
Jacqui's Stuff

@wily-one24 / wily-one24.tumblr.com

Forty something fangirl. I have no theme. I post random stuff. Mostly reblogs. I write fanfic and am mostly known for this. I have been around since the dark ages of the internet. I am a fandom grandma. But very friendly. Give me some indication you're not a bot and I'll probably follow you back.

actually for fusies, let’s make it a poll

original post for context:


I could cut back to survive on 10K a month, I've done it before. I would probably collect one, maybe two months at 14hrs/day before, uh, dying. I've done those. A month, when I was in my twenties, ruined me. I was simply never suited to BigLaw.


Spicy-brained friends, I would like to propose an update to the very useful ‘if you hate everyone, eat, if everyone hates you, sleep, and if you hate yourself, shower’ mantra to live by

Have you suddenly become a petty, hateful little gremlin who thinks people should face the firing squad for (checks notes) leaving teabags on the counter, breathing loudly, or daring to exist in the same space as you? Perhaps mundane and reasonable requests like ‘hey, we agreed to hang out now, let’s hang out’ make you want to scream and move to a yurt in the woods.

You. Are. Overstimulated.

People talk a lot about being overstimulated, and the physical/mental effects of it. What I haven’t seen is people talking about what it does emotionally, and it took me an embarassingly long time to link up those nitpicky, resentful emotions with the state of overstimulation/meltdown/shutdown.

These feelings do not mean that you’re a bad person! They probably aren’t how you actually feel about the people around you. They probably do mean that your nervous system is at its absolute limit and any request/demand/stimulus is Too Much and taking you into fight or flight territory.

Go lie down in a dark room for an hour, or find somewhere safe and familiar to stim for a bit. If it’s happening a lot, schedule yourself regular low-stimulation shutdown time

Signed: someone who moved in with their nearest and dearest only to have a massive crisis of faith about Suddenly Hating All of Them. I don’t hate them, it’s just overstimulating living with people. If I can spare anyone else a similar 9 months of suspecting that they may actually be a bit of a shit person, then this post is worth it!

you might especially feel this way if someone picks up on your bad mood, but all their kind suggestions make you want to bite and scream. in my experience that’s not because you hate them or even the suggestion, it’s probably because *any* new information or ideas, no matter how gentle, is just Too Many Thoughts. this is when it helps a lot to have a plan in advance, even if the plan is just “take medication” or “go to hidey-hole,” because trying to think of a solution in the moment might be beyond you.

(also if ur overstimulated, it’s often worth checking if you need to eat/sleep/shower as well, because that might be part of what’s overstimulating you!)

chronic pain is also a source of overstimulation


Other than where things fall in the timeline, anything else in or about the D5 flashback that surprised you?


I get the feeling you're asking for something specific and I'm not sure I have the answer that you want.

I wrote the flashback, so it's not that surprising. I know what it says and what it was going to say.

I assume you're talking about the latest one. It's a brief, short little flashback, so there's not a lot to go on here.

Lewis's "Hey Baby" deliberately echoes Serena's. But the parallels and leads ups of Serena's abuse to Lewis' manipulation has been explored before.

It's set very late in the abduction, so... close to one of the final flashbacks before her escape. She's deliberately written to be nearly fully coersed.

The only thing i can think of that might stand out is the name of her teen friend... which... probably came from the back of my mind somewhere. And you're going to tell me it's a character I've neglected to remember and now I've caused a timeline rift in the SVU universe?



Ahh, okay, this makes more sense.


I know this isn't a new thought at all, but how many people at CatCo do we think know Kara's secret? I'm not talking about the Nia/James/Cat/Winn people, but random others.

Does Ed the janitor sigh in frustration everytime he finds Kara's clothes ripped off in the middle of the hallway, only to fold them nicely and hide them behind the nearest plant? (Kara still hasn't quite caught on that they aren't landing there naturally when she throws them to the side)

Does Taylor in security casually loop footage and cut out the moments where Kara dramatically displays the House of El symbol?

Does Lindsay from accounting just so happen to sit across from a balcony Supergirl likes to use to fly in and out of, hidden enough that Kara doesnt think twice about what shes doing?

And Eric, from HR. He noticed that Kara's excessively late clock ins and very early clock outs lined up perfectly with Supergirl helping with massive fights and emergencies. He casually reroutes all the automated emails to Kara's bosses that should be reminding them to write her up.

Even bringing it outside of CatCo. Is there young a barista at Noonan's who always slips Kara an extra couple of sticky buns. Because she saw Kara become Supergirl in the alleyway behind the building one time, and Supergirl saved her sister during an alien attack. It's not much, but it's what a girl living off of tips can do, and saving the city must be hungry work.

The young couple living across the street from Kara's loft have seen her fly in the window carrying ridiculous amounts of takeout on so many late nights.

All these people, the normal citizens of National City. Connected by a secret they didn't mean to learn and would never tell, or even confront her about. They're all just content to keep the secret, and if Kara finds doughnuts on her desk after a particularly hard fight, or her favorite sweater that was discarded pre flight dry cleaned and delivered to her door? That'll just be their little way of saying thank you


Other than where things fall in the timeline, anything else in or about the D5 flashback that surprised you?


I get the feeling you're asking for something specific and I'm not sure I have the answer that you want.

I wrote the flashback, so it's not that surprising. I know what it says and what it was going to say.

I assume you're talking about the latest one. It's a brief, short little flashback, so there's not a lot to go on here.

Lewis's "Hey Baby" deliberately echoes Serena's. But the parallels and leads ups of Serena's abuse to Lewis' manipulation has been explored before.

It's set very late in the abduction, so... close to one of the final flashbacks before her escape. She's deliberately written to be nearly fully coersed.

The only thing i can think of that might stand out is the name of her teen friend... which... probably came from the back of my mind somewhere. And you're going to tell me it's a character I've neglected to remember and now I've caused a timeline rift in the SVU universe?



queer is such a good word. im queer as in fuck you. queer as in odd. queer as in fucked-in-the-head. queer as in i hope you choke on it. queer as in a slur i laugh at. queer as in not like you. queer as in none of your business. queer as in a line in the fucking dirt. queer as in we’re here. get used to it. queer as in this is who i am and what i am. queer as in im different and i dont fucking care. queer as in with or without you i exist and ill keep doing it. queer as in queer

only one person has tagged this as “q slur” so far which is one person too many tbh, so. this post is inherently anti “q slur”. queer is a good fucking word and if you dont want people to see it on your blog then dont reblog this post.

“queer as in spiteful” doesnt leave room for queerphobic nonsense, thanks


If a landlord is in financial stress due to an investment they chose to make they can sell one of their multiple properties (that's if the tax deduction from negative gearing isn't enough, because our tax system spends more helping landlords than it does on any other aspect of housing support).

If a renter is in financial stress they can get kicked out without justification and can end up homeless because they can't afford anywhere due to unlimited rent increases.

These two risks are not the same and only the Greens actually understand and are pushing for us as a country to reassess how we view housing. It's a human right - not something the rich should be able to hoard and make endless profit off.


One of your replies to someone else on the last D5 chapter just turned the lightbulb on for me on why I have to kinda make myself watch OC, even though I think it's the more solidly written show in a lot of ways right now.

I don't really give much of a shit about Elliot, so of course I don't really give much of a shit about his show.

Cannot believe that hadn't dawned on me before lolololol it's so bloody obvious.


Right? @dahllaz

Look, I tried. I really did. I wanted to enjoy it. Another show, twice the new episodes, that can tie into SVU? But Organised Crime in and of itself just doesn't hold my interest. I don't care about mobs or mafia families. I don't care about twelve episode long intrigue of the uncles of cousins next door neighbour's secret dealings. I yawned just typing this shit out.

And honestly, Elliot Stabler, outside of Olivia and his role in her life, doesn't interest me one bit. I spent a lot of the time in my SVU rewatch waiting for the end of S12, just so he'll be gone.

He *is* important to Olivia, so I deal with him in that sense. I want her to be happy and, apparently, he is the one she's chosen (she does have historically horrific taste in men, I'll give her that).

But forcing myself to watch a show that deals with Elliot and his man baby need to BE RIGHT while simultaneously destroying every good thing in his life because he just won't do anything about it? That only has boring Organised Crime cases to cushion the blow? Hard pass.

I am beyond forcing myself to watch shows that don't hold my interest.

I have forced myself to watch an episode or two that I know Olivia is in, but it's a struggle. I'll stick with SVU and just guess what happened on OC. That's what YT clips are for, right? To get the vague idea.

To me, Elliot is one of those old cops that still hasn't unlearned the old ways. He comes into Olivia's house and tries to use violence to get his way. MORE THAN ONCE. That's just NOT DONE anymore. She has to physically hold him back and it jeopardises her career. He won't listen and he won't learn.

That doesn't interest me.


Buffy season villain escalation:

What's the evilest thing you can imagine? A vampire who is trying to destroy the world

What's even eviler than a vampire trying to destroy the world? A vampire trying to destroy the world who is a soulless demon with the face of the person you're in love with

What's more evil than that vampire? A local government official

What's more evil than a local government official? The united states military

What's more evil than the United states military? A literal god of hell

What's more evil than a literal god of hell? A white man who is a raging misogynist & also depression

What's more evil than depression & a white man who is a raging misogynist? The embodiment of evil itself. & That's a wrap folks!!


Remembering the episode of Galavant where Kylie Minogue is The Queen of a medieval gay pub and sings this absolute bop.

i feel that it’s important to note that the guy with him NEVER at any point realizes that they’re in a gay bar/club

I think it’s also important to know that the guy that’s with him that’s clueless is a king. Galavant is the BEST and it’s a shame it was cancelled.

This show is an utter DELIGHT

Kylie Minogue and Joshua Sasse met filming this show so she isn’t singing a disco ode to her stud of a husband she is wooing a potential boyfriend with a gay disco ode.

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