
Rain, The Wanderer

@rain-the-wanderer / rain-the-wanderer.tumblr.com

Anonymous asked:

Can I share something with you? I'm lesbian and I have a girlfriend, but let me say something I'M FREAKING OUT HERE CAUSE I'M BEGINNING SERIE 2 AND I'M ALREADY IN LOVE WITH FUCKING FUCKED MOTHERFUCKER FINN NELSON. I can see why you straight girls lose your ovaries, lol

OMFG! Who are you cause I love you! Like seriously! I just lol’d so hard! Like I’m not joking, I love you!


Whomever you are, lets be lesbians together... and we can both have serious Finn Nelson fantasies.. even though we're lesbians together. 


I want to let people know about this app, especially for those people who suffer from social anxiety where telephone communications might be triggering or uncomfortable.

It’s called “TalkTo” and is available for iOs devices for FREE here and is also available in Google Play for Android devices! Essentially, it allows you to ask businesses questions by sending a text message instead of calling. For businesses that aren’t set up to answer a text message or an email (it will try to send it either way) a TalkTo agent will make the call FOR you, and then will text you back with the company’s response.

I have used this app to make reservations, check for stock, check store hours, and more. Certain businesses will have a higher response time than others but if you ask ahead of time then you won’t have a problem. I sent a restaurant a question this afternoon (see picture) and i had a response within 15 minutes. 

Give it a try!


I can’t find it for Android :(

Oh man. This is useful.

For anyone with severe social anxiety.


What the fuck is this song?

Can someone help me remember the artist and name of this song? The chorus goes something like "I don't know where my heart is I don't know where my home is" This song perfectly sums up how I'm feeling right now, and I want to listen to it, but I can't remember the artist to save my soul.


One year in Thailand.

I am a day away from leaving Thailand after spending a year here, and I am very emotional thinking about everything that I hoped for this country to be, the experiences I had, and the reasons I am choosing to leave.

I had hoped for years and years that perhaps Thailand was the place that my life was going to take off and I was going to feel at home. I didn't expect it to be a wonderland, but I did have high hopes for it. Now I want to note that I am not sorely disappointed, nor do I even slightly dislike Thailand... I LOVE Thailand.. it just isn't the right place for me to spend my life. So I am right now slightly mourning the loss of that hope that perhaps this would be my home.... and now I am off in search of the next place in which I hope I can call home... or perhaps with time I will feel more like home is where ever I am, though I think part of that goal is having someone to feel at home with.

I am also thinking about the experiences...  first days here, finding an apartment, my first teaching job, 7 different subjects I was teaching, meeting new people, discovering new places, visiting amazingly beautiful and spiritual temples, learning more abut Buddhism which I LOVE, exploring Bangkok, visiting Phuket..... all of it was so wonderful and everything I dreamed of...  The food was not for me (I absolutely hate real Thai food I've discovered,) but the history, the landmarks.. were all amazing to visit.

Now here I go on my next journey. I've discovered this is not my forever home because it is very consumer focused.. which I am not... and I am NOT a big city girl... and the food makes it hard to live here.... now again I am not leaving because I hate this place.. not in the least... but I feel like this isn't the place for me to spend my life, so it is time to move on and keep searching for that place.

I am so grateful for this past year, and I am going to miss this place and the experiences I had here.... now lets hope for more awesome journeys and experiences in the future.... and here's to hoping that along the way I will find the one whom wants to join me on this journey... and I hope that with that person.. I will find home...



1. I'm that bored.. it's alright. It wont be a frequent thing.

2. I am not NEARLY cool enough to ever be tagged by anyone, so I'm breaking the "rules" and stealing the game. I tag myself.  :p


learningacceptanceme       and ANYONE else who would like to do this, I tag you. :) 

1.) always post the rules

2.) answer the questions the person who tagged you asked and write 11 new ones

3.) tag 11 people and link them to the post

4.) actually tell them you tagged them

  1. Do you believe there is life after death?: I grew up learning all about Atheism from my father, but now I do believe in something after death. I believe there are energies out there, and our energies live on. I'm kind of a spiritual hippie of sorts. :)  

2. What is your favorite book and why?  So many... The Cape Ann, by Faith Sullivan, Harry Potter 1 & 3, Jupiter by Ben Bova, Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe by Benjamin Saenz, Change Your Thoughts - Heal Your Life by Wayne Dyer, the list goes on and on and on.


"I tend to be cynical about a lot of things, but Maya Angelou is somebody that no matter how much I pick her apart, she still has integrity. She was a victim of incest and rape, and she worked as a stripper. And now she’s a literary icon and Nobel Laureate. It goes to show that life is cumulative, and you can’t devalue any type of experience."

RIP Maya Angelou. I've spent many hours reading your work and listening to your words. Thank you for the inspiration.

Anonymous asked:

You are the absolute worst kind of trash. I HATE people who tell girls it's ok to be fat. Guess what?! IT'S NOT. Fat people are unhealthy, unclean, and generally disgusting. Do everyone a favor- delete your blog, get off the fucking couch, and lose some weight.

If telling young women that they shouldn’t hate their bodies makes me trash, I will gladly be trash.

The reasons you gave for why being is not ok are a) Fat is unhealthy b) Fat is unclean and c) Fat is generally disgusting.

Sit down and hold on because i’m about to tell you a little something, aight?

Unhealthy? I’m not sure why everyone thinks that thin equals healthy. It doesn’t. I am a fat girl. Always have been, always will be. Not that my medical history is any of your business, but my BP is excellent. So are my glucose and cholesterol levels. The only medical problems I’ve ever had are common colds, allergies, and cancer, which is not a “fat” disease. But let’s take my dad (who doesn’t mind me discussing this because he’s my dad and he’s hella cool and thinks your fatphobic rhetoric is a bunch of fucking bullshit) for the thin example. He’s 46 years old. He works out, has very low body fat, lots of muscle. He’s a “normal” sized guy. He also has diabetes and high blood pressure. But you might say, “Oh, that’s normal for people when they get older” so we’ll use another example. My lovely BFF, Trevor, who is 25 years old. He’s thin, not an ounce of fat on him, but he’s on blood pressure medication. But, no, you’re totally right. Only fat people are unhealthy. Just like only fat people have heartattacks and strokes… right? I mean… they do, right? Thin people never die from heartattacks or strokes… right?

Unclean? I will tell you this. As a fat girl in high school, I was terrified that someone was going to see me as “unclean” because I was fat so I used to take 2-3 showers a day. A lot of the young girls that were in my group said that they do the same. They are meticulous in making sure they’ve cleaned not only themselves but the space around them. Not just body wise. They are organized, rooms spotless, purses and bags and lockers clean because they are afraid of being seen as the “fat slob”. But it doesn’t matter does it? A fat girl could be the cleanest person you’ve ever met and you’d still call her a fat slob, right? Because I know people like you. When I was in college, there was this girl who came in late every single day for class. Ratty hair in a messy bun, either in stained sweatpants or pajama bottoms, face greasy, teeth not brushed… but this THIN girl came in one day and the only seat open was next to me. She looked at me with those weird crusty sleep things in the corner of her eyes, toast crumbs on her shirt and said “I’m not sitting next to that fat slob.” Me. She was calling me (freshly washed, clean button down and skirt) a slob. And all I could say was “Did you look in a fucking mirror this morning?” But no. You’re right. Because I carry around extra weight, because you can’t see my hip bones, I am unclean. Because LOL FAT PEOPLE ARE TOO FAT TO WASH.

Generally disgusting? Now, we’re getting to the meat of the problem here. It’s not so much that you care that fat people are unhealth. You probably don’t even care if they’re unclean (because you wouldn’t be caught dead that close to a fat person, ew). When people say something is “generally disgusting”, especially about other people, what they mean is “It’s not physically appealing to me.” And all I have to say is this: My body is not here for your fucking enjoyment. It’s not here to be dressed up, slimmed down, hacked up, purged, shifted, lifted, pulled taut, or glamorized to make you fucking happy. If you don’t like my body, don’t look at it. If the sight of a fat person repulses you, look away or better yet, have your eyeballs removed from your head and then shoved up your ass, see if you like that view a little better.

Do everyone a favor- stop sending people messages behind grey face because you are too cowardly to say what you feel because you’re afraid of someone seeing you for who you are, get off your fucking couch, and get a motherfucking life!

In the immortal words of Barnabas Collins: You may strategically place your lips upon my posterior and kiss it repeatedly!


So some of you have followed me because of Kaelyn & Lucy, and then some of you have followed me because I started posting a lot about MMFD lately. Well, anyhow, here's a fact about me for those of you whom don't know. I really enjoy Youtube. I don't follow nearly as many people as I once did, but my three favorites are KaelynandLucy, Shaytards, and NerdzRL. 

NerdzRL hasn't been posting as much lately because her career as a stuntwoman has really taken off in the past year which is awesome, so when she posts I get super excited.

So if you're bored, watch Cassandra on her latest adventure. Her and her bf Trevor snuck off to Hawaii. :)  Check her out.


1 - 2 - 3 - 4, I declare a fic war!

What: Tumblr Fic War

Who: Anyone who reblogs this post.

When: Until everyone is actualfax dead, because this is WAR suckers!


What: Everyone who reblogs this post is opening their ask box up to the most brutal, feelings-inducing prompts anyone who is playing can imagine.  Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to take those prompts and DESTROY EVERYONE with them. Not just angsty stuff either, fluff can be just as bad, as many of you know!


After The Robe Drops - Pt 2

A/N: This is a lot of just watching Rae as she wakes up the morning after After The Robe Drops Most of this is simply watching Rae as she wakes up and what happens next. The next part will have more dialogue, I promise.  Any sort of feedback is greatly appreciated because I am new to Fanfic, so let me know how I can improve this part of the story. Thanks

Warning: This may be triggering for some people. Mentions of self-injury and other themes related to depression are present in this story. Be warned.


How frustrating when you want to add detail and depth to something someone has said, and instead they end up thinking that you were insulting them or disagreeing with them.


I actually don’t like jealous Finn. It makes me sad… :(

I don't like jealous Finn either, but I do like the idea of him desiring her SO much that he is jealous because he wants her THAT BADLY. That is amazing because we all want that... a person who so desires you that the idea of not being with you makes them unhappy.

Finn is very unhappy without Rae. You can see from the moment that they lay down together in the grass and he lays his legs over hers; he can't stand the idea of not being close to her for one more moment. He HAS to touch her! He is miserable when he sees her sad, and he is broken when she breaks up with him, and he is jealous as shit any time he sees her with another guy. He wants her so badly that he can't handle the idea of another guy getting to love her because he knows that no one will love her as much as he does. He wants every single piece of her, and he sees every single piece of her as a work of art, and he wants to be the one to show her how beautiful she is every day. So, although his jealousy isn't something we enjoy, it is something that we want because who doesn't want someone to want THEM that badly?

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