
(More) Amy's Ramblings

@gamerchick02 / gamerchick02.tumblr.com

Social geek, gamer, lover of the offbeat.

A boy can dream, can't he?


Hey, so if you have Windows 11 installed and have been losing your mind over the fact that you can't find your own files because Windows is now prioritizing internet search results first, you can fix it by following this guide:

As someone with over 900 GB of intentionally and properly named files on her computer (I do a lot of digital art and digital media work that requires high-volume files that function off of dependencies), this feature was making me furious. I followed the above instructions and can confirm that the method outlined solves the problem.

I have just tried this, it works and the explanation how to do it was so user friendly and clearly laid out.


To anyone who is having a bad day, I give you this hamster wearing a flower hat.

This post is now ten years old and still circulating. It has outlived countless generations of hamsters and the entire Trump administration, and people still pass it around because this one photographer a decade ago decided to put a little goodness into the world, and it makes me so happy


Rating the birds in my backyard by tendency toward violence

Northern Cardinal, 4/10

I'm sometimes worried the male is sexually harassing the female but I'm pretty sure they're just doing some elaborate public pickup roleplay. The rest of us didn't agree to participate in your kink, guys.

American Robin, 1/10

Literally just some dude hanging out. Never bothered anyone but worms. Big fan of the way you just stand there in the middle of the grass like you forgot what you were supposed to be doing.

House Sparrow, 10/10

You're a gang. You're participating in gang violence. There's ten billion of you living in a single wood pile and it's been civil war for three years now. When will the bloodshed end?

Tufted Titmouse, 1/10

A shy baby. A pretty little guy. I saw you on the neighbor's garage roof and time stopped. There were anime sparkles around you. Come back.

European Starling, 9/10

Why is it always you? Listen, I know, I KNOW the sparrows are the problem, and YET. When the fighting starts, it's always you in the middle of it, provoking them and then screaming like you're an innocent bystander defending yourself. I'm onto you.

Carolina Wren, 3/10

This rating is not for physical violence, which you don't engage in, but for your role as an incurable narc. A tattle tale. I know they're fighting again, okay? I see it. Our yard has been a warzone for years, you don't have to make a big announcement every time someone misbehaves.

Eastern Wood-Peewee, 0/10

If this were "birds who think they're better than everyone else," you'd get 10/10.

Red-bellied Woodpecker, 6/10

It's a utility pole. It's not a tree. You're surrounded by trees that are full of bugs. But there you are, on the utility pole. Committing vandalism.

American Crow, unrated

For who am I to cast judgment on the actions of La Famiglia? I assume you are doing what is best for the neighborhood. If I could, though, without criticism, make a single observation. That when large numbers of you gather in the ominous dead cottonwood - no? No, you're right. None of my business.

Great Crested Flycatcher, 5/10

Frankly, I think you could be doing more. I think your name implies a great potential. I think you should massacre the insects. I think your beak should drip with viscera.

Stay tuned for more criminal activity!


Common Grackle, 7/10

La Famiglia does not suffer you to stop in our neighborhood long, and I trust their judgement in this manner. You have the look of a guilty bird.

Tennessee Warbler, 2/10

You keep to yourselves, and I respect that. I get the sense that you could defend yourselves if it came to it, though.

Brown-Headed Cowbird, 3/10

You're not a crow, and eventually they ARE going to figure it out, kiddo.

Gray Catbird, 5/10

Would you. Respectfully. Would you shut the FUCK UP.

Eurasian Collared-Dove, 0/10

You're doing great, sweetie, everyone loves you.

Red-Breasted Nuthatch, 4/10

A comedian. A little jester of a bird. You're so silly. Sure sometimes you incite violence in others but, really, is that your fault? If it is, we forgive you.

Blue Jay, 12/10

If you could learn any human behavior you wanted, it would be how to build a bomb.

Honorable mention:

Turkey Vulture, 5/10

You weren't in my backyard, but you WERE eating roadkill in the street in my neighborhood. I know the animal was already dead when you got there, but you get violence points for frightening the small children that walked past you. Incredible work.


This is why Tumblr is good.


so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god

okay so i just got my dream job??? a week after applying to it?? and now i’m thinking….maybe this is the good luck post

…..not even six hours later i got an offer of a well paying full time long-term job with free room and board in queens in nyc, allowing me independence and a way to escape an abusive situation and an unhealthy environment

likes charge reblogs cast, folks, this is the good luck post

i need all the help i can get for finals


Hey so

the last time I reblogged this post right before I got a great job, in a permanent work-from-home position, with benefits, retirement, and a salary literally 3x what I was making before, doing something I really like. 

So you know. 

This might be the real one, y’all.

At this point literally anything helps.


For my upcoming mid terms, semi finals and finals. Please.

Eh fuck it let’s do this not like i’m gonna lose anything anyways


For reasonable accommodations


I'd just be happy for a good day tomorrow with few interruptions and the ability to get a lot done and not be pulled out of my concentration when I'm trying to update reviewers.


Hi, Tumblr. It’s Tumblr. We’re working on some things that we want to share with you. 

AI companies are acquiring content across the internet for a variety of purposes in all sorts of ways. There are currently very few regulations giving individuals control over how their content is used by AI platforms. Proposed regulations around the world, like the European Union’s AI Act, would give individuals more control over whether and how their content is utilized by this emerging technology. We support this right regardless of geographic location, so we’re releasing a toggle to opt out of sharing content from your public blogs with third parties, including AI platforms that use this content for model training. We’re also working with partners to ensure you have as much control as possible regarding what content is used.

Here are the important details:

  • We already discourage AI crawlers from gathering content from Tumblr and will continue to do so, save for those with which we partner. 
  • We want to represent all of you on Tumblr and ensure that protections are in place for how your content is used. We are committed to making sure our partners respect those decisions.
  • To opt out of sharing your public blogs’ content with third parties, visit each of your public blogs’ blog settings via the web interface and toggle on the “Prevent third-party sharing” option. 
  • For instructions on how to opt out using the latest version of the app, please visit this Help Center doc. 
  • Please note: If you’ve already chosen to discourage search crawling of your blog in your settings, we’ve automatically enabled the “Prevent third-party sharing” option.

If you have concerns, please read through the Help Center doc linked above and contact us via Support if you still have questions.


Keyboard update!

I've been using it off and on today and using it more tonight. I shut it off last night so the battery doesn't drain unnecessarily, and it was at 90% when I booted up this morning.

It's been on all day and I've only been typing on it a bit.

I did turn the backlighting down so it's not as bright and that does seem to affect the battery life quite a bit. I might turn it up a little bit.

Anyway, I do really like the Epomaker TH80SE. Great little board. Now I just need to figure out how to get into it so I can do some mods!


Make sure you update your mobile app and go into your settings and visibilty for your blog(s) to turn off ai data scraping.


Woke up this morning with a headache at 2:30 am.

Took a tylenol and a benadryl (I think it's related to the crappy warm-ish weather we're having).

Got up at 7 to shower and stuff... took an aleve to smash the headache right in it's face.

I'm FINALLY starting to feel a little bit better and it's almost 7pm. 16 and a half hours to finally feel human again.


I did have a lot of work to do today and I got a lot of work done, but there is so much more to do and I felt quite overwhelmed. I *almost* want to log back in and work some more, but I know that it's a bad idea. I'll take care of things tomorrow morning.

Maybe I'll get breakfast tomorrow? I'm not sure. We'll see how quick I get around.

I need to pick up ice cream for Chapter this week and I'm thinking tomorrow night will be a good time to do it. I want to do my laundry on Thursday afternoon/evening, and I don't want to be time-crunched. I think that's a good plan... Hit up Target for a couple things, Meijer for a couple things, and then grab dinner somewhere (or just come home and eat at home after I do my running around; I did grocery shop and I have filled in really well.


in case you're collecting data

I have not seen the ai-scraping option on web client (osx 13/ff 123) nor on phone client (ios 17.3) yet - have to say I have not tried to update the phone client in a while, and I have no idea how to find the version number of the ios client in the system, so i could be running an old one

OK I updated the phone client. The "Prevent third-party sharing" option in Visibility was enabled when I opened the new phone client, i.e. it did not default to "don't prevent" in this case.





I got everything done!!

I got the grocery shopping done this morning, even though I didn't want to go (and ofc there's a couple things I can only get at Target, so I'll have to deal with that next weekend or something; namely my soap). After that, I washed my bedding. I then got to cleaning my place, and finally did up my clothes laundry!!

I'm excited! Tomorrow I can chill. Well, I do need to buy gas but that takes like 10 minutes.



Update on the keyboard(s) and mouse.

Keyboard still going strong but the battery seems to drain quick. I'm thinking I'm going to leave it plugged in overnight to see if that does a "set" on the cells and it can hold a charge longer than a day or two (granted, I've only had it for two days so there's that).

The RK seems to hold battery pretty good.

The mouse was fully charged Friday and is still at like 90%, so I'm quite happy with it. It's not been turned off either, so I think it's going to hold charge really well.

I just wish there was an applet or something I could put in my taskbar that would show a reading of the battery status of both of these. Oh well, it is what it is.

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