

@michaeldennis33 / michaeldennis33.tumblr.com

Positive thoughts, positive actions. I share what I like, mostly things containing cool pictures, or inspirational quotes, or fitness related posts. Live, love and laugh always!

Donald Trump was the first president…

In 28 years not to serve a second term. In 45 years not to release his tax returns.

In 89 years to lose the presidency, Senate, and House in one term.

To have zero public service before being elected.

To be taped detailing how he sexually assaulted women.

To have 26 sexual assault allegations.

To marry a porn model.

To be married three times

To be impeached twice

To begin their term with a negative approval rating.

To never reach an approval rating above 50%.

To ask for and receive election assistance from a known foreign enemy.

To refuse conceding after losing.

To tell Americans the election they lost was a fraud.

To incite an insurrection resulting in hundreds being charged and convicted.

To have 81 associates charged with crimes.

To lose their security clearance after leaving office.

To have home raided by FBI for espionage.

Never forget the filth of 45!


The former guy is the embodiment of everything I detest about humanity, gathered up in one vile person. The only redeeming factor I can think of is that, to the best of my knowledge, he has never personally killed anyone.

As far as you know…


Comrade Rand Paul, special Russian agent/asset serving in congress for the state of Kentucky, says the Russians are justified in attacking a peaceful nation. What a pathetic and useless Senator, let alone person. You are a fucking joke sir!

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