
Homebound Gallery.

@ask-the-homebound-gallery-blog / ask-the-homebound-gallery-blog.tumblr.com

We're just another Homestuck ask blog. More details in the links. [Auditions are open!]
Anonymous asked:

Sorry bout this ask, but I was wondering if Dirk was casted yet...?

Ooc: He isn’t, please refer to the cast page before asking about characters!

Anonymous asked:

Rose, have you met any of the Alphas? Do you like one more than the others?

TT: Alpha trolls, or alpha kids?TT: I do like speaking with Roxy, and I admit I haven’t spent enough time with the other kids to choose a favorite.TT: If this extends to the alpha trolls, I should require further questioning.

Anonymous asked:

First person on, who is the memeliest? Go!

TT: Perhaps Jade?TT: She is a Space player, and therefore her game quest is creating a very rare frog with Dave’s help.TT: That should answer your questions. If not, consult the elder gods for a very garbled answer. I do speak eldritch horror if you’re in need of a translator.

Anonymous asked:

This isn't a question for the cast but, are humanstuck auditions aloud? I'm thinking of auditioning for Muelin or fem Tinkerbull and I can only pull off humanstuck

OOC: I’m sorry but we’re not really looking for humanstuck or genderbends :c

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