
Lexi o'brien

@nobodysperfectexample / nobodysperfectexample.tumblr.com

I wear lipstick and I'll fuck your bitch.

you deserve someone who isn’t embarrassed to love you and tells all their friends about you and saves your selfies, whether they’re good or bad to look at when they miss you and loses sleep to talk to you and tells you how much they love you and how beautiful you are all the time and i really hope you find that one day because you deserve to be loved


Stiles was literally begging, begging, Scott to believe him. To hear him out for just one second. Stiles has never been one to beg for anything. Literally, with everything that’s happened and is happening, Scott has become so conflicted that he literally can’t even see just how much his best friend needs him to listen. It’s come to that point guys, and I am fucked up.

Not just that, but Stiles breaks down and concedes to Scott. Scott never asks for Stiles side of the story, never gives Stiles a chance to explain. Scott blindly trusted Theo over Stiles. What has Stiles done to deserve that? Scott simply believed what he wanted to believe without checking the facts.

Then Stiles selflessly gives in and puts Scott’s opinion above his own, as he’s always done throughout the show, including with Theo. Stiles is always putting Scott before himself in the end.

So, here we have Stiles asking for forgiveness and he asks how he can fix things for Scott’s benefit. Even though Stiles knows he shouldn’t have to, because what happened was an accident. He’s willing to compromise. To accept the blame and do what it takes to make it up to Scott.

Because Stiles trusts and believes in Scott. But Stiles trust isn’t blind. He’s a fact checker, unlike Scott. But even though Stiles knows that Scott makes mistakes, and he calls out Scott for those mistakes, Stiles still chooses to follow Scott because that’s what friends do. They forgive. And they know there is more to the story and they are willing to look beyond singular situations. They are willing to solve the problem, rather than run away when things get tough.

I wish I could say Scott was willing to do the same. But not only did Scott refuse to give Stiles the so called “benefit of the doubt” that he grants so freely to others, but Scott essentially refuses to compromise with Stiles and then abandons him.

He tells Stiles, “We’ll find Lydia and Malia, don’t worry. Maybe you should go talk to your dad.” Implying that the pack will move on without Stiles being a part of it.

Scott turned his back in his brother and walked away. Notice that this scene is filmed to be a direct parallel to the one in Motel California, except that it represents the exact inverse. Stiles is in his greatest moment of need, he needs to be saved, and Scott doesn’t even try.

You know the way you laid it out like that kind of makes me think that maybe Scott wanted an excuse to get rid of Stiles for some reason.

Like last week Scott was complaining about the people around him changing, but the fact is the people around him are changing and growing while he’s been stagnant and unwilling to bend or really grow in my opinion.  I think he’s not liking who his friends are becoming.

YES.  Those are the words I couldn’t find.  And THAT’S why Scott is so willing to trust Theo.  Theo agrees with him, Theo doesn’t challenge him, Theo tells him exactly what he wants to hear, unlike the others.  And Theo knows that this is exactly what it takes to win over the True Alpha. 

Unless you agree with Scott, Scott doesn’t wanna hear it.  That’s why he’s shut down every conversation that doesn’t go his way - even though he apparently preaches communication.  He refuses to listen to anyone. This isn’t about pack, this is about him.

Scott put up zero effort to save his friendship with Stiles tonight.  Scott ran away the second things got tough and clearly weren’t working in his favor.  I guess if Scott can’t change his friends to be like him or do what he says, he just ditches them and finds others that are and will?  Simply because it’s easier and it serves his will.

And it’s going to bite Scott in the ass.  Not only does Scott need to grow up but he’s being isolated against the rest of the pack and not because Scott is just so great and a True Alpha, but because someone wants his pack as seen in the promo.  Hell I don’t even think trying to steal Scott’s powers is the point, because why?  Why would Theo go through that much work to get Scott’s powers when he is showing a lot of power and skill as it is and could challenge any other Alpha.  No Theo is trying to remove Scott from the equation for some reason and Scott’s making it easy.

Seems like Theo want’s to become Scott.  Look at the way he’s setting himself up to gain everyone’s trust, even including Sheriff Stilinski tonight.  Theo is doing all the things Scott should be doing.

He set himself up to save the puppies, and Lydia, and Malia.  He was the only one who paid attention to Stiles and listened to him.  He was the one who helped point them to Valack.  

He comes up with plans and executes them and is successful.  He is rewarded for that success. 

Where Scott fails, Theo succeeds.  

And we know that Theo wants his own pack.  Why not steal Scott’s?  

I don’t think Theo was setting up Stiles at all tonight.  I think he was setting up Scott - to look like the villain.  If you look at the final scene between Scott and Stiles, without prior context, it looks like Scott is acting completely irrationally, and accusing Stiles of murder - which the audience knows is untrue.  Then, in his emotional state, goes to Liam and refuses to save Hayden.  Without context, all of this looks like Scott is betraying the pack.  

Theo even did this with Kira, and encouraged Scott’s doubt of her, making it look again as if he had betrayed her.  

(Which btw, Scott really is responsible for all of these actions at least in part, because he’s letting himself be deceived by Theo, after he was clearly warned by Stiles - his supposedly trusted friend.)

But yeah, if Theo wanted to frame Stiles, he wouldn’t have taken the blame for Donovan when he told the Sheriff.  

Theo is framing Scott.  

And that’s gonna be one hell of a twist, because guess what?  When Theo turns on Scott and tells the pack Scott betrayed them, and when Scott tries to deny it, no one is going to believe Scott this time around.  The tables will have turned, and Scott’s going to get a heavy dose of his own medicine.

Mostly for reference for later, but this points to a real issue in this show. TW thinks Scott is an infallible character who has just fallen on hard times. But long time watchers of this show have seen this coming for a while.


I literally am drooling bcus of all my laughing

Big ass baby

My stomach hurts.


Person: sorry dude, we don’t have time for the park today

Dog: ohoofdfijdlgjkfsdfdofdogohgooofooooooooooooooooooooh

me when i don’t get my way

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