveling. this ISN'T NORMAL!
  • Our clothes should last us, we should stop being ok with the absolute fuckery that is fast fashion and demand garments that will not break apart after two months.
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