


Vague emotional shit

Shout out to all my straight sisters I’m so sorry 😞


Jesus, leave his ass.


We learn fast to be very kind and attentive, tho.


My mom, who got her degree in Marriage and Family Counseling when she was 60, says studies show that women will sometimes sometimes leave a long term relationship to live on their own for a while before seeking a new relationship, but men will almost never leave a long term relationship without having a new relationship either in progress or just beginning.  They don’t want to give up the caretaker they have without another one on deck or in the wings.

This is so sad


This isnt cute or quirky. This means hes a fucking hopeless user


Please date a man who actually acts like an adult.

Ok I lived with my ex for 2 years and he literally wouldn’t be able to get his own food if I wasn’t at home, I’d get home from work and he’d be angry at me for “making him starve”

My current partner has lived on his own for 8 years and the absolute most I have to help him with is maybe sending him $20 so he can make a bill payment on time

It made me realise for 2-4 years I wasn’t a girlfriend I was a fucking mother

Men who have been independent are capable of reverting if given the slightest excuse. When we married, my ex husband was 10 years older than me and had lived on his own for 8ish years. Yet (and I allowed this until I finally got fed up and took us to counseling) I did 80% of the cooking, because I was better at it. Same with the cleaning, shopping, social planning, etc.

After I left, in the first six months I got texts or calls asking me to please tell him:

  • The online banking password (dude, I left you, you should really change that)
  • Where I ordered his special-wecial organic underwear
  • Where the good cutting board was (my dad gave it to us at our wedding, genius, I took it with me along with the rest of the stuff from my family)
  • What brand butter we bought
  • What brand of local kielbasa we bought
  • Who his doctor was
  • What RMV office had the shortest lines
  • Where the old tax returns were (in the fucking box labeled tax returns)
  • The phone number for his best friend

I shit you not.

Then he had a heart attack (mild) and none of his family or friends were around to take him to the hospital. But instead of calling 911, he called me, who by then lived 45 minutes away. He lived 5 minutes from an EMS dispatch location. He called me, despite the fact that he didn’t believe me 8 months prior when I was feeling suicidal and I had to call a cab to go alone to check myself into the hospital for a 72-hour hold. I told him to call 911, hung up on him when he whined about “making a fuss”, called 911, called his siblings and then texted them “your brother is having a heart attack, I called 911 for him, come home,” and washed my hands of it.

Emotionally vacant men who won’t do household labor or emotional labor are not Nazis, but they aren’t good people, either, and you don’t have to put up with their shit.

Millennial women of Tumblr, please read this post.

And then please: make the decision for yourself to never stay with a man who expects you to be his mother and servant.


This is my grandma to a T. She has lived with the same man for a good 60+ years now and her literal words quoted: “When I’m not home for an extended period of time (week or more) I worry about him eating and then when I get home he’s been eating fish and potatoes for the whole time, even though I left heatable meals in the fridge for him” My grandma pays ALL THE BILLS. Yes ALL OF THEM. The only bills my grandpa puts any money into is car payements and some land-deed tax stuff. He refuses to cook, clean, wash his clothes, any of it.

The whole family is currently waiting for my grandpa to die so my grandma can finally go free, because she’s so stuck into her role as a caretaker that’s the only way to force her to let this shitbag go.

Tumblr, keep circulating this. This is not the 1960s, a dude’s gotta wash his own fucking clothes in our lord’s year of 2018.

Two weeks into my first boyfriend and I moving in together he enquired about his clean washing and was genuinely, horrifyingly confused when I replied, “Well, did you clean it?” He eventually figured out how to look after himself when it became apparent I wasn’t going to do it for him but even then it involved him taking his fucking dirty washing back to his mother a few times.

Women, this behaviour is super normalised but that doesn’t mean it’s right or fair. You don’t owe men shit, don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

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