I am now going to take a pause from this excessively random shitposting just to say? That Niko is really great ( even if his puns are horrific ) and that you all should love him. He puts such detail and methodical thought into all of his muses to the point it’s awe-inspiring, his writing is beautiful and flows together with absolute ease, his graphics are gorgeous and beyond pleasing to the eye, and he’s just a good guy to talk with in general? I have a lot of laughs with him one on one and the Squad(tm), and if you have the chance to get to know him, do it. It’s worth it. I could go on and on about how fantastic his portrayal for each of his muses are but then I’d just be gushing at that point. 
You all should? Send him positive messages sometime telling him how great he is. Either here or @ayanxmi. That’d be great. I dare you to do so.
Kenzie out.
Drops mic. 

( isshin. )

Isshin shook his head in disappointment. Not in her mind you, but in himself. Clearly he hadn’t made himself clear about why he was here. That blame was solely on his shoulders, for he should have been clearer. This was a conversation he knew was coming no matter what, one that had repeated in his head over the years even before Nui Harime ever graced his doorstep.
“Strong arm…? No.” Isshin said quietly, looking almost contemplative. “You see a man trying to justify himself to his daughter, and I am sorry to disappoint you further. That is not the case. Hasn’t been in a long time.”
“I’ve always been a dead man living on borrowed time, from the moment I rescued you from that garbage heap. Probably even before that in all honesty. I fully expected to die that night, even yearned for it a little. Fact of the matter is, Ryuko, is that I belong in hell after everything I’ve done. That’s something I made peace with long ago.”
Once more, he stroked his impossibly long beard. In times like these he would scratch his pet mouse between the ears, if only to feel like he had some sort of companion. But Junko was dead and gone, consumed by the flames of the mansion. “You set out and succeeded at the path I set out for you. It’s not what you wanted, I know, but considering the alternative… I’m proud of you, Ryuko. Immeasurably so.”
“You wanted the truth, Ryuko, and here it is. You don’t need me anymore, and quite frankly I’m not sure you ever did. You prefer me dead, so dead I shall be. I won’t darken your doorstep again.”

And there he was; the man she would once called her dad, the man who was once the only family she knew, the man who saved her life only to abandon her for himself, the man who left her behind because his world was more important than hers, the man who never did look back as he left her to fend for herself, the man who never came back in either her dreams or her life, the man who forgot about her as she forgot about him, the man who abandoned the girl then and who was abandoning her now. It was something she expected for a long, long time if Ryuko ever saw the man again and, again, he proved to be the one to cower behind himself as he failed again, failing not only himself but the child who once looked up to him with a happy smile—only to now look at him with such bitterness in her heart. It seemed like, again, Ryuko would be left with a man who turned his back on her again and she should have been resentful towards him...

Then, how come did Ryuko only feel guilty as she heard the man, who she once called  dad , out?


Wait,the word just... slipped out of her mouth; Ryuko barely had time to realize she said anything at all as she saw life repeat itself before her eyes as Isshin ( this time with closure rather than doubt ), was set to fade away from her life as he had before. Whether she was still angry or not didn’t matter as Ryuko found herself standing in the same position as she had so many times with this man. It was a complicated feeling and Ryuko hated it, but what she hated more than the feeling was the idea he was leaving on. Again, putting her in a position she never wanted to be in but has to respond to nonetheless. I said wait, dammit! ❜

Christ, here YOU are again, puttin’ words in m’ MOUTH! I never said a damn thing ‘bout preferrin’ ya’ dead! I said that YOU did DIE, not JUST in that fire but when ya’ decided ta’ leave ME all those years ago! I NEVER wanted ya’ dead! I-I... I just wanted a GODDAMN father rather than th’ dead beat who’s convinced himself that he’s lost EVERYTHIN’ when he had a DAUGHTER he ‘bandoned! ❜


( isshin. )

“I didn’t even-!” He started, but he knew it would be a fruitless effort. It wasn’t like Ryuko would ever listen to him. Lord knows she never had before.


“Look…” Isshin began, taking a deep breath. “First of all, I’m clearly alive unless you think I’m a spirit or some such nonsense.” The notion almost pained him with how illogical and unscientific it was. “Second, I’m as calm as can be, see?” It was a blatant lie. Truly, he had the patience of a saint to put up with all of this.

Is this th’ face a’ someone who cares?

Already, It is almost as if a day hadn’t gone by since that fateful day, not the one she’d stumbled upon a (  supposedly  ) dying man nor the day that Isshin told her to come, but when the man abandoned her and left her all alone in a world that did not accept her. Why? Who knows. But Isshin’s attitude was the same as ever as he tried, and tried, and tried to justify himself to the girl who, with all of the fibers of her being, wouldn’t have any of this bull of his. He was never the one to see eye-to-eye with her, no matter how many times she tried to break through to a man who always saw his work ahead of his own daughter, teenager or not.

Honestly, any respect that Ryuko had for a father perished in a fire—and that this man... this decrepit, old and tired man who tried to pass himself off as her father, was not her father. He was just a sad man, trying desperately to lie to her just as he lied all those years ago. 


‘Live or not, I could care less for what ya’ have ta’ say. I just want ya’ ta’ stop tryin’ ta’ strong-arm yer way back into a life ya’ left behind. ‘cause, for all intents an’ purposes, YOU did die an’ I made m’ peace with that... but th’ other me’s probably haven’t, an’ they probably never will. So, calm or not, either shut it or do th’ one thing ya’ never were good at ta’ begin with: lookin’ me in th’ damn eye. 


‘ey, Old Man, yeah... I’mma need ya’ ta’ take it down a few notches maybe? Th’ dead shouldn’t be ‘ groundin’ ’ th’ livin’ ‘cause, ya’ know, that’d sorta defeat th’ purpose of bein’ dead an’ buried some six feet under ta’ begin with. So, if ya’d be so kind not ta’ ground th’ other mes, that’d be really great, pops. ❜

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