
The Independent Mutant

@radiant-mutations / radiant-mutations.tumblr.com

Radien Atlas. Mutant with a couple different mutations. Those include the ability to control fire, light, electricity, and also to travel through electrical currents. {Indie oc x-men rp blog. Mutli-ship/verse/fandom/etc.PRE-DOFP *until I see it of course*} FC: Logan Lerman Gifs and Pics are not mine
                                 I just want to hear you say it.
               I need you to say it out loud - —                                 tell me I make you PROUD.
                                          I just want to hear you say it - —                               say it a little louder, please.
                               ❴TELL ME YOU'RE PROUD OF ME.

                                                I don’t hate myself                                  But I don’t particularly like myself either                   It’s like this deep-rooted dislike for the person I grew up to be                     A certain r e p u l s i o n towards the

                                                             ugliness that haunts                                                                                                        my souL


Training Begins || nopatienceatall

Pietro stared at the other, a worried frown on his face. “It didn’t work… This is now what was supposed to happen… you got injured… I-” he stopped and looked away. He clumsily got to his feet, his whole body shaking as he wrapped his arms around himself. A sickening feeling of guilt filling his body, making him want to throw up. When he looked over at Radien and saw the scars he turned away and started to limp towards the exist. He couldn’t deal with this, all he wanted was to run away, but his leg hurt too much for him to actually run.

Radien frowned and looked over as Pietro started to walk away. He waited a moment before taking a deep breath and getting to his feet himself, making sure not to use his arm. He walked over to Pietro, then past him, putting himself between Pietro and the door. He stared at him with a tinge of anger mixed with sadness in his eyes before he spoke. 

"Pietro, it did work. We came here to put me in a high stress, low strength situation so I could learn to control my power and that's exactly what happened. Yes, I accidently struck myself with lightning but that was not your fault. I could have made it go in another direction and I didn't so that was my mistake." He paused, catching his breath a little. 

"You put yourself in danger just to help me. No one has ever done that before. You've shown me that being a mutant is not the same thing as being a monster or a murderer or a freak. I always got in trouble and bullied for being different and it made me afraid of my power... afraid of what I was. That's why I could get control over my power until you showed me otherwise. I just didn't get it until now and I have you and your stupid idea to thank for that. So... thank you."


Don't do it § (Closed, Radien)

Pietro was able to sit still for the duration of the movie, somehow, but by the end he was very, very restless. He had noticed that Radien had grown tired and he wasn’t sure if he had fallen asleep during the movie, but he figure he should direct the other towards his bed now that the film was over. “Hey, Radien,” he said softly.

"Hmn?" Radien hummed as he sat up and rubbed the side of his face. He had been on the verge of falling asleep when Pietro woke him. He glanced over at the tv and noticed the movie was already over. "Sorry..." He mumbled, feeling a little bad for almost falling asleep during the movie.


Breaking Out || Closed Rp

Suddenly the door burst open and slammed against the wall on the other side with an intense force, in the door opening Pietro stood. He leaned against the frame and stared at Radien with a raised eyebrow.

It had only taken a few days before he had noticed that Radien was nowhere to be found, and of course he got worried. Then he had spent days trying to figure out where he had gone, and when he had finally figured that out he had needed to find a quick way to break the other out, and now he was there, looking at the other.

"You just disappeared, how rude of you," he sighed and turned to make sure that no police was there yet. "Come on, let’s get out of here, and you better tell me what the heck happened. Also, you owe me bigtime for this," he added and pointed a finger at Radien as he started to walk. He couldn’t run right now, even if he really wanted to. The last thing he wanted to risk was for Radien to get caught again. "Don’t you get tired of ending up in trouble like this all the time?"

Radien jumped and pressed himself back against the wall when the door busted open and slammed against the wall. He stared at it for a second before turning his head and seeng Pietro. He relaxed and smiled a bit at the sight, moving to the edge of the bed. He watched him for a moment, making sure he was real before moving and following him. 

"Like this? I've never been in jail before. They've never been able to get a confession out of me or proove that I was guilty until now. This is... actually a first." He said before glancing over to a camera, then back at Pietro. "They can't see us but I'm pretty sure they heard you." He said before glancing around. "Got a plan?" He asked.

He was glad Pietro had come to his rescue, but he was also scared about what would happen if they got out. Radien was a convicted criminal now... so they'd be on the run from the cops. Well, Radien would be. They wouldn't even know Pietro was here.


Training Begins || nopatienceatall

Pietro let out a sigh of relief, the other was alive. “I’m so sorry, Radien, I’m so sorry,” he said as he looked up at the other. This was all his fault, if he hadn’t suggested to push it far so far neither would have been hurt. He had almost killed Radien and knowing this was slowly eating away at him. “Are you alright?” he asked as he crawled over to the other, ignoring the pain that was pulsing from his leg and through his body. He was still bleeding, but he could deal with that later, Radien was way more important now. “I’m so, so sorry. It was a stupid suggestion, I should never have pushed it.”

Radien watched as Pietro crawled over to him. He frowned, glancing towards his leg to see the trail of blood behind him. His eyes closed for a moment, cauterizing the would on Pietro's leg just by thinking about it, before looking back to him. "I forgive you for your stupid idea that actually worked." Radien told him with a small smile that only lasted about a second before it turned into an expression full of pain. He shut his eyes tightly as a burning sensation went through his wounded arm.

He wanted to get his jacket off of him, to see how bad the damage was to his shoulder and arm, but he didn't want to take the risk of having Pietro try and take it off of him. Just the idea of the think cloth rubbing against his arm made it hurt. Only one other option came to mind, and that was to burn it off, and that's just what he did. It only took about a second, and the jacket was gone without the flames even touching Radien. He opened his eyes and looked down at his arm. "Well fuck..." He whispered, trailing his eyes down the lightning bolt shaped scars along his skin. In a way it actually looked cool, but at the time it just hurt like hell.


Do your best to emotionally break my character. Guilt, lost love, insecurities, just totally tear them apart.


Don't do it § (Closed, Radien)

"Ey, don’t dismiss my compliments! I meant what I said, I do find you to be incredibly attractive," he said stubbornly, but his voice was still soft and there was a smile on his lips the whole time. "I want to watch the movie," he said and started at the beginning of the movie since they had gotten a little bit distracted last time they tried to watch it. He pulled Radien closer and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.

Radien smiled as he was pulled closer and adjusted accordingly. He was happy to actually be doing something nice for once. Not having to worry about his or Pietro's safety. It was even more comforting to know he'd be staying with Pietro for a little while, having a bed to sleep on and food to eat. It was definitely a change for him, but he didn't care. He was with Pietro, and no matter where they went he was happy. As they sat there watching the movie, Radien started growing tired and rested his head against Pietro.


It's not getting any better § [TW: Self harm] (Open post)

It still didn’t feel like he was doing enough. There had to be something he could do to make Radien feel better, something he could do to make the other stop having nightmares. Something, anything. “Remember, you can talk to me about anything, even if you feel like it’s stupid. You can come to me anytime, whenever there is anything, I will not think that you’re whiny, or that you’re complaining too much, I can promise you that,” he whispered as he held the other protectively.

Radien looked down, his mind thinking over what he was going to say. After a moment of silence between them, he spoke up. "The night before I ran away from my foster home, I was abused for five hours because they had caught me cutting in the bathroom and they were mad because I got blood on the floor. The next morning, it started raining. I took the chance and got out to hide in the bushes across the street. After a couple minutes the house was struck by lightning. It caught on fire and... I could hear the other kids screaming. They were trapped inside." He paused.

"I can still hear them when I sleep... and I know it's my fault." He closed his eyes, tears rolling down his cheeks. "It's what my nightmares have been about... and sometimes I'm inside the house too but I can't move and... you're there." His voice started to fade the more he talked about it.


End of all hope § {AU: Post-apocalypse} [Closed, Radien]

The smile on Pietro’s lips widened and he moved closer to Radien, allowing himself to trust the other a bit more, but it would take some time before he felt completely comfortable around the other. They had just met after all. “So, you were a part of the military? You look rather young. How old are you? Where are you from?” he asked as they started to walk. He wanted to get to know the other better, and he was sure the dark haired boy wanted the same as they would be spending a lot of time together.

"We should look for supplies. There’s a abandoned camp nearby, I was going to check it out after being here, so we can head over there," he suggested and pointed in the direction of the camp. "Cannibals had been there, so I’m sure normal food would have been left behind," he continued to explain why he thought anything would be there for them to find.

Radien laughed a little at all the questions before scratching the back of his head. "Well, I'm seventeen, and I'm from New York." he answered before nodding. "Perfect." He commented at the plan, a little bit impressed with Pietro. He started moving in the direction Pietro had pointed to. "So what about you? Where are you and your sister from?" He asked, curious about how far Pietro had traveled in his search. He was also hoping that he'd be able to keep up with Pietro since it seemed he could run at impossible speeds. 

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