
pls hlep me

@the-lioness-rampant / the-lioness-rampant.tumblr.com

Erin/US/they/she/human disaster


hi besties!!! i made my first set of custom loading screens and thought i'd keep them cute and simple.

♡ please remember that this is an override mod and will replace the original loading screen

♡ only have ONE loading screen in your mods folder at a time

♡ do NOT reupload the files or claim these as your own


Sims 4 loading screen : neko

Hi y'all ~

since we received the new infant update & two days later the new EP Growing together released, why don't spice up your loading screen with some cuteness as well ?! ≧◉ᴥ◉≦

Ok I made my first loading screen for sims 4 everrrrr so bare with me ~ here you have some kitty cats or neko babies to cutify your ingame waiting time :3 ♥

Download: click the link below and download from my patreon ♥

  1. Simply extract the file located in the zip-file (on your desktop)
  2. Place the .package-file into your mods folder which is located in  your game files (you can create a subfolder named “Loading Screen” for easier structure if you want)
  3. IMPORTANT: remove all other loading screens (.package-files) in your mods folder if you have any, if not please ignore this step. This is necessary because the game can only detect ONE file. If you have more than one .package file your game might crash!

If you have any issues please contact me, we can find a solution to every problem! Enjoy ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ DOWNLOAD


i am not addicted to making loading screens.. (free dl under the cut)


“if you take medication for that, you’ll be taking medication all your life!!” yeah, and?? bud, i already put on my glasses every morning. it’s like. a condition of mine, not a side hobby i’m pursuing irresponsibly. 

and the thrilling sequel: “taking meds for that is the easy way out!” right you are my dude, i’m a huge fan of not making things harder than they have to be


i fr spent my life thinking everyone else also loved seeing planes and trains in the wild but when we are sitting in the target parking lot next to the airport and nobody else is looking up or getting excited when a plane flies directly overhead i always have the weirdest moment of autistic clarity

people adding horses, cows, helicopters, and all other things that little kids yell to to point out but you're expected to grow out of being fascinated by are so valid.


"cost of living crisis" give me a FUCKING break it's called "unprecedented corporate greed and income inequality" fucking cost of living crisis like it's just a natural or unexplainable phenomenon Christ

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