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💜 Emma New Zealander 25 Anime blog tumblrs gonna die 💜

How do you protect yourself from being stalked online by your parents?

I often get messages from teens living with their abusive parents telling me about how terrifying it is for them to even look at my blog in case their parent finds out. I was a teenager before social networking on the internet. Honestly, when I was a teenager there was barely an internet yet. So, I don’t know how people protect themselves but I feel like probably there are ways. If you know please do share! A lot of people would find it helpful.

Advice for keeping your phone safe in toxic environments:

Keep things in google apps

  • Everything is saved to your account, ex. you can delete google photos when your phone is checked, and download it again afterwards and get all your photos back
  • Also because it’s on your account you can log into google on a friend’s computer or a library computer or something if you need to
  • I’m not sure about other apps but I know you can put a password on google docs
  • People are more likely to check notes but assume you have google docs for school assignments and not check that
  • A lot of people monitor texts/use programs that monitor texts, but who’s going to remember to check Google Hangouts?

Use the internet on apps that aren’t Safari

  • Download another browser and put it in a different folder, because most people can check your safari history but won’t find another app and then figure out how to check the search history of that app
  • Also use the internet when you click the link in social media ex. If you click a link on a Pinterest pin it can take you to that link on the internet but stay in Pinterest, so it won’t show up in search histories

Inform your friends and if you want to be really sneaky use code when texting

  • Sending messages as code helps. Ending sentences with certain letters can work. Need something? Definitely use code. Friends can help you. Or other family. Or teachers. Don’t hesitate to reach out. (the first letter of every sentence spelled out SEND FOOD)
  • Literally just google pigpen code or ceasarian cipher or whatever you want and you can find a way to talk that most people wouldn’t understand

Awesome info. Thank you!

There are more responses too that I can’t reblog. Check out the notes to see them.

I was in this situation a while ago, another thing to do is you can make second accounts on your social media and block your parents account so they don’t find it


For social media, I either go by a different name/photo w/e and block my family or I just make a second account and block them all again.

And I’ve always had a password on everything, so they can’t go through it and I won’t let them.

no one is coming after me but still reblogging because other people definitely need this info

Thank you! Yes. Please, everyone boost. So many need this info.

Fake/second accounts are great for this, as long as you still use your other accounts for safe messages and websites, etc so they don’t get suspicious when they check it. Also, only deleting the parts of your search history that your parents would object to is less suspect than deleting the whole thing.

If they’re being sneaky and checking things while you’re not around, make sure to log out of all social media after using it and try to have a slightly different password for each one.

Let your friends and other people know so that they don’t accidentally send unsafe messages to your main account.


(Stay safe,guys.Reblog to help each other out.)

  • If your parents look through the apps on your phone to make sure you aren’t using anything like tumblr or a messaging app, you can create a folder filled with boring stuff like settings, the notes app, general shit like that and give it a name like “utilities” or “general” or something like that. Fill up the first page with those apps, and then put the ones you’re trying to hide on the second or third pages. Your parents will see the app icons from the homescreen and ignore it as they can tell what’s inside, but only if they arent that tech savvy. Only do this if you know that they wouldn’t open the folder and click to other pages
  • Download duck duck go. It’s a search engine thats similar to google, but it has a much more thorough and easier way of deleting search history. Your parents might even think its a game, as the logo is literally just a happy duck, which would decrease the odds of them actually looking at the app properly

I just discovered Hide It Pro. It looks like an audio manager but it’s actually a secret vault where you can store apps your abusive parents will lose their minds over. Anyone ever use this?


I have like 5 active followers but in case anyone ever needs this

A search engine/ browser that my parents literally NEVER CHECK is called puffin- it seems like nobody knows about it but it’s pretty standard and similar to google chrome. It lets you use everything in desktop mode, only it no longer works for iOS devices. Android users, however, are in the clear.


Hide It Pro is AMAZING, if you’re on the fence about getting it please do.

First of all, sharing to save a life yo.

Secondly, this might seem counterproductive, but it seems like an appropriate time to raise awareness of Noonlight for more extreme cases of abusive parents. It’s an app that can alert a list of people of your choosing when you are in danger, or summon the police in an emergency. Works at home, school, work, or anywhere in-between.

I’ll always signal boost this stuff until it’s no longer needed.

thank you guys

also of you need to store things on notes you dont want your parents finding, search calculator diary into the appstore or google play and theres a tonne of secret diary things disguised as calculators which only open if a code is typed in, do even of they do check it they probably womt be able to do anything with it

GUEST MODE GUEST MODE GUEST MODE. this is a good way of getting around monitoring apps. Its very easy to delete all your data quickly too, just click remove guest mode. I don’t think this works on apple but it definitely works on most android devices

The best I can add to this is to say keep the safe people in your life informed and stay in regular


Love Black Women

Protect Black Women

The 12 commandments 

Image description:[ A set of images with pink text on a black background. The text reads: 

Stand up for Black Women. Lift up Black Women. Honor Black Women. Trust Black Women. Respect Black Women. Support Black Women. Invest in Black Women. Listen to Black Women.Celebrate Black Women.Empower Black Women. ]


Hero Rats


I’ll always reblog hero rats!

this same species is also trained to identify tuberculosis in samples by smell, meaning they can test for TB at a rapid rate with a high accuracy :)

The organization that trains the rats is APOPO 

You can sponsor a rat and you will get adorable personalized emails telling you how well “your” rat is doing! I did this for my sister a few years ago and she’s still getting emails about Martok the HeroRat’s mine-clearing successes and called it the best gift ever.




It’s been said and I’ll say it again. Racism is everywhere. Yes it’s even in the sweet “sorry” Canada that you made up, yes it is in “Hobbit Town” New Zealand, yes it is in the “anime” Japan you obsess over.

Don’t be blind and ignorant. Canada isn’t the apartment above the meth lab that doesn’t know what’s going on, New Zealand isn’t a fantasy land where all is beautiful and good, Japan isn’t blind to the racism in their country. These places want change as well. So listen to them too.


My dad was a straight-ticket Democrat, gave money to the ACLU, and left the Catholic church when his local parish prioritized a new, bigger church over hungry parishioners. He was VERY liberal. 

He voted for Al Gore in 2000.

In 2004 (when he was 75yo) an injury forced him to spend time at an assisted living facility for rehab. The TVs there were all tuned to Fox News.

All it took was six months.

Upon his release that’s all he watched. He obsessed over Fox. Became convinced liberals were out to destroy HIS America.

From 2004 onwards I watched my liberal dad – the guy who imbued me with my beliefs and values – decline into a ranting, angry, hateful person. 

He almost died alone because I told him I simply could NOT stand to hear any more about how Obama was ruining the country. He relented, and I said goodbye to him in 2011 at his hospice, only because we agreed not to discuss “politics”.

Fox News is pure 100% brainwashing. I’ve seen it up close, and it is evil.


It wasn’t Fox News with my dad, it was another evil. Talk Radio. The far right has pretty much taken over talk radio and monopolized it, and through it radicalized a lot of people. My dad worked nights, driving, so he listened to a lot of this crap. Rush Limbaugh and even worse people. There’s like, nothing on the left even close to the amount of ears these people can reach, every day and every night, spewing their hatred and their vile thoughts. Talk Radio is Fox News on steroids and both are evils that need to be addressed.

It’s important to recognize the way people are radicalized and find ways to counter it.


I don’t know a lot about US law, I will be honest, but this seems like yet another step towards the fascist dictatorship of Donald Trump.

It’s really tricky, because on the one hand, the Black Lives Matter movement is hugely important and I totally understand and respect their desire to keep their protests peaceful.

But on the other hand, I sort of feel like people should be rioting about this- because it’s fucking scary what is happening right now.

this is a huge fucking deal.

habeas corpus is meant to protect detainees by giving them right to report unlawful detention, and protects them against indefinite imprisonment – by suspending this, people can be detained without being given a reason, for however long. many protesters have been held for more than 24 hours; some have been held for up to 36. 

those who have been released from detainment have said that detainees are being held without being given proper amount of water, soap or hand sanitizer, as hand sanitizer dispensers had been removed from holding cells, medical attention, or masks; many cops are not wearing masks. detainees are also being refused phone calls, giving families and lawyers no way to find them. (source, source) 

the reasoning judge james burke gave for this was that, due to COVID, the pace of arraignments has slowed, as COVID has necessitated remote (virtual) hearings. however, multiple attorneys for Legal Aid (an nyc law firm that works specifically in cases where clients have been systemically neglected by the city) said that this was unacceptable, as the nypd has the resources necessary to arraign people faster, and that this was purposeful – due to a history of deliberately delaying arraignments because they “don’t like what they’re doing on the street,” and specifically now as the protests are targeting police brutality. (source, source)

detainees are being kept in cramped holding cells, filled to over capacity. they are being held in an enclosed space, often without masks as they had been taken away from them by police at their time of arrest; they can now be held indefinitely. the risk of infection is staggering. nypd’s assistant deputy commissioner stated, in an attempt to quell this issue, that protesters aren’t social distancing on the street – ignoring the fact that being outside with masks, with the room to social distance (barring instances of the police kettling, which, by the way, happened in the bronx last night) is a far cry from being detained indoors, en masse without immediate access to sanitizer, soap, and masks.

while these arrests include people who are acting violently, they also massively include people who are peacefully protesting past the 8pm curfew (including people sitting on their own front stoops). this is a low-level offense that does not necessitate detainment. in addition, cops are arresting food delivery people for being out past curfew, even though they are considered essential workers; delivery workers are overwhelmingly immigrants and people of color.

the gross misconduct of the nypd continues to escalate, and continues to be upheld by city officials who consider reports of police brutality, from journalists in the middle of these protests, “a different reality” than that seen from city hall. here’s looking at you, de blasio. 

i’m not quite sure what this suspension of habeas corpus does to affect bail funds; but, here are a list of nyc-specific bail funds and organizations:

Bronx Bail Fund (via Venmo)

Brooklyn Bail Fund (note: they are not currently taking funds as their needs have been met.)

Anonymous asked:

Are you going to any protests?

It’s sure an incredible coincidence that this anon with this exact same wording is getting sent to so many people, officer

In case any of y’all haven’t heard by now, don’t answer anything like this. Don’t brag about your actions online. You don’t need the spotlight, don’t trade your safety for a few good boy points


Tell your emergency contacts (safely) and that's it. Folks organizing the protest in your area will give further details on how you can spread the word.


The President of the United States is deploying military forces against civilian protesters and is trying to make anyone who is against fascism a terrorist.

You are in a dystopian novel. Act that way.


I was at least hoping my dystopia would involve space battles.




I am willing to bet that they will soon be at other protests as well. Please stay home if you are undocumented. Please be safe. We don't want you to get hurt or killed.

Please spread this as far as you possibly can.



POC in Goth/Punk/Alternative Music

Relaunching this again for a future ‘not-post’, but something better! Thank you to everyone who continued to send in suggestions. Submit here.

As an addition to the goth/post-punk/alt band masterpost, here’s a list of bands featuring members of color. Most are influential, others new discoveries or future freak gods. Thanks to research and helpful readers, here’s a bit of sick sound suitable for all taste buds:

Goth, dark or industrial:

Punk, hardcore or post-hardcore:

  • Bad Brains - why most of the bands on this list even exist.
  • Death - not to be confused with the metal band of the same way. Not that you could confuse the members in any way.
  • Rough Francis - founded by the sons of David Hackney of Death.
  • Pure Hell - afropunk taken literally.
  • X-Ray Spex - Poly Styrene was the energy and feel of the band. Actually, she was just energy and feel period. Fun fact: she was also bipolar.
  • Radkey - Rad.
  • TMGE - Japanese band named “Thee Michelle Gun Elephant” or as they prefer: JAPANESE BAND NAMED “THEE MICHELLE GUN ELEPHANT”.
  • Tamar Kali - powerful musician, especially known for “Boot”.
  • The Objex - Feloney Melony’s got a wicked hawk and voice.
  • Stiffed - Santi White now performs solo as Santigold.
  • Cerebral Ballzy
  • Suicidal Tendencies
  • Midori - great jazz-punk fusion band.
  • The Redscare
  • Le Butcherettes - Mexican garage punk band.
  • Atari Teenage Riot
  • NOFX
  • Stalin
  • The Bags
  • Dev Hynes - a British musician who started out in a punk band Test Icicles then went solo as a folk/indie musician as Lightspeed Champion and now is doing an electronic/R&B thing as Blood Orange.
  • L’Arc-en-Ciel - Okay, so these guys are Japan’s other most famous export. These guys got known outside of japan for doing some major anime theme songs (Fullmetal Alchemist, Gundam 00, NANA live action movie, etc) and were the first Japanese act to headline Madison Square Garden (Japanese rock bands really like New York for some reason). Their bassist tetsuya (formally known as tetsu) gets bonus points for being one of Japan’s only out LGBT celebrities (he’s Bi).
  • Doll$Box
  • Letlive
  • The Chariot
  • Trashtalk
  • Gogol Bordello - self described as “gypsy punk”. Singer Eugene HĂŒtz is Russian-Ukranian with Romani heritage and born with a ‘stache. Nearly crazier than Little Big and Korpiklaani combined.
  • Blackfire
  • The Bots - punk duo made of two brothers.
  • Bow Wow Wow - IIIIIII Waaaant Caaandy!!!
  • Love Equals Death
  • Ritualization - blackened death metal from OrlĂ©ans, France
  • Teengenerate
  • Ten Grand
  • Letlive
  • Martin Sorrondeguy - spoke out about US based Latino issues in many of his lyrics and was involved in bands Los Crudos, Limp Wrist and Needles.
  • Ghost Town

Metal, funk/rap/reggae metal fusion or core:

  • Blasphemy - Black metal, the biggest irony on earth as Caller of the Storms remains one of the rare black musicians within the genre.
  • Babymetal - this Japanese trio is more metal than a viking woman on her period in the middle of a battlefield drinking the blood of her enemies to the sound of Immortal
for some at least.
  • Wicked Wisdom - Will Smith’s wife get a band?? Yes she Will.
  • Unlocking the Truth - these 13 year olds played in the streets of NYC before they opened for Living Colour.
  • Absolace - amazing metal from Dubai.
  • Living Colour - better than Dead Monochrome.
  • King’s X - more hard rock, but hey.
  • Bionic Jive - one of the better hip-hop/metal fusions.
  • Skindred - check out the album “Roots Rock Riot”.
  • Ego Fall - a Chinese folk metal band and also Corbac’s fave. Mixing tradition with heavier sounds.
  • Static X - Japanese guitarist Koichi Fukuda & Mexican-American bassist Tony Campos.
  • Sepultura - the founding members are all Brazilian, currently their lead singer (Derrick Green) is black. “Arise” is a massive album of pure metal awesomeness.
  • Straight Line Stitch
  • Blood Stain Child
  • Sasamaso
  • Tenger Cavalry - a folk metal band based out of Bejing who describe their style as “Mongolian folk metal”. Like this and you’d probably enjoy Ego Fall.
  • Cthonic - Taiwanese metal band who’s lead singer is also the president for the Taiwanese branch of Amnesty International.Most of their music deals with their goal of an independent Taiwan and they’re really REALLY great.
  • Myrath
  • God Forbid
  • Invasion - a stoner/psych-metal band fronted by a valkyrie space wizard out of London.
  • Vodun - like invasion, marries punk, psychedelic, and doom metal influenced instrumentals with soul influenced vocals to create a unique and original takes on doom metal.
  • Sevendust
  • Animals as Leaders - most suggested band on this list and for good reason.
  • Veil of Maya
  • Oceano
  • Body Count - Ice T’s metal band rules. It would be a little tastier with ice cubes though.
  • Hirax - pioneering thrash/speed metal band (with hardcore influences). Katon De Pena is one of the most distinctive vocalists of the then-burgeoning California metal scene. Though they never achieved the success of some of their contemporaries like Metallica or Slayer, they have long been an insiders’ favorite and cited as an influence by bands ranging from Napalm Death to Cannibal Corpse to Darkthrone.
  • Infectious Grooves
  • Melechesh - an Assyrian black metal band originating from Jerusalem whose lyrical themes include Mesopotamian mythology and occultism.
  • Iron Man - American doom metal band with PoC members.
  • Sex Machineguns - Japanese speed metal band.
  • Hibria - Brazilian power metal band.
  • Metallica - their first lead guitarist was Lloyd Grant. Here he is in their first recording.
  • Gevolt - Yiddish band from Israel.
  • The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza
  • Gridlink
  • X Japan - Probably Japan’s most famous metal export. These guys are the reason Visual Kei (basically Japan’s gothic metal scene) exists. All those flashy JRock bands wouldn’t exist without X Japan. They also recently just played a huge show at Madison Square Garden.
  • Maximum the Hormone - Also known as “the guys that did that weird opening and ending to death note”, MTH do a fantastic combination of metal, punk, and even pop. The best part about MTH is that their lyrics don’t make sense even when translated so you can just have mindless fun listening to them even if you understand Japanese.
  • Suffocation - one of the most influential death metal acts of all time. Terrance Hobbs’ incredible mastery of the guitar allowed the band to blend complex technicality into the genre without sacrificing raw brutality.
  • Versailles Philharmonic Quintet
  • Suicide Silence
  • The Crimson Armada
  • For Today
  • Glass Cloud
  • Heaven in Her Arms
  • Here comes the Kraken
  • Issues
  • Periphery
  • Reflections
  • System of a Down
  • Fear Nuttin Band
  • Year of the Dragon - founder was a member of Fishbone.
  • Dir En Grey
  • Skyharbor
  • Spineshank
  • Coal Chamber
  • Ill Niño
  • Flagitious Idiosyncrasy in Dilapidation (FID) - Formed in Tokyo. Rad ladies playing some super hard grindcore.
  • Sarcofago - Brazilian band
  • Acrassicauda - Iraqi heavy metal. There is a film called “Heavy Metal in Baghdad”, about the band. Another documentary called Global Metal, which is by the same director as Heavy Metal: A Headbanger’s Journey, is highly recommended.
  • Sigh - one of the first japanese black mack metal bands led by a fierce lady.
  • Sabbat - Japanese black/thrash.
  • Blood Stain Child - rather epic sounding Japanese metal band with contrasting vocals and instrumentals.
  • Gallhammer - female Japanese extreme metal band of doom. The wickedest chicks, definitely recommend.
  • Avulsed - Spanish death metal band.
  • Necramynth - Korean black metal.
  • Crossfaith - japanese metalcore.
  • Subrosa
  • As they Burn - deathcore band from Paris, France.
  • Wolves and Jackals - blackened thrash/death metal from Atlanta, GA.
  • Infernal Revulsion - brutal death metal from Tokyo, Japan
  • Orange Sky - from Trinidad and Tobago.
  • Monuments - it’s got saxophone and it’s awesome.
  • Ego Likeness
  • Peelander-Z - watch the videos, you’ll be happy you did.
  • For Today - if you’re into Christian metal.
  • Dream Theater - John Myung plays in the influential prog metal band with the aid of his majestic hair.

Alternative or too cool to label:

Remember to Submit here.


my full “rejoicing in our hair” collection!! these were the final pieces for a project for college! ✹💜

“Originally this was a college project. We were to choose a current or past event / article and create a narrative piece from it. I chose the “Natural Hair Ban of Pretoria High” that unfolded back in 2016. I created a set of 6 paintings that depict black cultural and natural hairstyles worn by black people all over the world. The black women here are seen rejoicing in their hair, through expressions of pride, joy and love. Its a direct juxtaposed response to the ban on hair and made to encourage black people all over the world who are discriminated against because of their hair”

theres only one public speedpaint! The rest are all available on my patreon. Please consider supporting me if you enjoy my work 💖


Favorite Opening ☆ [ 1 / ? ]

â†Ș Flyers by Bradio – Death Parade ( 2015 )

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