


Welcome to my random blog.
I expect you to run away in fear.

Family: *says something racist* Family: *says something sexist* Family: *says something homophobic* Family: *makes fun of people with tattoos* Family: *tells you why you’re bad at life* Family: why don’t you wanna spend time with us?


Every Person who Reblogs this will have their URL written in a Journal, which will then be put into a time capsule that my College is doing.

The deadline is Jan.12th 2015, it doesn’t matter how many URLs I get, your’s will be put in! I’ll post pictures periodically so everyone can see what they look like, I’ll use two journals if I have to. 

page one!


drop whatever you’re doing right now and climb a tree

its pitch black outside, and freezing cold. I think ill climb a tree tomorrow

you climb that fuckin tree right now

I’ve literally never seen this post on my dash when it is not after dark and cold as balls. I’m beginning to think this is a conspiracy to get us eaten by some nocturnal tree demon.


that comic where the guy throws his bong into the garbage and it breaks is the most important art piece of the last 100 years and needs to be treated as such


Hey guys! There’s a rumour going around today that Dan and I are being ‘targeted by hackers’ online and lots of our followers are being sent anon hate in their ask boxes - this is just a rumour someone started, nobody is attacking us in any way (don’t worry) but lots of people are saying they are...


imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you’ve ever had sex with

imagine being stuck in a room surrounded by everyone you’ve ever thought about having sex with

oh god NO

oh god YES

Imagine your cousin sitting there wondering what he has in common with these people





My dentist once told me that letting go is like pulling a tooth. When it was pulled out, you’re relieved, but how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it wasn't hurting you doesn’t mean you didn't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. It’s going to take a while, but it takes time. Should you have kept the tooth? No, because it was causing you so much pain. Therefore, move on and let go.

is your dentist also your therapist?

Your dentist should quit being a dentist and become a philosopher

my dentist just tells me i need to floss more


For anyone that is going to be targeted over the next few days, please stay strong because they are just trying to break you. Apparently, #4chan are trying to hack into people’s accounts on Instagram, Twitter and tumblr. But I know you all can make it.

You are strong.

You are beautiful.

You are amazingly perfect no matter what they say.

If you are targeted and need someone to vent to, please, my ask box is always open.


TW 4chan anon hate topic and mention of suicide

Dear 4chan anons, please please come after me. Send 50 of your people after me rather than someone else on this website. Do it, see how “successful” you are. I have depression and anxiety, I’ve tried to kill myself before , Im the perfect target right?? But I literally give 0 shits about you and your messages. Bring it.

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