
Team Polarize & the Black Spades

@askteampolarize / askteampolarize.tumblr.com

window.onload = function() { $('iframe.photoset').contents().find('.photoset_row').attr("style", "width:500px; margin-bottom: -4px;"); $('iframe.photoset').contents().find('.photoset_row').find('img').attr("style", "width:500px;"); $('iframe.photoset').contents().find('.photoset_row_2').find('img').attr("style", "width:245px; margin-right: 0px;"); $('iframe.photoset').contents().find('.photoset_row_3').find('img').attr("style", "width:160px; margin-right: 0px;"); } A blog for my PMD teams, Team Polarize and the Black Spades, and all the characters related to them! My DeviantArt account Main tumblr (mostly silent) Ask away! Got something for us?
The ground was cleft, and mad auroras rolled Down on the quaking citadels of man.

So here it is, the animated music videos for @neilcicierega​‘s Aurora Borealis, a deed that one entire year and a bit more. And you know 2016 has been a rough year, so… Let us celebrate its end, and the impending end of everything else, together today on Christmas Eve!

Get Lemon Demon’s I Am Become Christmas here!

do you guys know why i haven't been around at all this year? This is the reason! Enjoy it, it's a work of love!

Source: youtube.com

Stay away from purplekecleon’s irc/Marl/the Floraverse comics/Floraverse IRC

Hi. This is a warning and callout post written on August 10, 2015. This has some graphic descriptions of pedophilia, vivid descriptions of sex and bestiality mentions, as well as ableism and sexual harassment towards a minor.

Purplekecleon has done their  best to ignore me and has tried again and again to sweep me under the rug. This post will mostly be about my experiences with how when I was 13, around the winter/spring time of last year (January to May?) I joined the Floraverse IRC group and the Forbidden Flora IRC group (the NSFW sex adult one.) This will also detail some unsavory shit PK has said.

I do not have any logs, so this is just a personal warning. It was in a Mibbit IRC webclient and my browser data has been cleared since then. (I had to get a new computer since then.) However, once I do eventually get authorities involved, it is a possibility I can get logs from the time. The CSA dept at my area (St. Louis, Missouri area) police said that even if Marl freezes his ram chat logs will still be able to be recovered. However, I am not in the mental state or safe state with my parents to do this just yet but I plan to. If there is a way to recover logs on my end please tell me. I’m sorry if this seems cluttered or incoherent, I am really overstimmed from thinking about all of this again all at once, and I wanted to write it in 1 sitting so I don’t change my mind.

My ANONYMOUS friend posted my story on a forum called “kiwi farms” under the alias “lainiwakuraa” for me and would relay messages there. As an autistic individual, (Asperger’s syndrome) that site (filled with ableist jokes towards autistic people) made me rather uncomfortable but it was the ONLY place I could find where people where discussing purplekecleon. I posted my story there. The only posts on that forum made by me were the ones talking about my experiences with Marl.

I’m posting this on my main because it’s an aesthetic blog anyway and has a decent amount of followers to spread the word around. I am not in any way associated with people scraping Purplekecleon’s patreon, Purplekecleon’s other haters or Pengosolvent.

Under the cut

I remember feeling uncomfortable when PK self diagnosed themselves with Autism. And even then I didn’t know that they had called autistic people emotionless and sociopaths, while trying to act like they knew more about the disorder than the person who they were talking to (who was diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder).  I also didn’t know Evee had defended possession of child porn. Just… dear God. I feel physically ill right now. I’m so sorry this happened to you. I can’t believe I’ve been supporting these people, giving them my money, and promoting their work. I even defended them after the situation with Pengo. 

You were only 13, and this 30 year old man talked to you like that? Not to mention the bestiality stuff. If you go through with legal action, I wish you the best. If you can, please keep us posted. People like this should be behind bars, not roaming the internet sexually chatting up children.


Hey, I hope you don’t mind, I’m going to chime in here.

I’m going to out myself now, I’m the person they were talking to in the Autism post. 


Hey Malachite, those markings on your face, are they tattoos or some sort of birth markings?


Mal: I’m not exactly sure how they’re made, I don’t think it’s needles. They like, don’t even stretch with age. What I do know is that they are meant to sort of imitate an insect’s face? Yep. A pretty stylized one anyway.


For those of you who missed it before, Malachite has a blog now! And he has a lot to say.

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