

@whoreiblejokes / whoreiblejokes.tumblr.com

Josh | 20 | Silent Videographer

The Life of Pablo

It’s that kind of music that feels at once familiar and alien. Love this, Kanye is always able to sneak in very outré musical ideas into what are otherwise pop songs. It’s very subversive stuff, very clever.

Also since I hear no one talking about it – I love the final artwork. The “which / one?” thing is super clever on so many levels: “Picasso or Escobar – or the Apostle?” “The hot new piece of ass or the family?” “The old Kanye or the new Kanye?” “The leader or the demagogue?” These are themes that pop up throughout the album, which tends to deal in confusion and contradiction. The aesthetic of the cover is also great. For those of you complaining about the sloppy and haphazard MS Paint/Windows 98 look, well that would appear to be the intent. This sort of digital nostalgia is big in the art world right now. I like it, it’s like a new lo-fi for the pesky whipper-snapper age. Another example of Ye using his popular platform to push very avant ideas. It’s like the antidote to our focus grouped, crowd-sourced times.

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