

@dahliati / dahliati.tumblr.com

lorna | pittsburgh | (l)gbt

my cat, walking on me for cuddles, putting all her weight in one tiny paw: big steppy !!

me as she pressure points my throat:


I have a very strange relationship with cereal. I'll forget it exists for months at a time, then I remember that not only does it exist, it is one of humanity's perfect foods. Then I'll eat like 4 boxes in one day before some eldritch god takes the knowledge from me again. (Probably for my own good.)

me: i don’t have a type
mary elizabeth winstead:
me: i have a type

If your favourite movie as child was Mulan

Ur a queer bad bitch now. It’s a real fuckass fact.


Real talk, these shows need to stop casting ridiculously hot men to potray the actual devil. It’s messing with my morals.


booty shorts that say “i love you. i’ve loved you since the first time you picked up your ukelele and you wrote a song about clouds, a silly little song about clouds, i love you. and that night in your room when you told me you loved me i meant to say it, i meant to say it, and i’ve kicked myself everyday since then because i didn’t say it but i do, i love you. i’ve loved you since seventh grade when i made you ride in the front row of demon’s destiny at six flags, and you told me you sometimes get a little seasick on rollercoasters and i said: cmon, live a little. i remember. and then i puked all over your shoes, and you didn’t even make me feel bad about it, no, you just said, um—no worries, i’ve wanted to get rid of these shoes for a while. yeah, because you outgrew them. and the thing is, i never outgrew you. and i don’t really know what happens tomorrow, or in two minutes when we walk out that door. all i know is, i want this feeling to keep going. because this whole experience, i’m just—i’m not ready for it to be over. for us to be, i mean. and if that means doing another musical? fine. i get to pick the musical. fine, that’s fine, it’s all fine. i just—i don’t want this to be just a showmance, really. i want it to be the real thing. i mean—i think it is the real thing, i just—i want a chance to prove it. i do. i mean, look—ricky, um, you know in musicals when people burst into song when they’ve run out of things to say? yeah. sometimes it’s easier to just kiss. yeah. yeah. yeah.” on the ass

Anonymous asked:

One time I was hooking up with this guy and he wanted to try handcuff play, I was like sure I’ve never done it why not. so we are doing stuff and I’m handcuffed and then he stops, and just kinda looks at me. he then gets his keys and uncuffs me and I ask him what’s wrong. He tells me I’m too pretty to die and then tells me to get out of his house and then blocks me and I’m still kinda freaked out about it years later


okay december holliday season is gonna come up real soon so if anyone wants to have a dramatic buildup to a mistletoe kiss and/or late nights cuddled with hot cocoa and a fireplace going while we watch old movies, that would be pretty neat


butch femme relationships don’t imitate straight relationships

butch femme relationships don’t imitate straight relationships

butch femme relationships don’t imitate straight relationships

butch femme relationships don’t imitate straight relationships

butch femme relationships don’t imitate straight relationships

butch femme relationships don’t imitate strai


I'd like to personally thank The Sims for allowing me to live my best gay life

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