
mulder, it's me.

@foxsmolder / foxsmolder.tumblr.com

i'm logan. she. 22. scorpio. striving to become dana scully.

          watched in 2016:   CONTACT (1997) dir. Robert Zemeckis

          When I was about 8 years old, I was watching the sunset and I asked my dad: “What’s that bright star over there?”           And he said that it wasn’t really a star at all. It was actually a whole planet called Venus. He said, “You know why they called it Venus? Because they thought it was so beautiful and glowing. But what they didn’t know is that it’s filled with deadly gases and sulfuric acid rain.”           “Wow,” I thought, “This is it! I’m hooked.”            You know, there are four hundred billion stars out there just in our galaxy alone. If only one out of a million of those had planets, all right, and if just one out of a million of those had life and if just one out of a million of those had intelligent life there would be literally millions of civilizations out there.


getting attached to someone, fearing abandonment, abandoning them “before they can abandon you” - a thrilling trilogy

My anxiety: somethings off
Me: how so?
Anxiety: somethings wrong
Me: what
Anxiety: something
Me: like can you give me a general idea
Anxiety: somethings off
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