
An Argonian Soldier

@richy0409 / richy0409.tumblr.com


Semi-recent pic of me, only half a year old.


Hello Tumblr.

I’m making a little signal boost for a special someone of mine.

The person in particular is my girlfriend, who’s an artist in many fields. She draws, she does a little animation, a little modelling, edits videos, does SFM and in general, is just really talented. Now I may be slightly biased, but I do believe that she gets way less attention than she deserves and I believe that there’s many people out there who haven’t seen her creations who’d get a lot of joy from it as well. But where’s the content you ask? Well, I’ll give you some of my personal favourites below.

And what’s even better, is that she also does commissions if you ever want yourself a goodie like that.

So hey, what do you have to lose? Maybe you’ll like what you see.

You can find her on these platforms. DeviantArt Tumblr Reddit Artstation Youtube


Prevent yourself from Abusive commission “Artists”

Hello tumblr, it is I, whoever the fuck I am. Here’s a good interesting drama read for you while you’re eating your garbage food and drinking your acid soda.

Around tumblr and other.. ‘networks’, you’re yet to come across different ‘artists’ with commission systems. Some of them are incredible!, Just check this faglord. Some others, are abusive. And that’s the point of this uhhh ‘PSA’.

I’ve came across somebody lately around tumblr, wouldn’t call it ‘famous’, but I’d call it ‘somewhat noticed’ since he’s got some fans around him. Probably not on tumblr, but still has. I’m talking about you, @MachoSoldier / TFSoldier (Tumblr ((((VERY NSFW))))/DeviantArt).

So for you, this guy is pretty normal I suppose, right? Just another dude roleplaying as a known character.. except he’s an abusive idiot.

Why am I doing this? Am I jealous of him? Not really, I know as much about modelling as him probably (actually wtf, I know way more), and so, this whole post will be seen from that point of view. (The PoV of someone who makes modelling stuff aswell).

Let me explain you a few things, my man.

“Need skype account”.

First problem of all, you don’t really request people to use a skype account to recieve a model. Isn’t that a little fishy?.

From what I’ve gathered from some of his ‘customers’ so to say, he’s known for being paran- Oh wait

Wot?? Really?

Okay let’s take a look at his ‘reasonable’ prices:

Now base all these prices on this abomination he’s created.

So you’re costing me 100$ to deform soldier’s arms like they are filled with socks?

You’re costing me nearly 50$ for just doing a flat color square as ‘texture’ (as seen on the shirt?

You’re telling me you’re gonna ask for over a hundred in the hypothetic case of making an HWM model? (which, technically has over 100 flexes, considering the flexes, correctors, etc)

You’re costing me nearly 100$ dollars for uh, deforming soldier’s arms? (If we can call that sculpting really.)

You’re… costing me 100$ for using blender’s autorig. Alright man that’s fine it’s okay it’s just fine.

All in all, I’m paying you.. (100 + 150/200 (a normal human model has 3-4 textures normally), + 100 (or 50 if it’s FACS faceposing), +100 + 100) a total of nearly 500-600 dollars.

-but dilly those are very reasonable prices-

Are they really? I have seen many people do super amazing works for half of this guy’s value. And they aren’t complete assholes.

But hey, reader, it gets better.

A friend of mine, very innocent, decided to commission him a small thing since nobody could do it before, the results were incredible.

So in the journal I don’t see any part that says ‘fees for not liking the model you’re commissioning me’. Sorry man. That’s fucking unprofessional of your part. If you’re gonna make money out of editing existing tf2 models, or editing other people’s models, which is clearly stated in the journal

then we got a problem.

And if on top of that you’re gonna take advantage of innocent people who don’t know about this stuff or how is it done, then you’re a fucking dickhead.

Really? Just cause you’re a bitch you won’t let somebody the model he paid you for????? THAT IS NOT PROFESSIONAL!! (I know some modellers around are a bit dickheads, but this is just retarded).

Don’t act like a fucking professional if you’re not even close to one, Arthur.


Can you help a brother out?

Alright people. So situation is that my girlfriend is thinking of taking a trip to my place, however as it seems, she might have some problems as her salary doesn’t quite add up to the expenses of this trip. You see, travelling across country is a bit more expensive than we’d like it to be.

Now, before you skip by, this isn’t me begging you to send money for nothing, this is me telling you that she has now PUT UP A DISCOUNT ON HER COMMISSIONS.

From now until the 22th February all the full-drawing commissions cost half the price = 10€!

Complicated background or extra character is +5€ each.

which means that if you were sitting there wondering where you could go for cheap and pretty fucking great pictures, then she’s your man…Woman.

Sketches? Full drawings? SFM pictures? She’s got you covered. Just hit her up on either


For more info, and examples of what she can do, go visit her journal below.

I’d greatly appreciate it if anybody reblogs this post, as it helps both her and I.

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