
@hypnos-thana-moros / hypnos-thana-moros.tumblr.com

It was easier to disappear, like a cloud behind the moon

the current trend of "tumblr users embarrassing themselves by proudly announcing why they don't listen to any music made by black people" is really astounding.

i cannot help but think this is a direct result of liberal White Guilt and how people have interpreted "anti-racism" as form of cultural self-segregation - the kind of person who thinks trying to cook chicken curry is cultural appropriation, or sends white people anon hate for wearing a kimono (yes, this kind of discourse happened). like, "oh, no, i could never participate in this culture, i'd get my evil white hands all over it! it would be more Progressive if I only did White things."

if you're a poc you've seen this, i'm sure - this deer-in-the-headlights stare you can get from white people when you play music / show art / share a story / anything that is Racially Coded, this total refusal to actually engage with it out of fear that it is in some way Wrong for them to have any opinion on it. because they read somewhere that it's bad to use AAVE but the only lesson they actually learned from that is "gotcha, white people are not allowed to interact with other cultures as punishment for my White Crimes. this helps to fill up the gaping pit of my white guilt and makes me one of the Good People." this transforms their discomfort around non-white cultures (black culture, especially, i should add) into a kind of virtue

anyway if you are white and reading this. go listen to some fucking haliu mergia. ethiopian jazz. will knock your dick right off. go listen to rap or reggae or bollywood and have a genuine reaction to it - like, an actual, from-the-heart reaction. you are allowed to not like some of it. but you will definitely like at least a little. yes, you can compare it to lemon demon (or whatever) if that helps you get into it and that's your only point of reference. maybe don't say that part out loud. but don't, like, separate yourself from it, like you are seeing it in a museum and the only polite thing to do is go "ahh, huh, very interesting, so much culture here."

I did not write this nearly scolding enough.

I am disappointed that so many people reblogging this seem to have gotten the milquetoast message "appreciation is not appropriation! promote artists of color!" instead of what I'm actually trying to communicate, which is "a lot of people who call themselves well-meaning liberals are actually deeply uncomfortable around people of color and other cultures in general, so they frame their avoidance as a kind of respect so they can keep their own self-image consistent." I am not saying "aw, they mean well."

could've written it better but oh well! too late


fuck killing a victorian child by making them listen to hyperpop all you gotta do is make a white tumblr user listen to rap



People who think rap is ONLY about sex/wealth/violence have never stopped to consider that rap branches out into a hundred different subgenres. I basically solely listen to metal and "emo" music covers and anime/video game songs and let me tell you I absolutely still have rap in my playlists.

Give this a listen and tell me that rap isn't beautiful and inspiring. Your problem isn't with rap as a medium it's with a certain tone and you can very easily find an artist you actually vibe with. Don't read into the bad propaganda doled out by people who don't know better. It's like saying metal is ONLY about being angry and rock is ONLY about drugs and country is ONLY about loving America. It's only true if you go out of your way to be a music snob.


i think if you can only handle rap music made by white people about anime and video games this post is still making fun of you




The way conspiracy theorists saw the aurora and started immediately hunting for a sinister explanation is so grim. I saw a wonder of nature make a rare appearance at my home, and I immediately ran inside to post about how this is terrifying HAARP weather manipulation

I saw something rare and beautiful and I need to find a way to be scared of it


Why call it "gooning" anyway. Isn't it just edging. It's redundant. Edging is already a way better word. Edging, in comparison, sounds sexy and flirty and stylish, sophisticated even...I...Gooning has a smell. Gooning sounds like something you should be arrested for doing

Back in my day...if you wanted to crank it a few hours you didn't make a big deal out of it, you just did it. Now they have to make a whole new word for it. And they make you call it that. Because of woke

The replies rn


It’s been awhile since I revisited the beings of the Ars Goetia. I have a little time in between some NDA work so thought I’d “summon” him.

Botis is a great serpent President and an Earl of hell. He is gifted with the sight to see all things both past, present and future. 


I’ve spent like hundreds and hundreds of hours building settlements in Fallout 4, and you’d think I’d be all about turning it into The Sims™️ 4 Nuclear Wasteland Expansion Pack and giving all the settlers names and little backstories.

But in my experience that starts out sincere, and then three named settlers later it’s like “this barkeep is named Handsome Chad, and he wears a tux. =] Isn’t he a cool ghoul!” but that turns into “here’s the doctor for Tenpines Bluff. She lives in a trailer full of materials for making drugs. She also wears Pastor’s Vestments. Her name is Father Macaroni. What’s her story? Who knows! Just go ahead and follow her to The Shed if you could, please.” or “this guy is named John Leghoulzamo, sure, ok, whatever.” Hold on post cancelled, this is fine actually.

Thank you! I think Handsome Chad and John Leghoulzamo would agree.

Cool! Father Macaroni can officiate!

At least I think she can officiate… I don’t really think you need a license for that in the wasteland. Or a license to be a doctor actually! Anyway, just head over there to The Shed please.


Jesse, you’re forgetting that Dragons are not just beasts, they are inherently magical and they are of the element they embody, Jesse. An ancient white dragon would create an icy tundra wherever it built its lair merely by existing in that place over time. It is the surrounding animals that have adapted to the cold to even exist in the landscape of a dragon, Jesse.

Also dragons have teeth, Jesse. I don't think ice resistance is gonna be that big of an issue. The prey isn't teeth resistant, Jesse.


This is one of those true, declassified government things that always sounds made up but one of the things Henry Kissinger did with his career was use the CIA to help turn small, prosperous socialist nations into fascist dictatorships just to keep those nations powerless and possibly to keep socialist systems *looking* doomed and futile to the American public, like maybe just to scare Americans out of demanding better infrastructure or universal income. Yes it sounds like an insane conspiracy theory a maniac would invent. It also happened multiple times and several generations of people around the world are still living in misery because of it.


If you go to the park at 3 in the morning the cops make a whole production out of it but what the fuck else am I supposed to do at 3 in the morning?

"What are you doing out so late?" I'm enjoying the beauty of God's creation in this park what I pay for with my damn taxes, you stupid pig. Mind your business. You're blocking my stars.

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