
Success in the Career Jungle

@jvtwillie / jvtwillie.tumblr.com

Success in the Career Jungle Blog is a spinoff of the Amazon Best Selling Book, Navigating the Career Jungle. Both the book and blog emphasize the cornerstones of excellence, truth, honesty, ethics, hard work, respect, and continuing self-improvement for those wishing to experience success in their professional lives. input[type='submit'].minimal, button.minimal { background: #e3e3e3 !important; border: 1px solid #bbb !important; -moz-border-radius: 3px !important; -webkit-border-radius: 3px !important; border-radius: 3px !important; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #f6f6f6 !important; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #f6f6f6 !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #f6f6f6 !important; color: #333 !important; font-family: "helvetica neue", helvetica, arial, sans-serif !important; font-size: 12px !important; font-weight: bold !important; line-height: 1 !important; padding: 8px 0 9px !important; text-align: center !important; text-shadow: 0 1px 0 #fff !important; width: 150px !important; } input[type='submit'].minimal:hover, button.minimal:hover { background: #d9d9d9 !important; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #eaeaea !important; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #eaeaea !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #eaeaea !important; color: #222 !important; cursor: pointer !important; } input[type='submit'].minimal:active, button.minimal:active { background: #d0d0d0 !important; -moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #e3e3e3 !important; -webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #e3e3e3 !important; box-shadow: inset 0 0 1px 1px #e3e3e3 !important; color: #000 !important; }
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Cerrita M. Love, CPA MBA is a Corporate reporting accountant. She received a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Accounting and Management from Southeastern Louisiana University. She later pursued and earned a Masters of Business Administration, Accounting Emphasis, from Texas Woman's University. JVT: How did you get started in my current industry? CL: A recommendation from a friend to work in the oil and gas industry and prayer to get the job. JVT: Do you have a favorite quote? CL: In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18 JVT: What about a favorite movie? CL: Hitch JVT: Can you share the best advice you have received? CL: Always remain humble and show gratitude. Cerrita’s favorite quote is “Our greatest fear should not be of failure, but of succeeding at things in life that really don't matter.” Oprah Winfrey Cerrita’s on Twitter follow her by clicking the link.


Martinique Perkins Waters, PhD is one of my biggest role models. It is a huge honor to feature her! Dr. Waters received a BS in Psychology from Louisiana State University 2002. In 2005, she earned a MA Psychology from Southeastern Louisiana University. She went on to pursue and earn a PhD in Lifespan Developmental Psychology from the University of Alabama at Birmingham 2010.

JVT: How did you get your start in your current industry?

MPW: When I finished my PhD, I was offered a position in the School of Public Health, Department of Health Behavior at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). It was a scary and exciting transition since most individuals go into a Post-doctoral position after graduate school for additional training and time to enhance your skills for a faculty position. However, I dove straight into a primarily research faculty position. With it came the responsibilities of writing papers, networking, securing grants to cover my salary, mentoring students, and teaching a graduate course. It is an extremely stressful job requiring lots of self-discipline, long hours, and extremely thick skin. You are criticized at every turn, for your ideas, your writing, and your productivity. Ultimately, I realized I was not fulfilling my initial goal for attending graduate school…to teach. After 3 years in the world of research, I began as a part-time adjunct faculty member at UAB and Jefferson-State Community College. At UAB, I currently teach Research Methods and Research Literacy in the Department of Psychology and Public Health and Medical Issues in African American Communities in the Department of African American Studies. At Jeff-State, I teach General Psychology and Human Growth and Development. I enjoy interacting with students and each semester brings new experiences.

JVT: What is your favorite quote?

MPW: I’m not sure if it’s truly a quote because I’ve never been a person to really focus on quotes. But I constantly say to myself “I will do what I can.” I helps me stay motivated to work through whatever life brings and realize that I can only get so much done in a 24 hour period. Between school, organizations, family, friends, and work, I have always lived at a frantic pace. However, my first daughter Amaya has made me stop and appreciate the moments I have so much more and not get down on myself for what I can’t accomplish in a day.

JVT: Do you have a favorite movie?

MPW:I can’t narrow it done to one! Right now it’s anything surrounding Marvel and the Avengers.

JVT: What about a favorite tweet?

MPW:I don’t have a twitter account. I’m the youngest old person alive! If I could go back to only being accessible via landlines, using chalk in classrooms, and reading everything in physical books, I probably would. Seriously, I do enjoy technology because it definitely makes my job easier but I like being able to disconnect from the world as well.

JVT: Can you share the best advice you’ve received ?

MPW: Do what makes you happy…from my husband Marion. As I fought with the decision to leave the lucrative research world and transition to education, I kept lamenting on the fact that my graduate school training was in research and I would be a failure if I didn’t stick with it until I succeeded. But I would never succeed if I wasn’t happy. Don’t get me wrong, college professors work long hours grading papers, need lots of self-discipline to go the extra mile when preparing a lecture, and have extremely thick skin after reading student evaluations, but I love it.

I’m sure that you can see why Martinique is one of my biggest role models. I encourage you all to find someone who inspires you and follow them.


DeLisha Sylvester is the Founder and CEO of Women's Elevation Magazine. She graduated with a Bachelor of Arts from University of Maryland, University College in 2010. JVT: How did you get your start in your current industry? DS: I literally woke up one morning and wanted to do something different. I started my first business five months before starting WE Magazine, but it wasn't creative enough. I knew that trying to break into the world of journalism would be hard. I decided to create my own lane because I didn't see the articles I wanted to read about anywhere. JVT: What is your favorite quote? DS: I have many but the one that I stick with is "A no is just a yes waiting for you to get to a point where you can properly execute what you're asking for." JVT: What is your favorite movie? DS: American Dream: The Jackson 5 Story JVT: Do you have a favorite tweet? DS: @mclyte : Move towards excellence even when times are hard. Fear nothing remember God is life and life is God. JVT: Can you share the best advice you've received? DS: Don't allow anyone to stop infect your mind. You can be toxic enough so why allow someone else to add to that. Do not fill yourself with someone else's doubt of your potential. Do not drink from the fountain of insecurity. Trust, lean, and keep your faith in God. You can connect with DeLisha by following the links below. www.twitter.com/welevationmag www.womenselevationmagazine.com


Rachelle Jackson is a Project Manager at the Center for Excellence in Brand and Customer Management at Georgia State University. She received her Bachelors in International Business from the University of Georgia and my MBA in Marketing from Kennesaw State University. JVT: How did you get your start in your current industry? RS: My background is in market research and project management. After I graduated from undergrad, I had difficulty securing employment and ended up taking a position that really wasn't a good fit for me. I always say, there's nothing like being in a situation that you don't like that will motivate you to focus on where you really want to be. So, I did some career assessments and personality tests and pinpointed market research as the career path I wanted to pursue. I then reached out to agencies and firms that specialized in market research by sending my cover letter and resume (the old-fashioned way) to the decision makers. I began my career at an advertising agency and haven't looked back. JVT: What is your favorite quote? RS: "When people show you who they are, believe them." & JVT: Do you have a favorite movie? RS: Well, I don't have a favorite movie but I am partial to psychological thrillers and RomComs (of course). JVT: What about a favorite tweet? RS: I really wish I could say I was into social media but I'm not. I'm what's considered a dipper*. Yes, the researcher in me had to source. *http://www.mediabistro.com/alltwitter/files/2013/04/ social-media-personalities.jpg JVT: Rachelle share with us the best advice you've received ? RS: The best advice I have received is to be myself and to chart my own course - to not let anyone else define me or dictate my actions. At the end of the day, who I am and what I do falls back on me. You can connect with Rachelle on LinkedIn ! ​ ​


Happy Thanksgiving !! I'm thankful for the blessings in my life! #sothankful


K. Christina Esco is the Head Athletic Trainer of Warren Easton Charter High School. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree of Science in Athletic Training, and a Master’s of Arts in Sports Management. K. Christina is also a Louisiana State and Nationally Certified Licensed Athletic Trainer JVT: How did you get your start in your current industry? K.C.E In 9th, I suffered a knee injury that required me to go to the school's athletic trainer. In my 10th grade year, I continued to ask the athletic trainer questions about various topics within sports medicine. She realized that I had a genuine interest in athletic training, so she started giving me information and quizzing me on it. When it was time to apply for college, I knew exactly what I wanted to be. JVT:What is your favorite quote? K.C.E "There is no passion to be found playing small--in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living." -Nelson Mandela JVT: What is your favorite movie? K.C.E Just Wright JVT: What's your favorite tweet? K.C.E “Don't look at your struggles as struggles, look at them as pages in your success story to inspire others. JVT: What is the best advice you've received? K.C.E Never color inside the lines. (which simply means that I should never be confined to limitations, neither mine or anyone else's. Find what you love and do it., even if it's never been done before.) Follow her on Twitter @kchristina_esco


O. Faye McMullen ​ ​ is a Property & Casualty Account Manager in Atlanta. She completed her Bachelor’s degree in Sociology - Race & Urban Studies. She is now pursuing a Masters in Psychology - Public Administration & Social Change. JVT: How did you get your start in your current industry? FM: I kind of stumbled into it while looking for a job with benefits and to assist me in financing my education; turns out I enjoy and am good at it. JVT:What is your favorite quote? FM: “It’s hard to beat a person that never gives up." & JVT:What is your favorite movie? FM: The Wiz JVT:What is the best advice you've received? FM:Be the best YOU God created you to be You can connect with Faye on LinkedIn


My blog will have a new home in 2015!

The Career Jungle | successfully navigating the career jungle one step at time.


#FollowFriday Jaime Singletary

Jaime is a Community Relations Representative and Mental Health Advocate. She serves as a spokesperson and liaison between the community and my hospital. Ridgeview Institute is a non-profit hospital that works with individuals and families who suffer fro mental illness and addiction. She facilitated groups, presented lectures and created treat planning for patients to help ensure emotional stability and coping skills that encourage healthy living.

Here’s my full interview with Jaime…

  My education background is as follows I have a BA in Telecommunication with a Double Minor in Speech Communications and Counseling Psychology from Ball State University in 2001. I earned my MA in Community Counseling and Psychology from Clark Atlanta University in 2005.

  I got started in my career through making connections and creating relationships as an intern with St Jude’s Recovery Center. I used my internship as a stepping stone to begin my entrance into the world of mental health. I also volunteered and worked with as many non-profit organizations as I could. I maintained a positive attitude professional disposition and open mind. I stayed very active in my career search and surrounded myself with people who had similar goals and environments that were conducive to success.

  My favorite Quote… “The Only Way To Do Great Work, Is To Love What You Do”  Steve Jobs

I have several favorite movies… However I love “Shawshank Redemption” this is a movie that I can watch over and over. It embodies true friendship, persistence and willingness to fight for what you believe in no matter the cost or lengths.

    The best advice I have ever received that continues to be true is … Never buy into negative energy or false perceptions that speak to failure. Being your own cheerleader and having a spiritual base can provide a solid foundation and armor for the trials and tribulations of life. I often remind myself of this as I face disappointment and situations that don’t go as planned. I have learned that life shows up without our permission and we do the best we can with what we have and what we know at that time.


#FollowFriday Demetra Dantzler

Demetra is an Outreach Specialist at Southeastern Louisiana University. She received a Masters Nursing Health Care Education Certification, Masters in Kinesiology with concentration in Exercise Science, and Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences from Southeastern Louisiana University.

JVT:How did you get your start in your current industry? DD: Since 2006, I've been helping and motivating others to reach their fitness goals as a personal trainer and fitness instructor. I began working with Southeastern Upward Bound program in the Spring of 2012 and I enjoy being able to positively impact the lives of adolescents and young adults. JVT:What is your favorite quote? DD: "The struggle you're in today, is developing the strength you need for tomorrow." JVT:What is your favorite movie? DD:The Matrix JVT:What is the best advice you've received ? DD:The best advice I have received is: Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it Beautiful...


#Followfriday Adrianne Joubert

Adrianne is an Onsite Program Manager at Strayer University. She has a BA in Mass Communications- Minor in Criminal Justice from California State University, San Bernardino. Adrianne earned an MBA in Management and an MBA in Marketing from Strayer University.

JVT:How did you get your start in your current industry? AJ:I got my start in my current industry (Education) by working really hard during my MBA program at Strayer University. There were a lot of events that I missed with my family and firends becuase I was determined to be successful in my program. My last year and a half of my program I got an A in my last 6 classes. With that I was then extended an invitation to join Golden Key International Honour Society. 3 Months after I graduated with my MBA from Strayer University I accepted the position of an Onsite Program Mananger. JVT:What is your favorite quote? AJ:There is no magic to achievement. It's really about hard work, choices and persistence. -Michelle Obama JVT:What is your favorite movie? AJ:The Notebook & American Gangster- Those are two very different movies but they both tell great stories. JVT:What's your favorite tweet? AJ:FaithChristianCenter (@fccga) You are in this place for a reason; learn the lessons now because you will need them in the next season. #passthetest JVT:What is the best advice you've received? AJ:Just go for it- My Dad Anytime I would tell my dad that I wanted to try something new, whether it be a new job, going back to school he would say, "just go for it" If the outcome wasn't in my favor he would say at least you tried. He always wanted me to just got for it. I use that advice in my everyday life. I live my life knowing that I don't have anything to lose, only something to gain. Here's how you can connect with her: LinkedIn: Adrianne Joubert IG: @TreDeeva Twitter: @TreDeeva https://twitter.com/TreDeeva


#FollowFriday Antonio Parker

Today’s #FollowFriday feature, Tonio P is one of the most candid interviews I’ve done. I’m sure you’ll be blown away and inspired to push beyond your comfort zone to achieve your goals. 

JVT: Tell me about your education background. 
AP: I have a Associates in Computer systems operations, now persuading my Bachelors in Business finance and and bachelors Business management. 
JVT: So how did you get started in your current industry & what’s your title?
AP:It’s weird, I was naturally made to be an image consultant. I’ve been traveling the world since I was a little boy with my mom, as a dependent in the army. Learning various fashion styles, creating formal events, and participating in various educational courses. I’ve also always been very eager to share my knowledge with others. So, over the years I developed into the man I am now. Eventually I found the title for my work. That was in 2012, while I was in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. So now, I’m a Professional image consultant. 
JVT: Do you have a favorite quote?
AP: My favorite quote is actually a scripture. “I can do all things in Christ that Strengthens me.” But, my personal saying is “Keep it Sexy” I give it in this order because God is first, then myself and family. 
JVT: You must have a favorite movie, what is it?
AP: “I’d have to say Spawn, a black man who was lost in the world trying to fit in and be successful at his career and for his family life. But was destroyed by the very people he worked for. He found new life as an unorthodox hero. He felt a lot of anger for those he thought were his friends and family. Yet, he still wanted to help those who were in need and found mercy on the poor and challenged so he watched over them.
JVT: Do you have a favorite tweet?
AP:I don’t really have a favorite tweet. “I love motivational and inspiring tweets though. But those tweets usually are from those motivational/inspirational people. Which is the type of person I am. I hope to rub off on others so they also can be positive role models in today’s society.”
JVT: As we wrap up, share the best advice you’ve received.
AP: Be Human and show it. Meaning be sympathetic when it’s just to be sympathetic,  love everyone for their flaws first then, their qualities second. Because, if you love them for their qualities you haven’t given them a true chance to show you who they are because, flaws relate humans together just as much as our qualities.

You can connect with Tonio on IG & Twitter: @IamTonioP

There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.

Jim Lovell


A few photos from last night's #NTCJ Workshop at Georgia Tech (at jvtwillie.tumblr.com)


Here's a dose of morning #inspiration to help you navigate the career jungle!


Have you ever said I need more hours in a day? If so, I encourage you to examine your entertainment behavior. How many hours a week do you spend watching TV? How many hours a day did you spend on social networks? Turn your valuable time into your very own gold mine. You can start by turning the TV off and use that time to do the things that you need to do today so that you can accomplish your goals tomorrow. Why put activities off until tomorrow when you can do them today? There is no need to put it off. #careertip #bossmoves

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