
Insert title here

@zaydesithon / zaydesithon.tumblr.com

Find something you love... and let it destroy you.

*screaming* JUST WRITE DICK i promise its 10000000% sexier


his swollen meat thermometer was ready 2 take ur temperature




1. able to speak or write several languages; multilingual. 

2. containing, composed of, or written in several languages. 


3. a mixture or confusion of languages. 

4. a person who speaks, writes, or reads a number of languages. 

5. a book, especially a Bible, containing the same text in several languages.

Etymology: from Mediaeval Latin polyglōttus < Greek polýglōttos, “many-tongued”, from polus, “much, many”; related to Old English fela, “many” + -glottos, “-tongued”, adj. derivative of glôtta, “tongue”.


fights in the s’chn t’gai household must be wild. like “father, i find your behavior illogical” “my son spock, it is your behavior that is illogical” two weeks pass without them speaking to each other at all after those intense accusations were flung


So I reblogged this before, but I actually wanted to stop and saying something, which is this:

Everyone who writes has felt that moment of “EVERYTHING HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE I’M A FAKE I’M A FAILURE I’M WORTHLESS,” and it’s always been over a moment like this one.  That moment where you realize your idea has been done before.  But here’s the thing.  Ideas aren’t worthless, but they’re the pennies of your novel.  They’re the smallest component.

Execution, on the other hand…that’s what does everything.  That’s your dollar bills, stuffed into the jar until you have enough to go on the biggest adventure of your life.

So write your story where the mermaid falls in love with the boy who lives on land.  Write him becoming a merman for her, or write him as a her, or write your sea witch as the heroine, or write your mermaid as a villain.  Write a world.  The idea, that’s a penny you found in the street.  All the real value is going to come from you.

Being a writer, I applaud this post. 


This is by far the most complicated cosplay I’ve ever made, but I’m so, so happy with it! BIG SHOUT OUT THANKS to my dear husband TheEyeProjects for making the entire Sheikah Naginata while I could finish my costume.

Source: rei-suzuki

@thebibliosphere look what I found? I saw it and thought of you. 

in a good way, i promise!!!

I love the caption that says “they’re baaaack” both implying there is more to this, and the author is a 1980s equivalent of s shit poster.

I have. THREE. Of these books. They are a collection of short stories featuring the ridiculous fantasy tropes of women warriors. It’s a group of lady writers taking the piss out of lazy male fantasy writers and they’re FANTASTIC. If you ignore the shitpost covers.



I was gonna add that these books were fucking great.


READ THESE.  They are so funny and clever and they take a literary morningstar to the patriarchy. 

There are six books in this series. Five of them came out between 1995 and 2004; Book Six came out in 2015 after an 11-year hiatus, so here’s hoping for more. They are, in order:

  • Chicks in Chainmail
  • Did You Say Chicks?!
  • Chicks ‘N Chained Males
  • The Chick is in the Mail
  • Turn the Other Chick
  • Chicks Ahoy! (trade omnibus of the first three books, no new stories)
  • Chicks and Balances

One of the things I love best about the series is that the various authors will often write short stories for them about the same set of characters: there are several stories about the Ladies’ Aid & Armor Society, a support group/workers union for women in the army; merc-for-hire Hallah Iron-Thighs and her partner in violence Gerta Dershnitzel; single mother/also merc-for hire Rivakonniva; etc. So yes, go out and buy them, they are so fun.

Also edited by the same person, but not in the same series:


Bonus note: I met Esther Friesner a couple of times and she’s exactly what you’d expect from the editor of these. Lovely lady, 100% tumblr-before-tumblr-was-tumblr.

reblogging for the fangs for the mammaries.  i must go find this book.

Oh my god this post got so much better.

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