
Fire Cannot Kill A Dragon

@halfragehalfsnark / halfragehalfsnark.tumblr.com

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I think what's wrong with me is that my dad loved making boiled peanuts but when you say "boiled peanuts" in a thick Mississippi Delta accent it sounds like "bald penis" and we were forbidden from acknowledging that

My dad, internally: "The children must be fed nutriment. I have in my possession a very large pot and a propane burner; I shall make a sojourn to the grocer's and procure peanuts."

My dad, aloud: "'Ey, y'all wansum bald penis?"

All of us, internally: "Ah yes, such a delectable summertime treat that will be."

All of us, aloud: "'Ey, shitchea. Daddy boutta bal up some bald penis!"

They take on a delightful texture similar to water chestnuts and get infused with whatever seasonings you put in the water. It is literally so fucking delicious and if you don't know about bald penis then you are Deprived. The food of the gods.

Honey, darling, listen to me. Would I lie to you? No, I wouldn't. If you ever find yourself driving around in the rural southern US, you simply must keep an eye out for one of these gentlemen:

For a very reasonable price you'll be provided a cup of absolutely delectable provincial delicacies that will surely equal any hors d'ouvers you might find on the continent. I promise, darling, it is the most délicieuse dining experience you're likely to find, and it will surely--as my dear departed grandmama used to say--"make yer tongue slap yer brains out"

This gentleman has spelled peanuts three different ways on his stall.

As is the time-honored tradition of our people, yes


My upstairs neighbors have officially gotten to the point where they're loud enough to wake me up. I'm happy homegirl is getting her back blown out but I wish both of them and that whole family would become severely allergic to movement. They're changing me. They're making me worse.

I have a suggestion

isuggestarson what do you suggest


so proud that the country-formerly-known-as-turkey really went and dropped its deadname on the first day of pride month. forget being an ally bitch you're one of us

to anyone coming in with "actually this country is bad because" I apologize for the actions of a conservative middle eastern government in a historically conflict-and-corruption-riddled region but you see this was a joke post. sadly Türkiye is not actually a transgender icon, I am not a Türkiye fangirl, I don't actually think Türkiye is a uwu bastion of queer rights, this was you see a quick joke built upon the humorous coincidence that a whole-ass country changed its name on the first day of pride month. tragically there is no such thing (currently) as a transgender government or country, here's hoping some day we can come together and change that

#people have gotten WAY too comfortable with chastising strangers for not presenting every facet of a nuanced situation

You're right and you should say it


Y‘all I don’t know what you’re talking about the Wikipedia article says it right here, Türkiye 100% trans icon confirmed🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️ /j

took me a hot minute to remember it's transcontinental

know what? fuck it


fuck google docs so fucking much

i've just lost hundreds of docs and pdfs and i'm beyond pissed right now

they're all permanently gone

actually they're not holy shit

okay so, gonna tell ya'll something awesome rn

google drive is a mess sometimes with its storage things and if you're unlucky it might delete some of your files and you won't realise until it's well past the point where they won't be in 'trash' anymore and you're fucked

all is not lost however!

if you're on drive via browser, hit the little ? in a circle next to the settings cog and select "help"

search for "file recovery"

it'll show you the ways to try and recover your files on pc, android, and mac etc

these don't matter

you need to scroll down to the bottom and just hit the "contact us"

you'll be logged out automatically

log back in

click the little box to give google permission to attempt to restore your files for that account

click "submit"

give them some time to work but it's an automatic process

i've got most of my files back in less than 10 minutes

all is not lost! rejoice!

I'm gonna reblog this again bc wow but was it helpful to learn!


what’s the pink they put in pink lemonade that makes it so poppin

that’s pussy babe!


now THIS is a world heritage post


Fun fact in addition: Cary Elwes wasn’t allowed to be part of that scene because he kept laughing. The Westley on the table was dummy.

This is AFTER he broke a toe riding Andre the Giant’s ATV, and got concussed when he and Christopher Guest tried to make the scene where Count Rugen knocks Wesley out more convincing. Mandy Patinkin busted the rib trying not to laugh, and also accidentally stabbed Guest during their fight scene.  About the only person who didn’t get some form of overenthusiasm-induced injury or illness during filming was Robin Wright, who had to repeatedly get her dress burnt up in the fire swamp scene because Goldman ruined one of the takes by screaming “Oh my god, she’s on fire!”

i swear the princess bride movie was just a bunch of cast and crew deciding to dick around and film it.

it was Jackass before Jackass


The guy in the giant rodent costume got arrested on his way to the set and they had to delay production to go bail him out


really it is wild that sign language exists and is perfectly accessible and yet its not a taught second language in schools

yeah you can use it under water and in situations where u need to be silent and thats all cool and everything but you can also use it to talk to deaf people which is more than enough reason already. just let sign language be an option in schools.


One time, I had a dream that I was making peanut butter chocolate chip cookies, and most of them were the regular measurements in cups and stuff. But at the end of the recipe, instead of saying “2.5 cups of chocolate chips” it said “627 chocolate chips.”

So when I woke up, I made some peanut butter chocolate chip cookies. And instead of measuring out chocolate chips, I counted them (and suffered a lot of odd looks from my family for it).

Well, it turns out that 627 chocolate chips is the amount that the recipe called for (2.5 cups). Not only that, but 627 was the exact amount of chocolate chips that we had left in the house.

Forbidden knowledge was granted you that night

What is it about “prophetic” dreams that are just extremely normal and mundane

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