
"Hold on to your butts!"

@rhysiism-blog / rhysiism-blog.tumblr.com

Indie rp blog for Rhys the company man. Read rules for password

this is REALLY                           good!

casshxmada. independent Big Hero 6 Cass Hamada RP.  graphic drawn by the absolutely wonderful pandantlers (who also happens to be the best roommate in the world.) 

Your muse slams mine against a wall hard.

Rhys hissed, feeling the wall slam against his spine. The impact would leave him sore for sure.“C-Can I help you?”


Timothy shoved the man to the wall, he hadn’t intended to do it so hard but what was done was done. The ex-double glared at the man in front of him, “Why are you here? Hyperion should just stay off of Pandora.” He growled, knowing that the voice was noticeable, especially to a Hyperion employee, even with his face covered and hidden.

Rhys frowned, gingerly shouldering the man's hand away. That voice....it couldn't be.... "Just some....business that's all. A measly bandit doesn't need to know why I'm here." Intimidation wasn't his strongsuit, clearly.

“Seems fair…..so….why the closeness?”

“Truthfully, it’s mostly just cause I want to… But it is also pretty damn cold on Helios today. I think the AC’s busted or something.”

"Y....yeah....g-gotta fix that..."


Rhys tensed, feeling the others hands comb through his hair. He wasn't used to this kind of treatment, naturally. "Uhh..."


Zombieland Quote Memes

  • ❝ I’m not great at farewells, so, uh, that’ll do, pig. ❞
  • ❝ Is that how you say hello where you come from? ❞
  • ❝ I’ve never hit a kid before. ❞
  • ❝ It was my bad. I was never a very good practical joker. ❞
  • ❝ So do you have any regrets? ❞
  • ❝ Time to nut up or shut up! ❞
  • ❝ Are you fucking with me? ❞
  • ❝ I hate coconut. Not the taste, the consistency. ❞
  • ❝ Twelve’s the new twenty. ❞
  • ❝ You got taken hostage by a 12 year old? ❞
  • ❝ Don’t kill me with my own gun. ❞
  • ❝ I haven’t cried like that since Titanic. ❞
  • ❝ Let’s play the quiet game. ❞
  • ❝ You see? You just can’t trust anyone. The first girl I let into my life and she tries to eat me. ❞
  • ❝ It’s amazing how quickly things can go from bad to total shit storm. ❞
  • ❝ You are like a giant cock-blocking robot, like, developed in a secret fucking government lab. ❞
  • ❝ You can do anything you want to a man, but do not fuck with his Cadillac! ❞
  • ❝ Where are the fucking Twinkies? ❞
  • ❝ FYI, I have beat wholesale ass for a whole lot less than that. ❞
  • ❝ She’s only famous when she’s Hannah Montana! When she’s wearing the wig! ❞
  • ❝ Oh, this is so exciting, you’re about to learn who you’re gonna call… it’s Ghostbusters. ❞
  • ❝ Poor, fat bastard. ❞
  • ❝ You almost knocked over your alcohol with your knife. ❞
  • ❝ See, I told you we should have gone to Russell Crowe’s! No one listens to me! ❞
  • ❝ Here’s the deal: I’m not easy to get along with, and I’m sensing you’re a bit of a bitch. ❞
  • ❝ Are you one of these guys that tries to one-up everybody else’s story? ❞
  • ❝ You wanna feel how hard I can punch? ❞
  • ❝ Finally got to first base. Not bad for that scrawny little spit-fuck. ❞
  • ❝ Believe it or not, Twinkies have an expiration date. ❞
  • ❝  Hey, a little help with movin’ the couch. We’re makin’ a fort. ❞
  • ❝ Have you ever read that book “She’s Just Not That Into You”? ❞
  • ❝ You have just survived the zombie apocalypse and drove half way across the country… where are you gonna go? ❞
  • ❝ Thank God for rednecks! ❞
  • ❝ You see, that why i don’t let people close, you only get burned. ❞
  • ❝ Where are you, you spongy, yellow, delicious bastards? ❞
  • ❝ Woulda? Coulda? Shoulda? ❞


"Yes, I do in fact still play Webkinz at my age. Fuck off."
"You have your gross, generic rice squares, I'll enjoy my Lucky Charms."
"Don't you think you're a little old for that?"
"People who say 'you're too old for that' generally tend to be assholes."
"What do you mean, 'Pokémon is a kids' show'?"
"Do you think Animal Crossing is a fucking joke, son?"
"Tuck me in and scare the monsters away?"
"I will cry over Warriors and Cinderpelt until the day I die, and you can't stop me."
"Do you want a bedtime story, too?"
"One is never too big for onesies."
"Kool Aid and a bag of cheese puffs is totally a healthy breakfast."
"Stop asking if I want to build a snowman. The answer is still 'no'."
"You're getting cranky. Sounds like someone needs a nap."
"Carry me; I'm tired!"
"My Star Wars sheets are not 'childish', they're vintage!"
"Juice pouches are good, though!"
"Water gun fight!"
"I agree that bronies are gross, however, the show itself is not."
"Old people and adults are so boring."
"Let's make a pillow fort and have a Disney movie marathon!"
"Fine. As long as The Lion King is in there somewhere."
"I may or may not have just bought half a dozen coloring books."
"Stuffed animals have feelings too, you know!"
"I'll never be a teenager! KND forbids it!"
"Did you draw those? I didn't even think we had chalk."
"Fingerpainting is a skill."
"Do we have to go to a fancy restaurant? I just want to make some mac and cheese…"
"It's, like, five in the morning; why are you up?"
"If you want to get me out of this tree, you'll have to come and get me!"
"What's wrong with my Transformers band-aids?"
"I made us friendship bracelets!"
"Why can't we keep all of the kittens?"
"If your diet consists mainly of soda and ice cream, I think you'll regret it eventually."
"You don't need a parent's email; you just need your own. You're a fucking adult."
"I don't want to go to work… I want to watch Saturday morning cartoons…"
"String cheese is best cheese."
"I've been collecting Yu-Gi-Oh cards for years, and I don't plan to stop anytime soon."
"I had a nightmare… Can I sleep with you?"
"You should always be a little childish. Otherwise you get stuffy and mean."

Draw yourself!

1. Draw yourself in what you're wearing now
2. Draw yourself as a superhero
3. Draw yourself as a super villain
4. Draw yourself in your favorite book
5. Draw yourself in your favorite movie/show/anime
6. Draw yourself in your favorite game
7. Draw yourself doing something completely out of character
8. Draw yourself doing something totally IN character
9. Draw yourself in your favorite outfit
10. Draw yourself as an animal
11. Draw yourself as the opposite sex/gender
12. Draw yourself sleeping
13. Draw yourself as a monster (ghoul/werewolf/vampire/ghost/skeleton/etc)
14. Draw yourself swapping clothes with your favorite character
15. Draw yourself as a dragon
16. Draw yourself making a weird expression
17. Draw yourself doing something badass
19. Draw yourself doing something dumb
20. Draw yourself as a magical girl/guy/other
21. Draw yourself at school
22. Draw yourself as a fantasy creature (elf/dwarf/halfling/etc)
23. Draw yourself as a pirate
24. Draw yourself as a knight
25. Draw yourself as royalty
26. Draw yourself cosplaying as a Disney princess/prince
27. Draw yourself wearing clothes from a different time period
28. Draw yourself punching something
29. Draw yourself in an outfit you want but don't have
30. Draw yourself sleeping
31. Draw yourself mmmblockin out the haters
32. Draw yourself drawing yourself drawing yourself
33. Draw yourself in the position your currently in
34. Draw yourself doing whatever you want
Tag it as #drawyourselfart so I can see!

ASDF Movie Sentence Meme

"Look out he's got a gun!"
"You gotta help me man!"
"My tie is evil and it's gonna kill me!"
"Please don't hurt me"
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
"Ahhhh, why would you do this?"
"Tell my children I love them"
"I baked you a pie"
"I like trains"
"Hey, it's says gullible on the ceiling"
"Haha! They said I could never teach a llama to drive!"
"How did I get here?"
"Hahaha, I can't read"
"I'm allergic to adorableness!"
"Hey man look at my new dog"
"Screw gravity"
"There's something on your face!" *punches* "It was pain!"
"I am punching your salad"
"Buy me more jewellery!"
"This is a robbery"
"I want to be a pie!"
"Well, I stole your face"
"It worked! My time machine worked!"
"Banana fight!"
"Alien attack!"
"Throw the CHEESE!"
"It's so beautiful out here"
"Yeah, it's me, you, and the moon"
"Hey, do you want to play some video games?"
"I work at the muffin factory"
"We are so in sync"
"I'm going to punch you in the face"
"I'm going to punch your face, in the face"
"Hello and welcome to standing up school"
"Oh, a puppy!"
"I have no idea how to breathe"
"Here comes the aeroplane"
"You're a nerd!"
"But I want to die!"
"Hey, _______, do you want to go to the prom with me?"
"I am a very tall midget"
"I love you, baby"
"Stay away from my baby"
"But mother, I love him"
"I'm afraid of back stories"
"When did this all start?"
"This is the worst date ever!"
"My boyfriend said I'm the most beautiful girl in the world"
"Oh no! Giant flying sheep!"
"You're leaving me?"
"You're adopted"
"Would you like to see a magic trick?"
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