

@fieldcleaver / fieldcleaver.tumblr.com

like, nya

I think the reason conservatives hate environmentalism so much is that all the terminology is too friendly and lame sounding to take seriously. I purpose we change the following terms to get these people on our side.

Solar powered -> Plasma charged

Wind power -> Vortex energy

Electric vehicle -> Lightning machine

Renewable resource -> Infinity asset

Greenhouse gasses -> Death Clouds

Global warming -> Property devaluation

Environmentalists -> Wilderness cops

For example, saying you're a wilderness cop that drives a lightning machine powered by infinity assets to reduce death clouds and increase your property value sounds 100x more macho than the alternative.


the idea that your friends won't like you if you're too weird is wrong for example one time I told a friend whenever I was losing my mind I laid down on the floor under my desk and stared at it until I was better and next time she visited me she taped a bag of salami snacks to the underside of my desk with a message saying "going insane all by yourself, handsome?" which I only saw months later when I had a breakdown. that's friendship.


“there are plenty of fish in the sea” = there are more people out there who you could get with

“sleeping with someone” = having sex with them

“sleeping with the fishes” = got murdered

my proposal: “there are plenty of other fish to sleep with” = next person you fuck will kill you


in my flop era (like how a bunny flops over when they're comfortable. thank you.)

in my flop era (my ears are so so floppy and fluffy. thanks)

i didn't even know 2023 is year of the rabbit. lets all enter our flop era... together oxo


The holy grail of searching through academic literature is coming across a string of publications that are like:

Here’s An Idea. Smith et al. 2016

Terrible Idea; a comment on Smith et al. 2016. Johnson 2016.

You’re Wrong Too; a response to Johnson 2016. Nelson 2016.

Guys Just Stop Fighting, None Of Us Know What’s Going On; a Review of the Current Literature. McBrien 2017.

Not even an exaggeration.

“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not be Called Research, Would It?”

tags via @jesterbutch


three all-powerful gods: we have no way to find your sibling, and cannot offer any sort of reliable help

dainslief: give me your pocket change and I will find your sibling for you in the next ten minutes


Accidentally zoomed out on my maps app when looking for a restaurant and it gave me results for “lunch” in all of north america lol

Send all of the data you hacve


In medieval times, to aquire such knowledge required some sort of cursed orb or mystical cavern. We have access to incredible.lunch wisdom today.


lunch wisdom forever


just something terrible about the fact that there really aren’t kids websites anymore and now there aren’t adult websites either. kids don’t have neopets or club penguin or anything else like that to go on now where there could be appropriate moderation for their age, and so now you have 9 year olds on tik tok and instagram seeing content that’s not appropriate for them, and the adults on these platforms get censored to death because “think of the children” that shouldn’t even be there in the first place. kids would not give a shit about these things if they had their own spaces to go. but now everyone loses and you have an algorithm that shows pro-ED videos and thirst traps to preteen girls and bans adults for saying “my grandma died yesterday” instead of “my grandma un4l!v3d.” makes me freak out a little bit


i’m not “lazy” i’m just a fragile victorian maiden. i can only handle 1-2 mildly taxing activities a day before i have to put myself down for a nap until dinner


I desperately need to go to the seaside for 6 months for my health.

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