
Avengers Assemble

@starklordx / starklordx.tumblr.com


Thanos was boosting himself to gain power of Infinity Stones. He screamed, knowing he has greater plan. He knew he would not die. It was his sole purpose. He was open to accept the power, but still went through a lot of pain, and showed it.

The Hulk was unsure of his fate, but did it for noble purpose. He was torn by power of the stones and screamed in great pain, feeling horror of power surge coursing through his veins. Agony was visible on him at all times.

Tony knew he would not survive the gauntlet. After all, he is only human. Much greater creatures took on the gauntlet and were damaged in the process. He was saving the universe. He was saving loved ones. He was saving his friends. He welcomed the great power that comes with the stones and he did not scream, he just flinched, accepting his fate. He greeted death. He took on the gauntlet not showing what it was doing to him on the inside. He was burning on the inside and it was damaging him beyond repair. His heart was giving up. He did not scream. He did not show the agonizing pain his body was going through.

Earth just lost its best defender.

Source: brolinjosh

So if 2023 Tony snapped 2014 Thanos out of existence does that mean there’s a timeline there where Thanos ceased to exist after 2014 and thus there was a fat chance that Ultron couldn’t have happened if the ultimate fear that Wanda used to show in Tony’s mind became non existent, and even if it still happened and so did Civil War, there couldn’t ever be an Infinity War, this san Thanos timeline would have Thor landed the Asgardian ship back on Earth with everyone intact, starting a new life on Earth, while the Avengers were working on the Accords to ensure the rights of both the public and the heroes, Tony was handing out his wedding invitation and everyone’s breathe was taken away when Pepper walked down the aisle then a year later Peter became a big brother to baby Morgan they all live happily ever after the end.


markruffalo: Causually discussing how we can save the world over dinner. #AvengersEndgame


The OG 6, Tom Hiddleston and the Russo Brothers on set of Avengers: Endgame

renner4real  Reshooting a scene from the first avengers was such a trip down memory lane for us all!


Guys, remember that scene from Avengers: Age of Ultron where Tony and Thor were boasting about Pepper and Jane respectively?

Now imagine Tony, Scott and Clint boasting about their respective children to others. 


tony bragging about how much of a genius morgan already is. just last week she passed a high school math class. she’s barely through grade school. tony hasn’t academically taught her anything she hasn’t asked for explicitly, which is almost nothing. plus, she goes to work with pepper on wednesdays when she has half days at school. she’s an ambitious lil stark bb. not to mention peter just got accepted into mit without a word from tony.

clint brags about his daughter’s augmenting archery skills and his sons’ growing interests in baseball, the way his older son helps the younger one and how kind it all is, how much of a dream it is. he can’t stop talking. the littlest one is a total daddy’s boy.

cassie just got a part time job and has been tutoring some kids on her free weeknights. more importantly though, she just finished watching the whole die hard trilogy and scott is so proud of her.

This addition brought tears to my eyes…

Steve: what am I going to do while you’re gone?
Tony: I don’t know, what do you normally do when I’m gone?
Steve [sad voice]: Wait for you to get back

Carol: Gets hit with Gamma radiation and gets cool powers like flight, super strength, can breathe in space



Tom Holland is a phenomenal actor, but can we talk about Elizabeth Olsen’s performance as Scarlet Witch? She doesn’t get enough credit for her talent as an actress; just like Tom, she’s performed brilliantly in emotional scenes, but her scenes didn’t have the same weight because of bad writing.


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