
Grant Ward, Agent of Nothing

@grantward-can-be-redeemed-blog / grantward-can-be-redeemed-blog.tumblr.com

Grant Ward deserved a redemption arc. He's character was butchered and his fans insulted. His memory will live on only through us.

BIOSPECIALIST || Simmons x Ward || AGENTS OF SHIELD || S01/S04 ||  “This is just the sad version of us. But there are other versions. And in these versions, everything goes our way.”


                  You think I don’t want to watch him suffer?                   Not suffer, die.                   HE’S A MURDERER.               Yes, he is.

              Are YOU?


AU!Skyeward | Cracked 

In some time line, Ward is not a Hydra double agent, Team Bus still exists, and everyone is pretty much protective of one another. Enters Agent Johnson who travels through dimensions to eliminate Grant Ward. Unfortunately, she enters the wrong world. 


Ward’s not trying to destroy SHIELD.  He’s trying to destroy Hydra.

OK so bare with me because I know this is out of left field.  But has anyone else been frustrated with how BORING Ward’s being this season?  I mean, I kind of expected a lot more cleverness and possibly some explosions with him heading Hydra by now.  But really, he’s boring.  There’s no real depth to his character.  He’s been a dull villain with an expected goal.  Destroy SHIELD, kill Coulson, yada yada.  And Ward may a lot of things, but he’s never boring.  Skye says as much first season.  

And I’ve had this idea for a few weeks now, but haven’t put it out there because I didn’t feel like I had enough pieces to add it up.  But I finally had my eureka moment. Ward IS being a frustratingly boring villain with no depth. 

But Brett Dalton keeps insisting Ward isn’t a villain, but an antihero.  And antiheroes do what heroes won’t.  

So let’s look at the evidence: I first got suspicious after the confrontation with Hunter and May.  Because he RAN AWAY.  Yes, he got shot.  But honestly he’s gotten shot plenty of times and kept going.  Is he cautious of May?  Yeah.  BUT HE RAN FROM HUNTER.  HE DEFINITELY CAN TAKE HUNTER.  And remember how much he wanted to kill May last season?  Here’s his chance, and he tries to do WHATEVER he can to avoid it.  

He plays a card that he thinks he knows the outcome of.  If he threatens Andrew, May will back off.  He assumes Hunter would too because that’s the type of people Coulson would choose.  Not someone who would keep going when an innocent life was on the line.  Hunter didn’t make the right call.  So Ward let his second in command help him escape? No.  That’s not Ward.  If he wanted to hurt SHIELD, he would have taken the chance then and there.

So then, what’s Ward really after (since his reason for why he wants to kill Coulson is ambigious)?  To kill the final head, Gideon Malick.  Because THAT’S what an antihero would do.  

Remember the end of last season when he’s in the bar and he’s looking for names?  We never knew who or what for.  He was looking for Hydra names.  He was looking for people to cross off his list.  But no one knew or would say Malick’s name (Ward says this when he talks to him on the phone).

So he decides to do what he’s best at, going undercover (best marks in espionage since Romanoff, remember?) as the new head of Hydra to draw the attention of the old regime.  Because he’s been FLASHY about how he’s going about it.  Killing old loyal members, recruiting Baby Von Strucker.  Making people fight to get an audience.  None of the class that old Hydra has.  It’s bound to ruffle some feathers, no?  That will DEFINITELY make sure that any old Hydra heads come out of the shadows.  

And you mean to tell me that Ward’s not smart enough to know that Baby Von Strucker wasn’t ready for that?  Ward trained alone in the wilderness for YEARS.  I’m sure he didn’t expect Andrew to be Lash, but he expected him to fuck up and go running to the people he couldn’t get his hands on.  And he did.  This also would explain the creepy Garrett parroting he did to Baby Von Strucker.  He was playing the part of what a Hydra member would act.  And Garrett was the one he could impersonate the best.

So Ward pretends he fucked up but is super cocky with a boring plan to kill Agent Coulson.  And Malick swoops in to explain to Ward how it should be done.  He earns his trust.  He plays along, until everything shifts in place, and he destroys the organization that ruined his and Kara’s life.  Hydra.  

That’s what an antihero would do.  That’s what the Ward I’ve come to know would do.  

Oh. My. Gosh. Yes. Yes. A million times yes. Crossing my fingers that this (or something like this) turns out to be true. Please. PLEASE.

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