
Women are actually super submissive, soft, loving, and enjoy getting their partners gifts when they feel safe, loved, and secure. Men who complain about lacking this should first point the finger at themselves and see what’s missing

Anonymous asked:

ignore all the negativity. at the end of the day, u know who u are. you're a good muslim who prays and you know what's right from wrong. don't let the people get to you saying "haram this haram that". YOU know what's halal and what's haram and what you should and shouldnt do. Inshallah you find a great muslim man who treats u like the queen u are :'))) i'm also struggling to find a good muslim myself lol where do you even meet people in real life who arent coworkers or the mosque lmaooo

thank you 🥰 you’re absolutely right. and girl i know, the STRUGGLE of organically meeting someone nowadays is so real. I despise all dating apps, idk how people are finding their partners?? Mutual friends maybe? Idk. May Allah give us the best outcomes inshallah, Ameen 💗

Anonymous asked:

Bruh. You posted about being so halal but also post about how much better dating is now in your late 20s compared to early 20s lol. You have been dating guys for years. Nobody would care about not having insta or whatever. Peak times about the dating you're enjoying. No shocker that u don't want marriage and can't see yourself finding that connection.

Bro if by your argument i’m supposed to want to get married, how the fuck do you expect me to do that as a 28 year old in a major American city without dating??? Grow the fuck up please, we aren’t 16 anymore


sorry to keep harping but the thing is. like. people pretty much universally have profoundly complex and richly textured lives outside of the internet. like everyone you'll ever meet will have their share of complicated relationships, personal struggles, identity issues, et cetera. and these people will likely have deep inner lives and senses of self that an outsider is not easily privy to yk. but then you get all these Posters with a superiority complex who log into the fandom blogging website, see a fandom blogger blogging about fandom, and for some reason forget that other human beings have a rich inner world and assume that this little niche interest site somehow represents the totality of the fandom blogger's life and that they can deduce some sort of damning portrait of a Life Consumed by Media from the fact that they sometimes blog about fandom on the fandom blogging website. and then they make stupid ass posts like the aforementioned. it's so pretentious and self important and mean spirited with zero substance. Banished to the salt mines for 10000 years

*stands in a bowling alley angrily tapping my foot as I notice everyone around me doing nothing but bowling* it's so fucked up how obsessed with bowling everyone is. nobody has an identity outside bowling. these people must have no sense of self when they aren't bowling. unlike me... if only I could write some sort of post to enlighten these poor fools...

Anonymous asked:

as a muslim woman who has lived the most halal lifestyle possible and stays away from haram stuff I also have no interest in marriage and cohabiting with a man and the things people say/assume about me are crazy. I’ve been told to see a therapist, told I have mental issues, asked if I’m a lesbian, told I’m hiding haram stuff because no normal person doesn’t want marriage, told I can’t get into jannah without marriage, the list goes one. people start acting insane when a woman doesn’t want to get married it’s one of the most baffling things to experience firsthand. like is this my hypothetical marriage or yours lol???

THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS 😭😭 Sometimes i literally have to ask myself am I going insane?? why’s MY personal life causing others this much discomfort? If they’re so content with marriage, then do that and leave others alone!! Seriously, thank you for making me feel less insane and less alone lol. People will have me second guess my faith, sexuality, and mental capabilities all for not wanting to be married, so this means a lot

Anonymous asked:

Oh wow, your anons are going off! Ignore them. They sound like bored guys that just want to talk shit. I mean I don't necessarily share your views on marriage but that doesn't count for anything. Each to their own. Nobody should assume the reason is something really negative. These lot watch too many "HiGh vAluE mAn" podcasts. Ironically only low value men think that way about strangers for no reason

Thank you! Agreed


It also cracks me up the way people assume things on the internet based off of absolutely nothing. I've never even posted anything remotely sexual NOT EVEN A REBLOG, my picture on here is stilll in hijab, I don't have Instagram and when I did I never even made a hijabless post... so all these anons crying about my "haram lifestyle" like whereeee did you get that from?? I live in my conservative brown parents house. You guys are WEIRD, stop being so invested in strangers you don't know a thing about except what you've been given access to by a post or two.

Anonymous asked:

these people are so obsessed with you it’s hilarious they’re jumping to send hate in your inbox after you come back from being gone for like two years 😭 it genuinely is just men wanting to believe god is “punishing” you because they are unable to accept that there are women out there who are able to support themselves and be happy without needing a man. they want to be needed to bad lmfao. if they were content they would not be camping in the inboxes of happily single women!!

Emphasis on the happily single woman!! That's an unstomachable thought for incels LMAAOO. Not once did I deter anyone else from marriage,,... I just said it's not for *me*

Anyways thanks babes <33

Anonymous asked:

Have you shared that feeling abt marriage w people in your life, and if yes, what is the reaction? I know other people’s opinions on this are not really relevant but just curious. I’m 24 and I feel the same way mainly bc I genuinely do not think there is someone on this earth for me (ofc only Allah knows but yk) that I could accept being in that dynamic with and I’m more than happy being single. and every time I say that I get so many comments disregarding my feelings/opinion bc “im only 24” and it’s so annoying. idk maybe our feelings are different but I’d really love to hear your thoughts! I’ve been following you since like 2014 and come back on here every now and then so happy to see you’re back <3

Girlll, look at my last 2 anonymous messages if you wanna relate on getting annoyed by people invalidating your opinions when it doesn't match what they think is right lmao. Like you said, Allah knows best. For now, you should definitely enjoy being 24 without the responsibility of a husband and kids and Inshallah whatever's written for us will happen. I had the opposite experience; at 24 I was so eager to get married, and now I realize that maybe it's just not for me. And thats okay!! Marriage works amazing for some, and horribly for others. People love emphasizing how there's 8 billion people on Earth, but somehow we're all supposed to want the same things lol. Thanks for sticking around since 2014, that's so cool :')

Anonymous asked:

"High value" would inherently mean that the man is not a mummy's boy, is not doing fboy shit and definitely does not need babying by his woman. What the anon probably means is that's the type of man you won't be getting. But that's probably something you figured already and hence don't have an interest in marriage if you have to settle for one of them shitty guys you described? Good men and good women deffo exist in the world of 8 billion. So it's just a case of, can you find one and get him to commit.

Uhhh no, I understand what the previous anon was saying and you both are missing the point in my post which was written pretty clearly: "That's not a dynamic I'm interested in". Even marrying the high value man you're describing (and who apparently isn't a possibility for me bc somehow you guys are God and get to pass such judgements) I still don't want the dynamic of MARRIAGE and being MARRIED to someone, regardless of who that person is. So I'm confused as to where you guys decided that I made the decision based on the pool of men available to me (which again, you have no idea about because you don't know me irl). Good women and good men definitely exist, and I know a lot personally; I literally talked about the amazing, mature men I've encountered recently. Still don't want to be married.

Anonymous asked:

it’s not that marriage ain’t for you. No high value guy is lining up to marry you and now you find yourself just waiting around. All that feminist advice and haram life style messed it up for all of yall.

Please define the “high value guy” you think i’m supposed to wait around for 😂😂😂

The same thing you’re trying to shame single women for is everything these “high value” guys are partaking in. You keep the double standards, I’ll keep my independence. it’s a win win


Bro lemme tell you.. I know we're supposed to be opposed to aging, but dating at 28 is SOOO much better than it was in my early 20's. Men in their 30's (for the most part) don't play all the little mind games that young guys play; I don't have to worry about being ghosted or texting twice... dates don't consist of coming over and just chilling. Grown men actually make plans take control and put me in my feminine energy. Early 20's dating was the trenches


what they dont tell you about growing up as a very lonely little girl is that you grow up and still a part of you remains that very lonely little girl

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