
It's always raining...

@hikikomorihime / hikikomorihime.tumblr.com

Quickie info: bigendered polyamorous lesbian . Disabled . Bipolar. I'm unable to work, so yea I'm online a lot. I'm also agoraphobic, so I'm home a lot.
I've discovered Aion. If you play, add me to your list: shotaikenhime (I know, least creative name ever and not at all pretty. I am open to suggestions as I plan to get a name change ticket eventually. I want something pretty for my female character... For my male, I'm not too picky.)
This isn't a "social justice" blog. It's mainly an archive for myself, and a way to communicate with others, because I'm a freaking SHUT IN. some small identity crisis is currently being experienced due to news from birth mom, so... yea I'm Internet old

I’m not saying the entire body of Steve Hassan’s work is entirely worthless (other cult researchers have found what they believe to be serious methodological flaws in his BITE model, mind), BUT:

if a man had publically supported Joanne Rowling’s ongoing campaign of militant transphobia, leveraging his brand as The Cult Expert Guy to imply that trans people are or resemble a cult (essentially just trying to use scientific-sounding language to dress up the old lie that queer people actively recruit others, especially the young and/or vulnerable, into their ‘lifestyle’), seemingly based entirely on the man’s own frankly comical misunderstanding of the sissy hypno kink;

I would think twice before uncritically citing him as an authority.


Not doubting you, OP, but do you have some links for further information? I definitely had no idea about his anti-trans views, and I’d bet most people who cite his work don’t either.

sure, here’s one of his own twitter threads about it

As you can see, as well as vocally supporting Rowling, he uncritically echoes the transphobic talking points that

• people are being ‘rushed’ into medical transition [and here we shall pause to allow the raucous laughter of trans people and anyone who has ever known them to die down]

• calls sissy hypno videos ‘weapons-grade mind control’ like they’re a fucking comic book doomsday device

• talks about trans people harrassing detransitioners, which is demonstrably untrue; most trans people are perfectly supportive of those who say ‘I thought I was trans but I’m not’, and only push back against those who add ’…so therefore nobody else should be trans either’, which isn’t harrassment. It’s self-defence.

• and says what for me is the scummiest fucking thing in the whole thread: that people who come out as trans end up ‘isolated from their families and friends’, which is sadly often true but is uuuhhh usually not that trans person’s choice. Steve. you yard-long smear of yeasty cocksnot.

For me the most grimly funny thing about this is that the ‘gender critical’ movement that Hassan is aligning himself with is WILDLY more cult-like than trans people just existing as a category of human being could ever be.

I think for me this really is a ‘You are not immune to propaganda’ case study writ large. Dude came up with some good points for critical thinking and cult ID, but when those clashed with his own belief system, he got suckered right in anyway.

I suppose the moral of the story is: when things seem to confirm your beliefs and what you want to think, that’s when you most need to be critical.

“I have watched numerous hypno porn videos for as part of my extensive research and I can state with confidence as an expert in coercive control that anyone watching these movies would instantly become transgender” sir

Community Label: Mature: Sexual Themes

I'm not saying the entire body of Steve Hassan's work is entirely worthless (other cult researchers have found what they believe to be serious methodological flaws in his BITE model, mind), BUT:

if a man had publically supported Joanne Rowling's ongoing campaign of militant transphobia, leveraging his brand as The Cult Expert Guy to imply that trans people are or resemble a cult (essentially just trying to use scientific-sounding language to dress up the old lie that queer people actively recruit others, especially the young and/or vulnerable, into their 'lifestyle'), seemingly based entirely on the man's own frankly comical misunderstanding of the sissy hypno kink;

I would think twice before uncritically citing him as an authority.

Community Label: Mature

Sexual themes


apparently I have to school some people's asses on being poor again

Listen up, Tumblr. There are some cold hard facts about being poor that you need to know before you try to talk to me or my family or any other poor person about anything involving money, food, jobs, housing or healthcare.

  • Being poor is expensive as fuck. Living paycheck-to-paycheck means you can’t shell out lots of money at once for a reliable car, so you have to buy a used car that might break down more often. Or maybe you can’t pay monthly insurance costs so you end up with a $2000 emergency room bill. Renting costs more in the long run than owning. And so on.
  • Asking for money doesn’t fucking hurt anybody. As long as you ask in a way that is not abusive or coercive, you should not feel ashamed if you sometimes have to ask for money. ESPECIALLY if you do it via crowdsourcing or some other method that doesn’t put pressure on any one person. Don’t you dare shame a poor person for asking for help taking care of themselves or their family.
  • Sometimes poor people have nice things. Yeah, I fucking said it. I have a nice TV and some game consoles that I bought when money was less tight. In fact, anytime a poor person gets an unexpected sum of money, like a birthday gift or a tax return, it often goes to something like that. Know why? Because we know we might never get another chance to buy the thing. And being resourceful people, we also know that if we have a chance to buy a nice thing now it will cost less in the long run than buying a neverending series of things that break after a month. We also get really fucking tired of always looking like poor people to everyone else. It sucks always being the house nobody wants to visit because somebody else can afford an XBOX 360 and you can’t. Finally, you don’t fucking know where that nice thing a poor person has came from. Maybe it was a gift, or somebody gave them a Best Buy gift card and they bought a laptop. Maybe a rich person was giving it away on Craigslist. Maybe the person wasn’t always poor but shit got hard recently. Maybe they actually saved up pennies for a year to buy it. You don’t know, and it’s not actually your business anyway.
  • Healthy food is more expensive than unhealthy food. I’m not going to even argue this point, I’m just going to fucking shout it. HEALTHY FOOD IS MORE EXPENSIVE THAN UNHEALTHY FOOD.
  • It’s none of your business why someone is poor. Maybe they have a disability, maybe unemployment is high in their field, maybe they are part of a group that has been socioeconomically oppressed for generations and you don’t just fucking pull your bootstraps up out of that. I’ve never met anybody who was poor just for the hell of it. But you know what? Some people are poor because they made irresponsible decisions or they’re addicted to drugs or gambling. Those people are still people and they still deserve food and shelter.
  • You can’t always get what you need at a thrift store or garage sale, and if you can, it still costs money. Some people have never actually set foot in a thrift store, so let me tell you what they’re like. There are rows and rows of clothes that are ugly or have holes in them or don’t fit you. And by ugly, I mean ugly-sweater-party ugly, like if I wore that to work I’d get fired ugly. If you’re REALLY lucky you might find ONE OR TWO things that fit and won’t fall apart after one washing. If you’re fat, trans or having other specific clothing needs it’s even worse. These are clothes that people rejected, and most of the time it was for a reason. Then there’s a lot of sketchy appliances from 1973 that somebody cleaned out of their mom’s garage after she died, toys for children 3 and under but fuck you if you have a ten-year-old, etc. They can be surprisingly good places to find books and Disney VHS tapes, but that’s about it.
  • For similar reasons, things like Freecycle are spotty as hell. I live in a major metropolitan area. Currently, the things that are available on my local Freecycle list include an automatic pet water dish, various non-essential baby supplies, a “microwave splatter cover”, and a couple of office chairs. This is pretty representative of what is generally offered. It’s not a great place to get things you specifically need.
  • There is no such thing as the welfare queen. This could be an entire post by itself, but let me give you a quick run-down of what ‘welfare’ usually consists of. This varies by state, but the aid available in Massachusetts includes food stamps ($200 a month max, doesn’t buy things like toilet paper, diapers or pet food), Emergency Aid for Elders, Disabled and Children ($300/month max if you qualify, you obviously have to be elderly, disabled or have children, and have to have almost nothing in your bank account), MassHealth insurance (actually pretty good but the application process can be long, and the state penalizes you by withholding some of your tax return if you go too long without insurance), and Section 8 housing vouchers, for which there is a waiting list of a year or more. If you manage to qualify for EVERYTHING, and you don’t have any kids, you might manage to scrape together enough to live off of. But barely. And MA is one of the better states for stuff like this.

There is probably a lot more shit I could tell you about what it’s like to be poor, but I’m tired and achy and so done with this shit, so I’m gonna stop here.


Female villains are usually cold and powerful, regal and impressive. But male villains, how often are they flirtatious or predatory? Manipulative, physically weak, and easily frightened? How often are they sassy, or thin, or well-dressed?

These aren’t a smattering of random characteristics, these kinds of traits are grouped together pretty frequently in the form of what’s known as the “sissy archetype.” A “sissy” is defined as a person who is effeminate or cowardly, usually used to insult men by saying they have feminine qualities. TV Tropes refers to this as the “Camp Gay” trope.

Now there’s nothing wrong with being an effeminate, fashion-loving gay man. But when it’s the predominant representation of the queer community, it leads to negative and restrictive stereotypes of an extremely diverse community. And to take it one step further, the problem is even worse when this kind of character only appears in children’s media as the villain.

Subscribe to The Princess and the Scrivener for weekly videos on Disney, intersectional feminism, pop culture critiques, and more!

also, i want to apologize to people whose messages were ever ignored by me or took me ages to reply to. i have no excuses, i’m just shit at communicating and a lot of time get stuck in my own head, postpone replying and then either forget about it or think that it is too late to reply. i’m sorry if i’ve ever made someone feel bad bc of this - honestly, it’s never personal, it’s just me and my inner problems. i will try harder to work on it. thank you for ever initiating conversations with me


PSA - Misophonia

What is Misophonia? - Misophonia, also known as Sound Rage is a neurological condition that causes certain sounds to trigger a moderate to severe emotional response, usually anxiety or anger. Individuals with Misophonia feel panic and rage from hearing certain sounds. They may need to move away from the sounds or wear earbuds to block the noise. Other people with Misophonia feel compelled to mimic the trigger sound, a natural response that causes an empathetic reaction in the brain and reduces the hostility the noise can cause. Severe Misophonia can even cause outbursts of violence upon a trigger. The disorder is linked to both Tourette Syndrome and Synesthesia among other neurological conditions. There is no cure or treatment so individuals with it must learn to live with it. 

What does Misophonia feel like? - Imagine somebody dragging their fingernails down a chalkboard. Does it give you chills? Make you block your ears? Shudder? How long can you listen to that noise? For people with Misophonia the response is similar. Hearing trigger noises causes the body to tense up. It can make the person feel angry, hostile, stressed, anxious, panicky and trapped. It can also cause the person to feel the impulse to be violent or to self injure

What are Misophonia triggers? - The triggers range for every individual but here are some common ones:

  • breathing
  • gum chewing
  • burping
  • sighing
  • sniffling
  • chewing
  • slurping
  • sucking
  • sipping
  • silverware scraping
  • nails tapping
  • jaw clicking
  • throat clearing
  • whispering
  • snoring
  • sneezing
  • “Um’s”
  • S sounds/hissing
  • clocks ticking
  • pencils on paper
  • typing
  • crinkling of paper or plastic bags
  • scratching
  • keys rattling
  • foot dragging
  • nail biting
  • knuckle cracking
  • etc.

Please be mindful that many of these noises can trigger strong unpleasant emotional responses from the people around you and that those with Misophonia, who “snap” at you for making these sounds, do not mean to be rude and harsh, it is a reaction they cannot control. If there is anyway to keep these sounds to a minimum, all of those with Misophonia will be very appreciative! 

Please share to spread the word. Thank you!


List of anime series/movies with unique art styles.

For my friends on tumblr, in case you guys want something to watch, here’s a quick list of anime series/movies with unusual/unique art styles that you may or may not know.


With an artstyle reminiscent of the original Astro Boy, Kaiba has a very simplistic (yet stylized) and fluid style of animation and art. The story revolves around the titular character, who wakes up with a hole in his chest with no idea of who he is. I enjoyed this a lot for the art, music and characters, who all have realistic motivations and ideals, as well as the themes handled in it; such as what defines “being human” when bodies and memories are as disposable as plastic. Genre: Sci-Fi, Psychological Drama


In terms of sheer action and excitement I got from watching a movie, I’ve got to say that Redline is one of the best ever in those departments. With a highly stylized comic-book-esque art style with a high influence from Western comics like Dick Tracy (with the emphasis on black shadows on solid colours and thick black outlines), this show is extremely fluidly animated, the movie is said to consist of 120 000 hand-drawn frames, taking seven years to complete. The movie follows the story of racer JP (aka “Sweet” JP, because of his refusal to use weaponry while racing) trying to win (and survive) the titular Redline, a race consisting of multiple racers from multiple different galaxies and planets. Genre: Racing, Sci-Fi, Action


Every frame of this anime could be screencapped and slapped onto someone’s dashboard for their aesthetic. That is how distinct the art style and character design of this show is. The show uses a form of “plaid animation”, where something will be animated over a still color or object as it moves, creating most of the time a jarring effect that is usually the sign of a lazy animator, however in Mononoke, the show utilizes the art to create a sense of a surreal, dream-like environment, intentionally focusing on the jarring effect. The art and design of the environment is also extremely ornate and beautiful. The show focuses on the story of the unknown Medicine Seller and his travels through Japan (in an unknown time period), killing spirits and creatures known as Mononoke. However, he cannot do so until he learns their Form, Truth and Reasoning/Regret, which leads to some very interesting lessons at the end of each story. Genre: Mystery, Horror

Dead Leaves

Another comic-influenced movie, and just barely under an hour too; Dead Leaves is an extremely fun, hyper-action-packed movie with amazing character design (almost EVERY good character in this movie has a unique design, barring the civilains and generic bad guy cannon fodder), driven by slapstick, humor (usually of the sexual kind) and more pop culture references than you can digest within the time span they’re thrown at you. The story focuses on criminals Retro and Pandy; Retro having a TV instead of a head, and Pandy having a panda-like marking on her eye, who, shortly after waking up on the moon and causing havoc on a nearby planet, are imprisoned in a super-jail. Genre: Action, Comedy, Sci-Fi

Kuuchuu Buranko / Welcome to Irabu’s Office

Combining rotoscoped 3D, 2D animation and live action elements, Kuuchuu Buranko is an extremely surreal look into the world of psychiatry. The art and designs were created by the lead artist of Mononoke, Kenji Nakamura. But whereas Mononoke had some subtlety/ to its art, this show is bright, colourful and neon as all hell. The show focuses on Dr. Ichiro Irabu and how he helps his patients with their problems, who are all connected in some way or the other. Genre: Comedy, Psychological Drama

The Tatami Galaxy

With a bright visual style that also manages to be subtle at the same time, The Tatami Galaxy also utilizes not just its art as a device for story telling, but the form of the show itself to convey its messages. I can’t spoil too much about the show, but I can give you this: if you enjoy the first episode, please watch it to completion, as this show basically requires the viewer to watch the show in its entirety. The story focuses on an unnamed protagonist, commonly referred to as Watashi by the show’s fans, who tries to attain the “rose-tinted” college life style he has desired for his whole life, as well as all the challenges he faces on the way. With fast-paced dialogue, a lot of humor, interesting character and background designs, as well as the various forms of “characterization”, and also the themes tackled by this show, I’d say it’s one of my favorite shows of all time. Genre: Slice of Life, Comedy, Drama, Psychological, Sci-Fi

I plan to add more to this list once I get around to them.

Mind Game

Mind Game. Directed by Masaaki Yuasa (also the director behind The Tatami Galaxy, Kaiba and Ping-Pong). I don’t think words can do this movie justice, but I’ll try. Imagine a combination of 3D-morphing-into-2D, sketches, animated photo images of (presumably) the voice actor’s for talking, extremely smooth and fluid movement, plus an insane amount of exaggeration,all coupled with a huge range of bright and dark colours and you’ve got Mind Game’s animation style down somewhat. Go look up more GIFs, they’ll help you understand the range of styles this surreal (and extremely fun) movie goes through. The plot follows Nishi, a down-on-his-luck, 20-years-old manga writer, running into his childhood crush Myon. He discovers she’s getting married soon while they’re talking inside her father’s restaurant. After that (plus another key event), the craziness in the movie begins; Nishi having a new-found desire to live life. Genre: Comedy, Surrealism, 


Tekkonkinkreet, although similar in appearance to some Masaaki Yuasa works, was not made by the man himself (although, it was made by the company, Studio 4°Cthat helped produce Mind Game). This movie has incredibly detailed backgrounds, similar to a Studio Ghibli film, with amazing usage of lighting, camera shots and motion blur as well as a wide variety of colours and shades. The story follows Black and White, two street orphans who call themselves “The Cats”, trying to keep control of their town from dangerous enemies. Although vastly different in personalities, they support each other emotionally, mentally and physically very well. Genre: Action, Drama, Adventure

The Diary of Tortov Riddle

The Diary of Tortov Roddle, although very short (6 episodes all leading up to 14 minutes! Watch it here! It has three special episodes that are part of the DVD though), is an interesting adventure of a surreal world that seems almost like a moving/animated picture rather than a movie or series. It follows the journey of Tortov Roddle and his pig-steed throughout this world, with just his calm thoughts and experiences. There’s no dialogue in this series but it doesn’t really require any dialogue at all, the only dialogue being Tortov’s journal entries at the beginning and end of each episode. The music, lack of dialogue and artall contribute to a very interesting, mysterious atmosphere. Genre: Fantasy, Surrealism, Adventure


Mononoke and Dead Leaves are SO good. I’ll have to check out the other titles on here.


Where my Spoonies at?

My curiosity is getting the better of me.  If you are a Spoonie, please reblog with your location in the tags (city, state or your countries equivalent).

Maybe you’ll find a local Spoonie to befriend?  Maybe I’ll just sate my curiosity.

Admin J & Admin E

Right now I'm visiting near Covington Georgia... But I'm typically in Monticello/Mansfield area.

Where I'm staying depends on which Drs i'm mainly going to be seeing for a while.


Shit Abled People Say #209

“I don’t want you to be too dependent on your wheelchair. You’re too young to have to rely on one!”

-said by my mother after I returned from a trip that required me to use my chair full time. Sigh.

Something like this was said to me by my various doctors. They criticized my using a cane, then crutches, then walker & got very angry when I mentioned needing a wheelchair. They seem to get angry with me as my health fails to improve, & instead worsens. I'm not doing it on purpose. I hate hurting so much. Sometimes the pain is so bad I can only think of ending my life... Why do the doctors think this is just a bunch of bs to waste their time!? What about my QUALITY OF LIFE!? Why is it less important than their time?! These devices help improve my quality of life. I'd rather use them than try to assimilate into Abled Culture.

And now I'm exhausted and need a nap...


Example of How NOT to Treat A Patient with An Undiagnosed Chronic Illness that's Ruining Her Life

Doc: So, what do you think is the problem?
Me: {OMG, is he actually asking for my opinion! Awesome!} I think it's POTS and would love to get a tilt table test to confirm.
Doc: Well, tilt table tests aren't ordered casually. ((Blows me off, demonstrates that he knows less about dysautonomia than I do, proceeds to ask more questions but cut me off before I can answer them, rushes through the appointment, and generally acts like a jerk but with a smile on his face so that must make it ok, right?))
Me: ((feeling hopeless and frustrated and annoyed that I wasted spoons on this stupid appointment))
Doc: ((ending the appointment)) To avoid dizziness sit for five minutes and then lean on something for five minutes before standing.
Me: ...
{Dude, do you even have kids? Do you really expect them to give mommy the luxury of saying "Hold on, baby, it's gonna take me ten minutes before I can come clean up your piss-covered pants/kiss your boo-boo/get you a snack/keep you and your sister from fighting/etc."}

PokeGo Spoonies

I don’t have the game but I have an idea for those who do, though I don’t know if it would work so someone tell me if it does or doesn’t.

Apparently you have to walk around to hatch the eggs. Obviously, some folks can’t do that. But if you have a dog, try having them walk the eggs for you. Use dog backpack, put a pocket on a sweater, or find another way for your dog to carry your phone.


What could Pokémon Go have done better with respect to accessibility?

We all know that Pokémon Go is a total mixed bag when it comes to accessibility for players with disabilities. I’ve also already written about why Pokémon Go is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to problems with disability accessibility in video games. (If you haven’t read that, please do. Quite frankly, I think it’s way more important than this post.)

At this point, I’ve also read enough on the issue to know that Niantic made a lot of anti-community decisions with respect to the game. And that poor behavior has certainly spilled over into the realm of accessibility. While I will mention said behavior when it’s applicable, what I’m really interested in exploring is how games like Pokémon Go could do better with respect to accessibility. In other words, how can industry do better moving forwards?


My little sister only has like 48% lung capacity amongst other issues which means she struggles to walk very far because she easily gets so tired and out of breath. Rather than use a wheelchair to aid her day to day she came up with an alternative mobility aid: A push along scooter. She scoots about town, has the dog run along side it for her walks and she can get so much further than if she were to walk. It can fold up and is pretty light weight. She’ll take it in shops with her and it has a strap to carry it if need be. It even has a hook for shopping bags on it. Some people still give her odd looks when she parks in the disabled bays (with the appropriate disabled parking badge) and gets out a scooter but she scoots away without a care in the world.  I thought it was a pretty cool mobility aid :) 

It is cool!


Shit Abled People Say #230

“Quit being lazy. Everybody has hard things in life. You’re just using this as an excuse.”

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