
I've got a plane to catch

@lilitanztravels / lilitanztravels.tumblr.com

World traveler, photographer, and foodie. I hope you'll follow my adventures. All photos are my own. Feel free to repost but please keep the tags intact. Comments and questions are always welcome.
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Anonymous asked:

Dear Lili, We are trying to get in touch with your father Dr. E. Mitchell Tanz. He is an alumni of the Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery Training Program at the University of Toronto and there is absolutely no contact information on record for him (he graduated in 1960 from residency training). I was put onto your contact by someone who led me to your name and there is no other contact information for you as well other than Twitter and Instagram. Pls call me at: 416-978-8534 asap, many thanks.

Sorry but I never check my Tumblr acct. and don’t know when you wrote to me. You can get in touch with my dad at 416-961-3388.

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